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View Full Version : Anyone for some last minute help?

10-19-2006, 06:22 PM
I've just been informed that our tire sponsor for this weekends 100 lapper at Mountain has fallen through. We're scrambling to find a replacement, the car is 100% ready to go. As you all know, there is plenty of space for your name on the 08 car. Anyone possibly interested, leave a post or give me a call 1-516-885-5617.

thanks, Jarrod

10-19-2006, 10:00 PM
You know if I had money I would invest my money in your car. Someone should help him out, guaranteed to show results if he had some fresh tires.

10-20-2006, 05:47 PM
Jeez, 226 views and one reply from someone that would help, but can't...
and thanks to the couple that called, it was really appreciated... but without 2 more tires looks, like we're sitting this one... good luck everyone.

Mortgage Guy
10-21-2006, 08:31 AM
Fred all the spotting you do FOR EVERYONE, you can't find a couple extra bucks to help your buddy out??? Shame, you should go anyway all you have to do is finish up there to have a good run.

W. J.
10-21-2006, 11:36 PM
...and so they went into the mountains, scraped together the money for the two tires, and all the got for their effort was a WIN!

10-22-2006, 12:20 AM
Jarrod and our entire Cappazola/Young Guns Motorsports team would like to say a VERY Special Thank You To John Wellman of Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Long Island for coming through at the Absolute Zero Hour, ( about 20 min before practice) so we could put 4 stickers on the car for the main. Without that NONE of this would have been possible... so THANKS again

10-22-2006, 12:39 AM
way to go jrod. must say though, WHAT A STORY HUH?? and way to go John Wellman of Big Brothers. YOU ARE THE MAN!

10-22-2006, 09:20 AM
Tires??? I don't need no stinking tires!!!

Hard to believe the cost of 2 tires almost cost the team a lot of money!!

(Just curious how much are 2 tires???)

Great job today.

W. J.
10-22-2006, 09:35 AM
(Just curious how much are 2 tires???)
In this case, PRICELESS! :cheers:

I guess you just had to be there to see the :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) on this teams faces after the race, LOL!

10-22-2006, 09:45 AM
That's true W.J......When the checkered flew I heard what sounded like a hundred people scream. I looked out my window and it was not only J-Rods team, but many teams cheering him on for Long Island. :applause:
One thing I always said about our pit crews as a driver. They are like "proud mothers". They live and work just to see their driver do good...and also share the feelings in the bad. Without those dedicated people behind us, we would not be on that track.
To JAWS...Our tires are the cheapest prices around for LMs...around 110/120 each. I think if J-Rod knew what the outcome would have been...he would of paid a grand each and still been able to take the crew out to celebrate, hehe.

10-22-2006, 05:58 PM

I know your tires are cheaper, and I think will get you a few more mods from LI next year.

From what I understand, it's cheaper, even with the additional exspenses, to travel to Mountain and race there just because of the cheaper tires :) .