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View Full Version : Grand Enduros Rules

12-06-2006, 10:13 AM
The 2007 Grand Enduro Rules are now available on the Riverhead Website.

Time to start building....Good Luck Guys


12-06-2006, 10:31 AM
Hang on...before anyone starts posting complaints...there are a few discrepencies in the rules...let me take care of it with the track and I will get back to all of you.

12-06-2006, 11:31 AM
Ok just got off the phone with the track.

#10 Batteries: may either have the battery in stock position in front of cowl or may move the battery behind the drivers seat, centered, in a secure battery box.

CAMSHFT: (for right now, may be clarified further) you can use either the Cam under rules on page 3 (290/300) or as stated on page four the cam that comes with the specified crate motor.

The track personal and office worked very hard to get these rules to you.
Due to a death in the family of one of the office personal any other changes right now will have to wait for her return to be put in black and white.
If you see anything else that is in question or if you have any questions please contact Elaine or you can call me at the shop (654-5931) or PM me and I will forward questions to Elaine.

Please to all: let's not air garbage on the forum. Like I said if you have any questions call Elaine or me. We are here to help.


12-06-2006, 12:04 PM
Thanks again CIN :applause:

12-06-2006, 07:23 PM
:*-( :*-( :*-( :*-( :*-( :*-( :*-( :*-( :*-( :*-(
Time to start building?????????????????
My grand car is complete, kick a$$ and ready to run according to rules presented to us less than 12 months ago. I just can't financially keep up with drastic year to year rule changes. For those who can, have fun fellas.

12-06-2006, 07:31 PM
Greg, you can always run that car at the next NEETS race, or sell that bad a$$ 455 engine to me and use the cash to build/buy a Chevy engine. :D

12-06-2006, 08:16 PM
I only wish the chevy 'go kart' engine could pull like my stock appearing OLDS.

12-06-2006, 10:50 PM
Hey Greg, now I can finally have some piece of mind as to why some grand guys drove around me like I was stock 350 boat anchor last year!!!!!! At least this year the field will all run together and when theres a wreck, wreck together.

12-06-2006, 11:32 PM
At least this year the field will all run together and when theres a wreck, wreck together. Don't forget the guys that do their homework will get more horsepower. Chevy made many different heads, int. manifolds, exh. manifolds and carbs that will be legal. There are also many oval track cams that will be legal. Lift isn't the only thing to consider. I think it will be very interesting to see how this rule change will affect the Grands division. Start cracking the books guys, the first test is on May 6th.

Bobby Pease
12-07-2006, 08:45 AM
:wave: Mr Pitbull..

Once the engine is cracked open...2 things happen.....you get torn down, and you have no warranty.... I just HOPE the people who quietly complained last year, and caused this whole mess, because they were passed too much :*-( , do REALLY well this year, so we can at least keep these rules for a few years... SO, people, please start your set-up homework now!! Hey Cin, can you see if you can get us to use our air cleaners we bought last year... I know its only a $20 part, but, we all got them already...

12-07-2006, 11:36 AM
I think the rule changes are for the better. A fair playing field is what it should be about. It should be about driving skills, not how much motor you've got. I've went out there with brand new stock engines (against my crews advice) because I wanted to follow the RULES and thinking that I would have the advantage anyway- since I have the freshest motor on the track, only to find guys flying past me like I'm standing still. Then all you can do is go to the track and drive your car around during "their" race.
To me it's like a fight- If your bigger, stronger, faster or you just know you have advantages and you still participate in the fight- then your a bully. When you fight like a man- there is a greater gratitude in winning. The Grand Enduro division is a family. I have never been prouder to belong to any other group. I think this season will be an exciting one and I'm looking forward to it. I just wish they would go back to "stock" tires.

12-07-2006, 06:22 PM
Pitbull, of course I know all that. One of my thoughts is to use a competion cheater cam that has a stock lift at idle rpm but goes to a higher lift when past 1200 rpms in an 88 suburban block with 882 heads. Of course that's the problem, because everybody who ran last year with a legal motor, according to the rules, now has to spend more money to get a better 2007 legal motor. I really don't have the $ to build a new motor to be competitive this year, but I certainly (even though I might have to) don't want to drop a 350 out of a car off the street into my Grand (even though that's what I can afford). Yes, the guys who can get the set-up right and drive well will have the advantage, but the nice thing about the Grands last year was that if you were running in a pack with the potential to get wrecked, you could at least pull away or get out of it, and I don't think that will be as easily achieved this year.

12-07-2006, 06:36 PM
Just to let you all know, any questions let me know, I am forwarding them and will be getting back with the answers. Or you can give me a call.

12-07-2006, 08:47 PM
I think the rule changes are for the better. A fair playing field is what it should be about. It should be about driving skills, not how much motor you've got. I've went out there with brand new stock engines (against my crews advice) because I wanted to follow the RULES and thinking that I would have the advantage anyway- since I have the freshest motor on the track, only to find guys flying past me like I'm standing still. Then all you can do is go to the track and drive your car around during "their" race.
To me it's like a fight- If your bigger, stronger, faster or you just know you have advantages and you still participate in the fight- then your a bully. When you fight like a man- there is a greater gratitude in winning. The Grand Enduro division is a family. I have never been prouder to belong to any other group. I think this season will be an exciting one and I'm looking forward to it. I just wish they would go back to "stock" tires.

I thought it WAS a fair playing field. Everyone had access to the same rules...."stock appearing". I'm not taking sides here..but if you choose a division, then the rules come with it. Do you run a demolition derby and THEN ask for a rule change because your getting hit too hard? Granted, there were faster cars, some legal, some not. BUT..did anyone watch those cars in the corner? It was a little more than motor getting those cars to the ground. Set-up played a big part. You might not catch them on the straightaway, but you can make up ground in the corner. Everyone knows Riverhead is a "SET-UP" track. Not a "MOTOR" track. You can have all the motor in the world, if you're looking at the infield coming off the corner, chances are you're not making up too much ground. Like I said, not taking sides, just something to think about.
I, for one, like playing catchup. I don't mean motor wise, I mean handling. I don't want to win the first race....I like getting closer and closer to the front. I like seeing a car lap me, and by the end of the year, I'm running them down. I understand your "FIGHT" theory Ralph....but that's the fight I like. I feel the rule changes hurt and may have helped. Who knows. I'm debating on running next year simply because I have a motor that with a few changes will be legal. If I had to start over....I would probably be in the stands or running a stock 8. We can only see what happens. Some got there wish, some got slapped. But....like Cindy ALWAYS says...."careful what you wish for".
PS: I agree with going back to STOCK tires. :wave:

12-08-2006, 09:45 AM
Mr. Oliver.........Well said.
Yes, my car has Olds Power, but also over 50 years of racing experience and thought going into my set up, considering my family has been racing at the head since the 50's starting with my grandpa. Plus my car had an extra 1,000 pounds to carry compared to the metric montes. Power to weight ratio: heavier car needs more motor and my set up got better and better. Simple as that. I always worked on my Cutlass to get it through the turns just a little bit faster. Towards the end of the season I could stay on it longer and get it earlier which is where I did most of my passing.
As Mr. Pease said, I also hope those quiet complainers do well, really well but if not then they will learn there is alot more to it then simply driving your car onto the track.
Can somebody please tell me what exactly a 'level playing field' is when it comes to racing. Isn't the person who has the skills, knowlede and effort already at an advantage?

12-08-2006, 01:05 PM
Greg hit the nail on the head.

Since the beginning of racing, every "era" has had drivers who will always seem to run the best. Some with big motor, some without. I remember in the mid 80's Spider Ligon winning championships with a 6 cylinder home built engine running against 350, 454, etc. The last championship was won on a bet. The bet was that he could not compete using a 6cyl and be successful. The difference was he had setup, nerve and was always on top of the steering wheel. As Donny put before, Riverhead has never been all about the motor. Handling and momentum are the key factors. A successful season happens during the week in the garage, not just on raceday. As so brilliantly stated earlier by Pitbull, Start cracking the books!! With the engines this close, other factors will be more important than ever.

12-08-2006, 03:14 PM
See Vic, I Knew You Were Old!!!

12-08-2006, 04:08 PM
YO WATCH YOUR NECK LOWELL!!!!!!!!!! :wave:

Bobby Pease
12-08-2006, 04:57 PM
BOTTOM line is, SOME people think if you have a 800HP motor in a stock Ford Granada, you will win every race against these "stock Monte's and Malibu's)...LOL...please, please, stop with the "guys with the big motors" stuff... start complimenting driving skills! HEY, way back, Mr Webster used to kick my butt with intense SET-UPS...and, he drove the heck out of the car! I tipped my hat to him! I'm done here..let's go have some fun in 2007, I hope we have 6 winners in 6 races, maybe that will keep the whining down..

Merry Christmas All..