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View Full Version : Let's try to add an event or two into the future schedule

06-24-2007, 12:39 PM
Why don't we try to add a couple of Charger and maybe a couple more truck events to the future schedule? We don't even have to run heats for the trucks. We were done with the Late Models by 7 last night, not the heats, the main. We stalled to run the modifieds and still ran them in the day light. I saw many fans still buying tickets when the modifieds were running on the track. That's crazy. I know the track wants to get done early, but this is rediculous. With the rainouts now the chargers only run 12 events and the trucks 8. I don't mind two weeks off, but I can almost guarentee we will have that with rainouts. The pits were empty. Let's get all the classes there. If you think there is a time issue, then just run main events. Everyone makes the field, no one is going home. I mean July 7th, no Figure-8's, no Chargers and no Late Models, that is plain out dumb. The Chargers were off this week and only race 1 time in July. The trucks also, only 4 more races. They are fun to watch now that they have 15 trucks and you see some of the best racing guys coming from the back to the front. Same with the Chargers. I know I watched the Modifieds the past 2 weeks and it was like 20 peas in a bowl. Not to take away from the Modifieds which are a main attraction, but I think there is way better racing in the lower divisons. I think the fans appreciate that bumping and banging action. Come on new stewards and bob F., we should at least make an effort for this.:) 81

06-24-2007, 12:52 PM
I agree that when you miss a few races to mother nature, an empty slot in the schedule should be used for a make up. But I also know some families use off weeks for other things. A catch 22.... maybe leave a night at the end of the year for a make up if needed, or run a money race, if no rain. .... as far as Mods not putting on a show, I strongly disagree. If you call the last truck race a race, you're wrong. The last few Late Model races were a joke. I say hats off to the Mod squad; job well done.

06-24-2007, 12:57 PM
I am with you on that Chris.
I would also like to see a time change.
Most people on the Island now have to work Saturday's to make ends meet.
I would like top see 5pm time trials/heats, 7pm features.
Being in the infield during heats, the stands are barren. Come feature time there are 3 times the people in the stands. I have seen the same thing at the gate as you. During features, even up to the modifieds time, they still are buying tickets to get in. The only explanation I can come up with is WORK... People know the start times, and I myself, when going to another track, ALWAYS make it in time for ALL events. If the program runs smoothly, 7pm starting is not unreasonable. Also, 2 hours for time trials and heats is more than enough time, then they can fill with another round of warmups, except time trial divisions or an intermission with BF throwing out some feature starting info on cars and sponsors to the fans. This would also fix the need for an intermission during features to buy time.
As always JMO

06-24-2007, 01:48 PM
I completely agree, we need more racing. It's nice to get home at 9 pm some nights after the races, but not every race night!!

06-24-2007, 01:58 PM
I agree, every class needs more races. The Trucks are off 9 weeks, BB 2, Chargers 5 and Late Models 4. Except for the BB the other divisions are off too much. The season is 19 weeks, I can't see why every division except the mods has 1 or 2 nights scheduled off for the year, if any at all. I looked at Staffords schedule and those guys run EVERY WEEK WITH NO SCHEDULED NIGHTS OFF during the season!

The Bullfather
06-24-2007, 02:00 PM
ummm during the summer it's fine, during the begining of the year it cold..

06-24-2007, 04:49 PM
Is it possible that the prize money isn't worth running a full schedule for many drivers? Dipping into their own pockets to run every week because the purses just aren't there? That might have a lot to do concerning the low car counts also.

I remember when racing was a fun sport.

06-24-2007, 10:54 PM
Once again i agree with all here.But i remember bob finan at the winter meetings saying "help us help you" by putting riverhead raceway bumper stickers on their trailers.Listen here it's hard enough getting sponsorship these days,but if the track is empty for 50% of the show ,then what leverage does a racer have in enticing a possible sponsor [NONE]. Thats not them helping us,its sponsors not getting the full value of sponsorship:disgusted

06-24-2007, 11:21 PM
I agree that the start time needs to be made later in order to get more people in the stands. I started a new job over the winter and a couple people I work with used to run enduros years ago at Riverhead, I tried to get them to come out and watch one night when Eddie had plans to run and when I told them that they would have to be there between 4-4:30 to see heat races they declined. One guy's kids play baseball and they had games all day and wouldn't make it there that early and it just wasn't worth going if they weren't going to see qualifying.

Last night Eddie and I took a ride to Wall to watch some friends race the ROC race...we didn't get there until a little after 6pm (the traffic getting out of NY was horrible) but we got there in time for most of the time trials and there were a few divisions that had heats afterwards. The crowd looked good to us and one driver told us it wasn't as good as it gets for their weekly racing. I called my sister at Riverhead when the ROC feature was getting set to go out and the Figure Eight race at Riverhead was just about over! Wall ran 5 features and they were over by 10-10:30 plus they had an intermission between qualifying and features.

I know you can't compare tracks, they are all different but would it really hurt to try and if they still want to start early all 6 divisions could easily run weekly provided that the drivers want to race every week and maybe have 1 or 2 weeks off instead of however many they have now.

06-25-2007, 03:47 AM
Run more spec drags.

I honestly think the only problem was the time wasting Saturday, I don't think fans have a problem with things going thru quickly and getting done early, but sitting and waiting for something to happen is something I'll bet they want to have nothing to do with.

All those yellow laps....sitting and waiting, cars not on the track when they should be....sitting and waiting, sitting and waiting for cars to start to make it to the track.

Fans want to see something on the track and moving at the speed it should be, not parading around and not waiting and waiting.....waiting.

Wether it be oval, road racing, drag racing....fans get pretty heated about sitting and waiting.
Like seeing a car show up to race that clearly wasn't ready and broke and caused more time for racing to get underway because it made a mess of the track and stopped the racing..

Being in the infield during heats, the stands are barren. Come feature time there are 3 times the people in the stands. I have seen the same thing at the gate as you. During features, even up to the modifieds time, they still are buying tickets to get in. The only explanation I can come up with is WORK...

I would disagree with that. I do not believe work would be the answer for the people getting in for the mains and skipping the q-times...some people want to skip that and just see the main. I am a perfect example for that. I don't attend q-t, I skip it, unless it's a national meet for drags, the only reason I change that is because the records are usually made during q-t in drag.

I would bet people are bothered more by the long yellows and the lack of anything time than anything else.

06-25-2007, 07:21 AM
From the fans view. If you are into racing, you would be there for heats. It shows who runs good and gives a preview of who is hooked up for the nights features. Who, oh, like you, would come and pay full price for 1/2 the night of racing. Sorry, still believe work and family duties makes most come later, which is my reason for a possible later start. Keri put a great example above your post.

Tower Man
06-25-2007, 07:33 AM
When I first started racing in the 70's, you didn't need to even look at the schedule. On Saturday afternoon, you got in your truck and towed to Islip. We raced each and every Saturday night. Sometimes even on Sunday, which they usually told you in a driver's meeting.

Times sure have changed.

Come on Bob Finan. I know you read this stuff. Maybe you can enlighten us on scheduling.

06-25-2007, 07:53 AM
Personally I would like to see this:

Instead of adding more races to the schedule, why not lengthen the existing races? Could throw incentives to the divisions. Any division with a full field gets an extra 10 laps over their normal feature. Any division going caution free the previous week will get an additional 5 more laps.

Every division needs time off, I think that's a GOOD thing, especially when the majority of teams would jump at a chance at a part-time schedule, if it weren't for end of the year points.

More laps for the scheduled divisions = better racing.

And I agree, a later start-time with a show that is about 3 hours long is perfect. It gives the majority of folks now a chance at seeing the races. Then again to fit 6 divisions within 3 hours plus heats, is difficult, so maybe less is more...

06-25-2007, 08:37 AM
The sign outside the track that is big and bold says "Racing 6PM"!
To me that means everything starts at 6:00pm not heat racing at 4:00 PM.
***** open the gates at 2:30pm-3:00pm likes the old days. Start the heats at 6 and give the people who want to watch the races a chance to get there and see everything they can for their money.
Day racing stinks, bring back the night racing.

Tower Man
06-25-2007, 12:00 PM
Amen, Driveitin.

06-25-2007, 01:08 PM
The more racing the better, the shows used to end at like 10-11 pm. They should race every division every week!!! Racin is living.

06-25-2007, 01:29 PM
the sign outside the track that is big and bold says "Racing 6PM"!
To me that means everything starts at 6:00pm not heat racing at 4:00 PM.
***** open the gates at 2:30pm-3:00pm likes the old days. Start the heats at 6 and give the people who want to watch the races a chance to get there and see evrything they can for their money.
Day racing sucks, bring back the night racing

Exactly what I was saying above.

06-25-2007, 02:04 PM
OMG for the first time ever I agree with everyone here..LOL. Later start time would be great. "Years ago" we used to be nervous about getting the Blunderbust feature started by 11 pm. Everyone here seems to be on the same page. Now what needs to happen is to bring back some of the old incentives. Have a ladies night in the grandstands (who remembers ladies passes?) You may lose the 1 admission, but I'll bet a few more families would come if 1 parent could get in for free. Also, I know drivers go to Fridays or Applebees after the races. Maybe find out what can be done on a Sunday afternoon there. I don't mean racing in the parking lot, just let the kids sit in the cars, get their picture taken with the drivers, that type of thing. Not to compare with other tracks, but Mountain used to have bike giveaways. Each week 1 driver would bring a bike and it was raffled off for the younger kids. Doesn't really cost that much if everyone would do it one time. When that driver brings the bike, he chooses the ticket out of the bucket and presents the bike on the track to the winner. It's a time filler, adds excitement for the "crowd", and gives to the community. Wow, I've gotten way off topic here.

06-25-2007, 02:14 PM
Mountain also has the kids big wheel race. The kids have fun, they start at the start finish line on their bigwheel, and race to like turn one and they win a prize. It keeps it fun for the kids and it is something to do during a long drawn out intermission so that we can wait for the sun to go down, so that we can see where we are driving out on the track. I don't like being done so early, bring back the old time slot!!! I am all for a later start time!! This past week, I walked in the door a 6:00 and the Blunderbust feature was almost over.

06-25-2007, 02:15 PM
I agree with Everyone! we should all get together to make it happen... Also Vickie thats a good idea on Sundays to have a few drivers come down if only for a few minutes to let children sit in their cars and look and get some pictures..... I know that when I was a little kid, I loved that stuff. My family would go out of the way just so we could see racecars!

We want night races!

06-25-2007, 02:41 PM
After the races the drivers are in the pits signing pic's and flags and what not and letting the kids sit in the cars..

Finishing late puts a damper on kids meeting the drivers and getting to sit in the cars.

Who, oh, like you, would come and pay full price for 1/2 the night of racing. Sorry, still believe work and family duties makes most come later, which is my reason for a possible later start

So if you are right, then that same person might be exhausted having worked all day and come to the track directly after work (6 days long...possibly 7 days) and not want to sit there to 12 mid to see who wins the main because they had to sit thru a lack of a field qt race.

I would say ask the fans, walk thru the stands this wekend and ask them all what they feel they would rather have, more heat races , or lack of anything happening waiting for something while time is wasted.

06-25-2007, 02:44 PM
JA, I think if you ask any driver if they want to run a 20 week schedule or an 11 week schedule, I think they would say 20. At least I would. A couple nights off like the Blunderbust and the Late Models is fine, but 6 weeks off for the Chargers and 10 weeks off for the trucks, come on. Then you throw in the rainouts and the trucks only run 8 shows and the Chargers 12. My sponsors give me of money to see me race and when I tell them I only race 1 week in July, they are baffled. Usually that is their time off to come watch and I'm only running 1 RACE in July. They have familys and that's their summer vacations, that is when they want to watch. 2 weeks off for every class would be sufficient enough, because you know you are going to have at least 2 or three rainouts, so now you are off 5 weeks. I agree with Roger, run the races later. It wouldnt hurt to push everything back an hour. I also think we can get every race in without a problem, because of the lack of cars. We don't need consis anymore, which we used to. There aren't enough cars. How about throwing the Mods and Late Models a big no points show at the end of the year also? Maybe a 75 lap Mod and a 50 lap Late Model, with laps being sold by the competitors to raise extra cash for the purse and lap money. The track should give appreciation to the cars that run all year long and support the track. I know we should appreciate what we've got, but the same purse for the last 20 years? I think we spend more year after year without being able to buy a set of tires when we WIN. I'm willing to do anything to keep the track open and running for along time, but I hope they are willing to see the dedication of the drivers, crews, and fans who support the track. I just hope they listen and read what the people who make Riverhead Raceway what it is and what it could be. Maybe a little response from Bob F at the office would make us all know that they are trying and listening to the communitys ideas. I also like the lady's night idea; police night, any police officer gets in free; post office night, any postal employee gets in free, just different ways to get other people involved in racing, a different promotion each night. I think more people would come and appreciate what the races are doing and I'm sure many will come back after there free night. I know this has all been said before, but I think change is needed to keep a packed house and Riverhead Raceway here for at least a couple more years. :help: 81

06-25-2007, 02:51 PM
How about a collection to redo the track...

W. J.
06-25-2007, 03:48 PM
How about a collection to redo the track...

Yeah, good luck with that. The quoted price of the last repaving was in the 6 figure range.

06-25-2007, 05:09 PM
Chris - I respectfully disagree on the amount of the races, but do agree change is needed. If what currently being done is not working, then we got to change for the better.

Supershafts - on track repaving. I've talked to various track owners about this and the majority agree its not worth it, unless it's totally breaking up. It usually narrows the groove for the first few years after repaving and makes the track faster. A faster track usually results in less passing. The key is not so much a smooth surface, but a surface that gives you good bite.

Fat Albert
06-25-2007, 05:22 PM
I agree with you all, but I don't think anyone's listening. A lot of people on Long Island work on Saturdays and can't get to the track early enough to see the heats. Heats shouldn't start until 6 O'clock. And why run three Modified heats when you only have 18 cars? Who wants to see a 6 car heat with 5 to qualify? I much rather see two 9 car heats and an 8 car consi. And the Modified feature should be run under the lights. I don't want to see another "daylight" feature.

The Bullfather
06-25-2007, 05:28 PM
I agree for more races, but with the car counts now, how bad would they be if we did have a 20 race season? Just take a look at how many drivers and cars weren't around at season end the past few years. Bigger car counts and I believe it would be great.

W. J.
06-25-2007, 06:08 PM
I've heard from Bob Finan on this issue. The new start time is 4:30 PM for qualifying, and features will start at 6 PM. There is also a discussion going on about adding a few dates for more Charger and Super Pro Truck dates, but nothing is promised as of now....

06-25-2007, 06:20 PM
That's awesome, he must read the Jam. Thanks Jam for being here and letting us speak.:)

06-25-2007, 06:22 PM
Aaahhh S--t, Thanks Guy's

W. J.
06-25-2007, 06:42 PM
Of course they read the Jam. Where else can you get race news so fast, and learn what your fans and drivers want?!

06-25-2007, 06:59 PM
- on track repaving. I've talked to various track owners about this and the majority agree its not worth it, unless it's totally breaking up. It usually narrows the groove for the first few years after repaving and makes the track faster. A faster track usually results in less passing. The key is not so much a smooth surface, but a surface that gives you good bite.

That concrete patch or bump isn't good in 3 and 4 nor is the other in 1 and 2, and the asphault gets warn and makes those patches into bigger bumps, those bumps aren't really helping to get a good bite though.
Though a smooth surface has more tire on it then a surface that is course and abrasive.

06-25-2007, 07:24 PM
Though a smooth surface has more tire on it then a surface that is course and abrasive.

Gotta disagree on that one.
Yes more tire on it but coarse and abrasive also causes GRIP.
Think of a new SMOOTH surface. Let the mods lay some rubber down and you have a shuffle board!!!!!
Drag strip, maybe.
Making turns, I would want some grip.

06-25-2007, 07:50 PM
I'm glad we made somewhat of a difference.... Now drivers should consider having like a race car show on a Sunday at Applebee's or somewhere... kids love race cars and kids also whine and get what they want.... There's only so much bugging a parent can take before they give in and go to the race track. Trust me, as a parent I know!

P.S Bald Hill has a car show every Tuesday night, great opportunity to show of your cars, promote the track and maybe even get some sponsorship! Cost to get in the show is about 8 dollars and the car show usually packs out!

06-26-2007, 08:42 AM
Gotta disagree on that one.
Yes more tire on it but coarse and abrasive also causes GRIP.
Think of a new SMOOTH surface. Let the mods lay some rubber down and you have a shuffle board!!!!!
Drag strip, maybe.
Making turns, I would want some grip.

Smooth = speed. Now, when you have speed, you get better grip/bite/traction, or you don't have the speed. Now having different compound tires run on the same track = different problems for each of those cars with different compounds and make up..
Abrasive and coarse kills the tire quickly, wearing it out, lowering speed and grip quickly.

There are plenty of week night car cruises, that if some drivers/owners wanted to, they could bring their car and promote the racing at Riverhead and possibly pick up a sponsor.
There's Bald Hill, Oakdale, Sayville, Yaphank, Bellmore, Captree (sunday morning), Levittown, Mastic.

06-26-2007, 12:46 PM
When are Sayville and Yaphank?

06-26-2007, 01:52 PM
Monday and Thursday

06-26-2007, 02:31 PM
Where are they located in Sayville and Yaphank?