View Full Version : Photos are UP!

The Frog Lady
07-08-2007, 07:59 PM
I am happy to say that photos are available for your viewing pleasure on the Mountain Speedway website. Pages have been posted going back to June 9th. :applause: It was unfortunate but my 7 year old computer could not handle the photo task forcing me to purchase a new computer.

For those of you who were patient I thank you very much! Although I manage another website - I do not use the same software as what is utilized for the Mountain's site. I trust that most are happy with everything. I am certain that I cannot make everyone happy :*-( so if anyone has some recommendations like those expressed to other individuals involved with the track please send them directly to me so I may address them personally. I will happily accept any suggestions, comments and criticism at my email address gingermtnspdway@yahoo.com. :)

Thank you all once again for your patience & understanding! :wave:

Ginger ;)

07-09-2007, 12:48 PM
Don't let negativity get you down Ginger. I know that drivers and crews as well as fans are waiting anxiously for pictures and updates, but many don't realize that almost everyone that works at Mountain also have full times jobs apart from the track. Not to mention other aspects of our lives that may interfere slightly with our speediness in post racing related updates. I personally know that you have had quite a lot on your plate lately to deal with:*-( and considering this, I think you are to be commended.:applause: Some people don't get it, and never will,:disgusted but many others also understand and applaud you for the effort.:applause: :applause: Like you said, can't please everyone, never will be able to, don't bother trying, just do the best that you can. :cheers: Erica

07-10-2007, 07:19 PM
Thats right! Her job ain't no Gingersnap......................;)
After a race, she probably needs some Ginger-ALE............:cheers:
Her track job is always done Gingerly................:applause:
Hey! Its not like she gettin' paid bigtime Ginger-BREAD for all this work.............................:rolleyes:
UNCLE PETEY...........................:wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:

W. J.
07-10-2007, 07:38 PM
Oh c'mon Petey, give us s'more, LOL! :lol:

The Frog Lady
07-11-2007, 12:01 PM
Thank you Erica I appreciate it. And Uncle Petey you are a riot my friend. Thanks for the laugh and big smile! :lol: It is people like you guys that make life easier. Here's to you :cheers:

~Froggy ;)