View Full Version : LongIslandJam.com Help Wanted: Associate Editor

07-23-2007, 09:35 PM
Hi folks,

We at the Jam are looking for a little assistance. We are in need of an Associate Editor to post news, results, and photos.

* Html Editing Software Knowledge - Dreamweaver or Frontpage
* Decent grammar and spelling
* Basic Photo Editing Knowledge - Photoshop or Photoshop like program
* To be able to post news promptly during the weekend and week.

If this sounds like you and you want to help promote racing and get involved in the sport, please contact me at jackley@longislandjam.com


08-13-2007, 05:54 PM
Any takers? I hear crickets chirping. Cmon' this is a great opportunity to help the sport you love. E-mail me if this interests you...