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08-04-2007, 11:06 PM
Unofficial finish...


12 - 143 completed

2 - 140 completed

02 - 138 completed

44 - 133 completed

00 - 103 completed

21 - 94 completed

11 - 89 completed

8 - 84 completed

31 - 83 completed

15 - 82 completed

46 - 69 completed

33 - 58 completed

Teds Race Tours
08-05-2007, 01:38 AM
It was an instant classic as far as I am concerned. A top 5 All Time Riverhead Tour Race. The Flash format worked real well!!!

08-05-2007, 12:43 PM
I was very pleased myself. I would still like to see 35 lap heats but it all worked well. Awesome racing with TC and Steffy and a shame it ended for them as it did. If it didn't happen, it would have be a very awesome finish.
I give it a 9.9 for the event!!!
And congrats to Donny Lia for an awesome run....also to Bill and Justin for hanging with the Top 5 all night......

08-05-2007, 04:35 PM
A classic? I don't think so. The race between Christopher and Stiffank was a good one. The night was marred by a long delay with a damaged light tower. The most annoying delays were from lining up the cars after cautions. In this day and age there has to be a faster and better way. What ever happened to going on the track and physically pointing cars to there respective spots?
My last visit to Riverhead was a year ago I came to the track to see no improvements it is disgusting when you use the men's room and there are holes in the floor, they just highlighted them with white paint. How much can a few sheets of plywood cost?? I love Riverhead's tight quarter mile but I cant go to a track like that on a weekly basis. My next visit to Riverhead will be for next years tour race. (hopefully):disgusted

Teds Race Tours
08-05-2007, 06:36 PM
Yup, a Classic. I stick to my words. We had passing throughout the field. We had the leaders rubbing and bangin for about 25 laps until the inevitable occured. We had unexpected drivers make the top 5 and top 10. Yes, the light pole delay was annoying, but that wasn't the drivers fault. Yes, the overuse of the yellow flag was annoying, but that wasn't the drivers fault. I think this was one of the top 5 tour races ever at Riverhead, and it could have been better if the officials running things had a clue on how to run a race at Riverhead. Watching lap after lap of caution run off is very frustrating for a fan paying $30 for a race, not a parade.:mad:

As far as the bathrooms, well, what can I say. Maybe one of those TV makeover shows could do a project about Riverhead's bathrooms.:)

08-05-2007, 06:51 PM
Well Ted I like to look at the whole experience when visiting a track, an attentive staff and clean facilities and good food can temper a night of bad racing. If i had to score Saturday night I would give it 7.5.

chrome horn
08-06-2007, 09:24 PM
I can't help but think if I was a paying fan, I got short changed. I mean 66 laps out of 140 (144) were under caution. The excessive laps were not caused by over aggressive driving, rather the inability for the officials to get things straight quick enough. I understand, and respect the fact, that a track like Riverhead it is tough to keep everything in order. But you have to have the feeling that once the drivers have that sense that there is a little caos in the scoring tower, they are gonna try and take advantage. I agree with Chris, there has to be a better, easier way for the officials to be able to keep cars in line. Another thing that drove me nuts is that when they were single file, the pace car having to stop making the track look like 42nd ST at ruch hour. Why do they wait to double file the cars? Do it right away and then sort out the field. It would prevent the traffic jam and maybe it would stop the pace car from running 13 second pace laps.
As for the heats, I think 25 laps is perfect for the heat races. But NASCAR needs to stick with one formula and stay with it. I vote for the Twin States formula. HAlf the feature cautions counted, half they didn't.
As for the night overall, I have to give it an 8. The action on the track when they were going was without a doubt a 10. Cars passing on the outside, bumping rubbbing and sparks flying. That was exciting. That's what short track racing is about. But I can't help but think everyone lost 30 more laps of that because of the actions of the tower.

08-06-2007, 10:19 PM
I like the 5 laps then red idea for the short tracks.
Laps tick off WAY TOO FAST.
Or no count till halfway would work too.

Teds Race Tours
08-06-2007, 10:22 PM
As Fran Said, it worked great at Twin State. I don't know why they got away from that format.