View Full Version : IF You Haven't ! ! ! ! ! PLEASE DO IT ! ! !

09-04-2007, 04:42 PM
If you have not contacted Riverhead Town Superviser Cardinale by way of letter letting him know that his decision should be that of a motorsports park....


That is all I am at liberty to say on this at this time....

09-05-2007, 05:20 PM
Dead lines have been set......

Hopefully Mr. Cardinale isn't as ___________ as I believe him to be!

Hopefully everyone has done their part and made it clear what they want and that he, as an elected official, is there in representation of the people....

The day is coming in this month and that is the day it's all over, Mr. Cardinale will be to blame...

You can also add in Ms. Spineless Blass who believes not voting keeps her neutral....
When a vacant vote counts as a NO...there is no neutral, just lack of character

Also Mr. Bartunek : ...you're part of the Antique Automobile Club of America ..make them proud.

09-06-2007, 04:41 PM
10 days left....

Give everyone you know this ph# (631) 727-3200 ext. 251

Tell him or the lady that answers the phone what we all want and need.

09-06-2007, 05:14 PM
Just received an email regarding the Newsday article below....Coming down to the end. Do we want racing or an indoor ski slope?


RexCorp goes to $125 million for Calverton project
By Daniel Wagner


10:41 AM EDT, September 6, 2007

In what he hopes will be the final salvo in an ongoing bidding war between his group and another developer, RexCorp Realty chief Scott Rechler has raised his bid for 755 acres of town-owned land in Calverton to $125 million, according to a Wednesday letter to Riverhead Supervisor Phil Cardinale.

Rechler's group, in partnership with Suffolk developers Peter Scalise and Jim Petrocelli, has proposed a multi-use resort complex called Epcal Centre for the site. The plan now includes motor sports-related attractions, a hotel and conference center and more than 1,500 units of time-share residential housing.

A competing bidder, operating under the name Riverhead Resorts, has also offered $125 million for the site. That group's plan includes a man-made lake on the space currently occupied by an abandoned landing strip, and a man-made indoor ski mountain.

Since his group's first presentation to the Riverhead Town Board, Rechler has urged the group to select his project on its merits before negotiating the financial details. Earlier this summer, he said he would not get into a bidding war.

Riverhead Resorts has since raised its offer twice, first to $110 million and then to $125 million.

In Wednesday's letter, Rechler called $125 million his "best and final offer" and said it is conditional on the town's selecting his group on or before Sept. 17.

Copyright © 2007, Newsday Inc.

09-07-2007, 03:05 PM
Mail your letters to: Riverhead Town Board, 200 Howell Ave., Riverhead, N.Y., 11901, Attn:Town clerk. They will then be on the public record. Tell them what you would like on the Calverton property.

09-09-2007, 10:03 AM
8 day's left

09-10-2007, 10:10 AM
7 Days Left......

09-11-2007, 10:46 AM
6 days left.....

Our mole say's.....Cardinale isn't moving on anything and is going to probably drop the ball.

I say....dear mole....come forward and let everyone know how the dictator Cardinale handles the people of Riverhead's interests...

No motorsports = no Cardinale

We support Pete Busacca for SC Executive seat.... and I'll get the person for the town of RH Supervisor

09-11-2007, 11:26 AM
Not for nothing and, not to be negative but, when are you going to learn that once we vote them into office, (not all officials but enough of them) they become egotistical maniacs. It no longer matters what, "We the People" want but, what's in it for me? Heck, many of them get off on saying no to so many people just because they have the power to do so, and for no other reason than that.

09-11-2007, 11:40 AM
Exactly why, I wonder how they get a 2nd term...so I do this to make sure they see it clearly...as I see it, they do not see clearly that these elected officals do not represent what they are supposed to...
Better to let them know what's going on than whisper quietly to myself.

As per Pete Busacca, the man running against Levy... IF the man claims to do what he has spoken to me about, he will do more for what the county needs than anyone else is doing now.

09-11-2007, 01:33 PM
Don't get me wrong Bro. I believe we have to speak our minds, at least I know I do. Sooner or later, someone will hear and react. How they react, now that is the question.

09-11-2007, 02:07 PM
The problem is people might not realize just how bad someone is....

Example...Levy came out and backed us because Mr.Busacca got 9500 more people than he needed on his petition to run for office against him....make no mistake, Levy didn't hold that press conference on our pressure alone...after Mr.Busacca came back with more than enough people on his petition..which I hope we continue to back him...then Levy had something to say...and make no mistake that in the eyes of the motorsports fans, they have no idea as to these truths...but they see "Hey, Levy is good".... Levy saw the pressure and hopes to get our numbers on his side because he knows the numbers and he now realizes, "I may have a problem now".

Now we have Cardinale, who can lie all he wants, we know for fact we bought 2500 stamps and sent in the letters..but he say's not so much interest in it....
In a phone conversation he says there is no money for Riverhead other than the sale of the property....oh he conveniently forgot about the profit sharing...that he has not once brought up to his public he represents... Why is he not telling anyone about that...why is he keeping the public in the dark about other monies they could be getting to use for other areas in their township.....

While I'm on that...there were some pretty lucrative deals made for the county with the Yaphank venture...that also was kept quiet...why hasn't News 12 shown the proof of the contamination there, where they want to put people with houses in that property... and then you have the other idiot, Foley, saying, "I'll rezone the property from heavy industry to residential"...what a mental patient!! What is he thinking? So down the road that can cause problems for the businesses there..when people complain about what they're living next to....when does someone with half a brain say something...I would fire those mentally challenged idiots just on that...what were you thinking? What?

They need to go, and people need to know the truth, so they can make a smart choice, or any choice other than what they've got. And on that, I'm not so confident in the people to make the right choice...

Taxes keep going up and they keep adding to them and bring in nothing to combat it and do nothing to help it....how long before you can't live here, how long before I can't live here?

09-12-2007, 01:25 PM
5 day's left

They're having a vote Monday, if you would like to attend, it's at 2pm Monday at town hall.

09-13-2007, 08:08 AM
4 days left

If you haven't called or wrote a letter....it probably won't make it after today

Again if you want to attend the vote it is monday at 2pm riverhead town hall.

09-13-2007, 08:17 AM
You can e-mail Cardinale and the rest of town board. I believe its www.riverheadli.com and it has all town e addresses. That's what I did!

09-14-2007, 08:16 AM
3 days left

09-15-2007, 07:18 AM
2 days left

09-16-2007, 02:12 PM
1 Day left

Tomorrow is gonna be a huge day.....

Lets hope and pray people make the right decision

09-17-2007, 08:37 AM
0 days left

I hope it's good news today

09-17-2007, 08:59 AM
Im losing my mind here....and it's only 9am...

The Bullfather
09-17-2007, 02:33 PM
When is the news coming forth?

09-17-2007, 02:51 PM
The second it happens, I will make a new post...

I'm dying over here...I have been feeling like I'm in an oven since 4am.