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Fig8 T.K.
09-09-2007, 02:23 AM
Congratulations Jessica Larsen on being voted The Blunderbust Most Popular Driver. Do not let the ridiculous behavior of one your competitors ruin it for you. Are you sure he isn't a child in disguise? His actions on the racetrack when you received your award and in the pits was uncalled for. I cannot believe this man has children and treated a young girl the way he did. I do not think it helped prove he should have been most popular driver. Hopefully, everyone will remember what he did this year and he will get even less votes next year. I was always a fan of this driver, but my opinion has changed after tonight.

Uncle Tom

09-09-2007, 06:04 AM
Congratulations Jessica! You made some nice strides this season, good for you and your team. Enjoy the moment.

09-09-2007, 08:10 AM
Congrats Jessica it is well deserved!! You carry yourself very well and do deserve the award!!!!

09-09-2007, 10:49 AM
Congrats Jessica you by far are the most popular driver. My kids, when they come to the track, always want to stop by your trailer and get a pic and say hello. Then I ask them what about daddy? They tell me they can get to see me all the time. About the big baby in the pits, he does not even exist in my kids eyes!!


Do You Voo Doo

09-09-2007, 02:04 PM
Congratulations to you all.

09-09-2007, 02:29 PM
Personally, I feel someone NOT ASSOCIATED with the program, or any driver in the pit area up for the award, should be the vote counter.. Some non connected party, so then maybe no one could be hurt, or question anything..

There weren't any fans where I was sitting, and to not get deleted, which I have never been, I will not state my opinion on the matter..

Votes need to be counted and taken in by someone not assocated with racing, sponsors, family, friends.. Nearly impossible I know, but I really wish that's the way it was.. :*-(

09-09-2007, 03:07 PM
How and who votes for most popular driver? Any other time, it's usually the guy that wins the most races or the champion. I mean no disrespect to Joe or Jessica, but how does a driver that didn't do that well on the track at all get that distinction? Only 1 top ten. I personally think it should go to someone that did pretty good and everyone knows and likes. Example- Donny Oliver, most people at the track like him, rookie of the year, 11th in BB points, did a charity for the kids. All in his first year in that division. You always see him in or around the pits and out in the stands. Like I asked earlier, I dont know how it's done, so maybe someone could fill me in. Not trying to hurt anyone's feelings.

maestri fan 1
09-09-2007, 03:16 PM
Well Wayne allow me to clear this up for you lol. "Fans" vote through the ballots in the programs. Then at the end of the year a designated person counts the votes and a winner is declared.

Just a quick question, who counted the votes this year?

09-09-2007, 03:22 PM
I believe the votes were supposed to be [I]mailed[I] into the racing office. Regardless of who does or does not work for the Cromartys' in their business offices, any votes would have been counted by numerous employees employed by Cromartys'. If you don't know... the Cromartys' are business people.. that means they own and run numerous businesses, so who knows which business/person is doing the actual count. I would imagine that someone connected with a driver/team would attempt to keep clear of the ballots so just this type of insinuation couldn't happen. Not every fan shows up every week... and the voting goes on for a few weeks.. so you may not be in the area of the track where there a large groups sit and voice their appreciation of a particular driver... doesn't mean they aren't liked by many [I]who bothered to cast thier vote!!![I]

Congrats Jessica. You came along way this year and have put up with more than your fair share of crap from some. Next year will be better...

W. J.
09-09-2007, 03:24 PM
Who counted the votes is irrellevent. It is the fact that you can fix it by obtaining the ballot form from people who can't be bothered, or leave their programs behind when the event is over. Having said that, the only way to make sure it is a true representation is to have the County Board of Elections make sure that only one person gets one vote. Not too likely, so you have to live with the way it is, and give it that much credence.

09-09-2007, 03:40 PM
I always thought Steve Barrick- who doesn't really have much affiliation with Riverhead drivers at all, did the counting. I worked for programs about 5 or 6 years ago, as did 2 of the Larsens. We weren't even allowed to vote for that reason. This contest has NOTHING to do with standings or on the track performance. If anything, it's pretty impressive to win the award without any outstanding performance. Just goes to show the work she puts in AFTER the races, is really paying off.

It's also a bit ridiculous- from what I hear, the way 00ne driver reacted. N00 names mentioned. If it were any driver but a 17 year old girl, I think he would've reconsidered his rampage and childish antics.

09-09-2007, 03:41 PM
So if I buy 100 programs filled them all out with a drivers name, that driver gets a 100 votes? So this is about $$$....again, you have to spend it in order to get the dominant vote!!

W. J.
09-09-2007, 03:54 PM
Yeah, Wayne, now you understand it.

09-09-2007, 03:55 PM
I'm wondering where Crazy Eddie finished. Seems that when he wins the crowd loves it. And he did throw quite a bash, and when it comes to signing certain body parts, He's a master!!

09-09-2007, 04:11 PM
Well Wayne, if that's how you would get your Most Popular Drivers trophy it would be very sad.. now wouldn't it, to buy it for yourself.
The idea of the vote is... if you purchase a program, you are asked to vote for someone you think deserves your recognition. A lot of drivers do things for racing off and away from the track and have a lot of exposure elsewhere. Then when you also see them at the track, you may just respond in a positive way by saying/thinking... this one I remember... I'll vote for so and so...
Let's see... I've seen the figure 8 cars of Tom Kraft displayed at cars shows, at their sponsors businesses and in Patchogue at their "Alive at 5" I think it was called nights. Jessica was there, too, with her car... and a lot of people were there looking at, talking to, and getting autographs from both. I saw other cars there, too, once or twice, but not everytime like these two. More exposure = more potential votes!
Regardless, of how it's achieved... it was a contest... ballots counted... a popular vote. If it cost you out of your pocket to get it... how sad no one likes you enough to care to vote.

09-09-2007, 04:54 PM
Racerwife, read my post AGAIN. Since you need it to be explained, I wasn't saying that "I" would buy them for MYSELF!!....I was stating that ANYONE that had enough money to buy any number of books, could fill them out for ANY driver of their choice, and vote as many times as they want as long as they were buying the books. I wasn't saying I would have someone buy them and vote FOR ME.... "PLEASE"!! Instead of it being one vote per person, you CAN vote as many times as you would like. Thats ALL I WAS SAYING. And, as far as stating that someone isn't picked because their fans don't like them enough to pay money to vote is pretty SAD and sorry statement in my opinion. If it were a fair contest, it wouldn't cost money to vote, but HEY... thats Riverhead Raceway.

09-09-2007, 05:03 PM
I was on the track with jessica and tomm w comes into the track area and starts booing a 16 year old girl because she won the most popular driver.I really thought he was kidding or i would of went over there and stuffed my trophy right up his you know what.NO class is all i have to say for that guy.I hear bob f call jessica out when she finishes good and you hear the fans chear.She deserved the award because i know i voted for her.All i can say is tommy w is a selfish,arrigant self center piece of crap for booing her while she was trying to make he speech.Its only an award be happy for someone else.CLASS ACT NOT oo.CHRIS TURBUSH

09-09-2007, 05:28 PM
It's cheaper to go buy a 10 dollar trophy!

Fig8 T.K.
09-09-2007, 05:40 PM
This award has been given out for numerous years and no complaints. Why is this such a problem this year? Some ballots are given in at the track and some are mailed directly to PDI. The votes are counted by Steve Barick who owns the program company. Steve is there every year on the last night to announce the winners because he is the only one that knows who the winners are. After the behavior of this driver towards a young girl hopefully his sponsors will take a page from John Wellman's notebook. If this driver needs that trophy so bad he can have mine and pull Chris's out of his you know where and than he can have two.


09-09-2007, 06:06 PM
I think she's great and kinda look up to her, since I'm looking to get into a Blunderbust when I get money and a license in a year. Did Tommy W. really come out an boo her? That's terrible, if that's true, then he lost a fan in me.

09-09-2007, 06:17 PM
Do I think it was fixed? no. I just was unaware of how the voting process worked. I've been racing here for a couple years and I never purchased a magazine to see that that was where you got your ballots. All these posts were just my opinion. I'm not trying to take anything away from Jessica.

09-09-2007, 06:18 PM
Sorry I mis-read your post

Wheel Racing
09-09-2007, 06:26 PM
This is a funny topic that seems to be complained about every year. Years ago my family bought programs every week and filled out my name. They thought for sure that I would win and when I didn't, they were upset. I told everyone that it wasn't a big deal because if they were the only ones voting, then it really wouldn't mean that much.They actually stopped voting and I won the next 2 years in a row without any family votes, which felt better. The deal with the voting is that if one crew is voting for their driver, they fill out the rest of the ballot with their favorites in other division which can spike a vote. If you ask Steve Barrick how many total votes there were, you would be surprised how few there really are. Not too many "fans" seem to fill out a ballot and vote. There should be more hype for the award all season and a "vote box" somewhere at the track to encourage weekly votes. A few years ago the JAM had popularity votes with only one vote per member and the vote was very similar to the tracks outcome. I really don't know what the best answer is, but this is definitely not the first time these awards have been questioned. I remember a part-time driver winning the award in a different division a few years back. I really don't feel the award was fixed, the family and Program Dynamics have more integrity than that, but the opportunity to vote multiple times exists for all teams and some take better advantage of that. Congratulations Jessica on the award, you guys did a nice job of making yourself available and being in the public eye (Newsday,etc.). If people are really not happy about the outcomes in the different divisions, than they should also vote. That seems to be the only way to get your favorite driver awarded now. Popularity contests are always questioned. How long did Sanjaya last on American Idol last year??

09-09-2007, 06:32 PM
Know what I honestly don't care for?? Why is it when she finsihes a race, it gets announced? She isn't the first 16 year old to drive a racecar, there are other rookies, too, who don't get nearly the recognition. And if you use the being female thing as an excuse, there should be no classifying.. A driver is supposed to be a driver, and that's it. I hate the fact these days that some really hard working people, whether veterans or rookies, get lost because they are not a 16 year old female..

Boy, do I wish freedom of speech really existed, I'd have a mouthful to say, but really, you can't have an honest opinion without being beaten to death these days..

I rememeber thru the years, folks complaining of winners of this thing.. A certain truck driver ran 2 races, won it.. A charger driver ran 6 races at the end of the season, won it.. Another driver who had more boos all season long than any Cup driver won it.. Those few stand out.. But who cares..

As for what the 00 did.. He expressed his opinion.. His honest opinion.. And where I was sitting, there were plenty of drivers in all classes and each had nearly the same things to be said.. As well as fans and families.. So he wasn't the only one, just the only one seen I guess..

I wish racedrivers were just that, racedrivers.. But they don't seem to exist anymore. It's more about what sells than anything else.. Ahhh well..

maestri fan 1
09-09-2007, 06:46 PM
RIGGED!!!!!! That's just my opinion. Personally I can't see how someone like Eddie or BOOM BOOM didn't win it.

I have nothing against Jessica, let me say that, but come on.

W. J.
09-09-2007, 07:03 PM
Rigged is a strong opinion. I agree with Neal's theory. It was just people who cared enough to cast a vote that got Jessica the award. We do the same thing in this country every 4 years (We let the minority elect our President, and it that President turns out to be bad, you can't find anyone that voted for them, LOL).

09-09-2007, 07:14 PM
It's not rigged, Jessica has two advantages. She's young and she's a girl. The fans love her. Every saturday night after the races, I am at jessica's car when the crowds of people come to her car to talk to her and get autographs. I can't even tell you how many times I've seen little boys and girls approach her car and say "Mommy and daddy, look, there's the girl that drives a racecar! " Jessica stays at her car all night so she can meet and greet her fans. So maybe all the people she meets give her the votes, maybe it's the people who have seen her progress so much within this season, who really knows.. but all I know is it's a popularity contest, not a contest of how many wins you may have. Since it is a popularity contest, I think Jessica deserves it the most this season.

09-09-2007, 07:42 PM
We would like to congratulate Jessica on her Most Popular Driver award. In my opinion, she came a long way this year. :applause:

maestri fan 1
09-09-2007, 09:33 PM
Rigged may be a strong word I guess but it just seems a little awkward that she wins and her mom does play a big role in the ballot counting according to that PDI guy. I can see that she does do a lot for fans, because anytime I see her as well, she is at her car. Just a little weird, but good job by her anyway.

09-09-2007, 09:37 PM
I love this!!
Just a bunch of jealous male drivers.
Face it....not "rigged", a simple program voting procedure which she won.
GET OVER IT!!!!!!!!!

Congrats Jessica.......

09-09-2007, 09:38 PM
Big deal, it's a 5 buck trophy. Congratulations to all the winners. I'd hate to be the one that knew it was a done deal only to have it be found out later down the road. Besides, popularity isn't all it's cut out to be.

W. J.
09-09-2007, 09:47 PM
Let's not have this closed because people can't leave the 'rigged' thing out of it. This is a PDI/Riverhead contest, not Florida circa 2000! Have something nice to say, or watch your post disappear.

We believe the young lady won fair and square, and it's getting a little annoying to hear grown men crying over it!

09-09-2007, 10:21 PM
WJ, Watch who your calling grown. lol

09-09-2007, 11:57 PM
Just to make things clear, I am not a grown man, but a woman.. And I have my fair share of experience in all aspects of racing.. And I do believe it unfair to say the men are jealous.. I don't think that's hitting the nail on the head..

09-10-2007, 12:03 AM
Sorry, I take it back.
I will change it to ALL are then.
You are entitled totally to your opinion, but geez, this was done the same as it has in the past.
My opinion, this is reminding me of the old Saturday Night Live, Doug & Wendy Whiner!!!!!!! LOL

Golf Guy
09-10-2007, 12:09 AM
I am not writing tonight to state that Tommy is right or wrong for his actions this past Saturday night (as I was not there and have heard all four sides of a two sided argument), Congratulations Jessica on your award, keep your head up and keep reaching forward. Good things come to those who give it their all!
But just one point. Can everyone stop refering to her as the "16 year old girl who is getting picked on." Wayne and Tommy have both been convicted of picking on this 16 year old girl. In my opinion once you agree to enter the race track, you are all race car drivers. No age, gender or handicap makes you more or less of a racecar driver. How come when Bill Wegmann gets spun out no one is coming to the defense of someones grandpa (no offense Bill, but I think you are the oldest in the division.)

W. J.
09-10-2007, 07:30 AM
Very good point, Golf Guy, thanks!

09-10-2007, 09:48 AM
Exactly what I was trying to get across in one of my earlier posts..

09-10-2007, 10:03 AM
Sorry Tommy BUT!! Maybe one of the reasons Jessica won was because she is a "FEMALE" Race Car Driver and probably got a lot of votes from other females and the males that voted for her felt that she deserved it for the way she preforms out on the track!! Tommy you won the Championship thats something to be proud of, let Jessica be proud of her Most popular drivers award, Do you really need another trophy to have Gayle dust?
People that know me know that I like a lot of drivers Tommy included , but MY FAVORITES are the Ladies that have their balls just a little higher, :applause: Marissa,:applause: Jessica,:applause: Erin, and of course Dorothea! :applause:

Congratulations Jessica on your award, keep your head up and keep reaching forward. Good things come to those who give it their all!
Very nicely put Golf Guy!!

The Bullfather
09-10-2007, 10:18 AM
What is this high school? I want to be prom king and she wants to be prom queen. Who wants to be home coming king and queen next year? Do drivers race for themselves or the fans? If no one was in the stands, I'd bet most drivers would still be out there! Its great to have an audience to watch you perform, and some of them might even pay your bills for racing. But why do drivers enter a stock car? It's drive inside to win, to be competitive. Why cry over who wins most popular or not? You know the response from the fans when you win or in the pits afterwards. Does the saying: "He who dies with the most toys wins!"??? Does he? Not so satisfying to know when your gone, how would you know? Does this award mean so much? Notice one thing with the people who won, look at their cars and looks at how many sponsors on their cars. With the exception of TK, who does have two huge sponsors with plenty of employees.

09-10-2007, 10:35 AM
Do i think someone else should have gotten this award for the BB? yes i do.

But i do think the fact they announce Jessica being 16 and her finish is because there is so many people out there putting down woman and don't think females should even drive a racecar. So i think there just making it a point to say how well she's doing to prove it to people that a girl can race just as the guys do. Look at Marisa in the mods, She's improved alot this year.

W. J.
09-10-2007, 10:43 AM
So what's your point? As far as I'm concerned, a driver is a driver, it's really not (supposed to be) a gender issue.
This is from the viewpoint of the father (me) of 3 daughters, anyone of which will tell you the last thing I do is judge someone by who they were when they were born. It's how they act from then on that helps me form my opinion of them (hint, hint).

09-10-2007, 10:50 AM
It's not suppose to be a gender issue thats what im trying to say. Someone replied above how Jessica gets announced and other rookies don't. I was saying because females don't get the recognition they deserve,thats why they announce when she does good.

I don't think i was putting her down. I was actually sticking up for her

W. J.
09-10-2007, 10:54 AM
I don't think I was putting her down. I was actually sticking up for her.
By saying Slim should have gotten the award, not her? If that's how you 'stick up for someone', I guess I'm very lucky. Enough said!

09-10-2007, 11:00 AM
I wasn't pertaining to the award issue. I was pertaining to the person who wrote how it wasn't fair her name be announced when she had a good finish.

09-10-2007, 11:09 AM
Leah, you have a valid point on the issue of Jessica being announced. Let's look at the big picture (and hopefully keep things from getting too far off-base). Car counts are down. So, to a point, perhaps Bob Finan is trying to reel in a new demographic. So, to him, it IS a big deal that Jessica is a girl. It IS a big deal that Jessica is 16 (well, now 17). And Jessica is smart where marketing is concerned... When it comes to securing and retaining sponsorship, I think it is normally about 50 % ability and 50% marketability. Jessica uses her "hook" to make her stand out. And it seems to be working...she has been on the cover of Newsday, she gets decent coverage at the track and now apparently she won Most Popular Driver. When Chris raced, we carried the name of a local animal shelter on the car. It gave us a little added bit of marketability and gave the announcers something they could talk about...essentially giving Chris additional coverage. The shelter got some extra attention as well, so it was a win-win situation. Simply put, our "hook" was promoting the shelter...Jessica's "hook" happens to be that she is a 17-year-old girl. Using that to her advantage in promoting her sponsors and getting coverage for herself is nothing but good marketing. When the cars are on the track, though, I agree with Golf Guy...everyone is simply a race car driver, regardless of age, sex, etc. Everyone in the field made the same conscious decision to race with one another, and the idea is that it should be a level playing field all around. Just as each car should be equal, each driver should be equal as well. And to put to rest some of the issues people are having with "Most Popular Driver"...there are many times when we don't agree with a vote. But how many of us who are on here complaining about who won actually cast votes for the person/people we thought were more deserving? When I won the Blunderbust "Mechanic of the Year" award in 2001 and 2002, there were probably plenty of people who were more qualified or who people thought "should" have won. But all we had to go by were the actual number of ballots that were filled in and returned, like it or not. We should also remember, with all of the talk that has been going around about who other drivers or crews like and dislike, who does or doesn't do things to help the track...the majority of votes were probably cast by those who are out in the grandstands, not those who are in the pits. Many of these people are those who come in the pits at the end of the night, with their children collecting pictures and autographs from those drivers who have them and give them out. Some drivers also have candy or other goodies for the children, or let them sit in the race car...big fan hook, and I'm sure that's a vote-getter too. So, I would like to offer my congratulations to Jessica and all of the other "Most Popular Driver" award winners. Apparently all of you found a way to appeal to the crowd enough to get them to make the effort of voting for you.:applause:

W. J.
09-10-2007, 11:13 AM
Well, they may be right. I don't recall too much special recognition for anyone else when they finished 10th or what ever. It's usually reserved for the top qualifiers in a heat, and the top 5 in a feature. Special recognition is only given by those who think they should somehow be "politically correct" in announcing certain gender or ethnic issues, but they ignore anyone who isn't on the current "list". I am not a woman, so I don't know if this is right, but I would rather be judged on my abilities, than on my abilities 'as a woman', which is what that is, like it or not.
There you have my gripe!

09-10-2007, 12:02 PM
First of all congratulations to Jessica, through all the struggles that I have not personally been through myself I would never be able to do what you do because as Dorothea has said so bluntly for us, my balls aren't that high. I have a lot of respect for WOMEN and MEN who are out there driving their hearts out, win or lose, every week. I see everyone saying that drivers should just be drivers...and not women or men, and I believe it should be that way also for the drivers, but it is not that way to the women and children in the stands. If you are going to go by popular driver awards, woman are going to RELATE more to another WOMAN just because men are mostly not all easy to relate to lol!! I just wanted to say to Jessica that you are doing great and congratulations, no matter what anyone else says!!
Teresa Farrell

09-10-2007, 01:31 PM
Congrats Jessica on winning the most popular driver award.:applause:
TK that last sentence in your post had me in tears from LOL.

09-10-2007, 01:47 PM
Who's the most popular IRL driver?? Right she hasn't won anything either. It's all about the way you handle yourself and Jessica has done a great job at that. Women in Motorsports are marketable, and Jessica has made herself available. I must say I don't like the voting process. They should do it like to Modified Tour, make it an on line thing. C'mon when the Brunnhoelzl's sold programs, little Eddie won, when the Brigati family was involved selling programs, Dave won. No one is cheating, but they have the access to the programs and take the time to fill them out. If you didn't vote, you shouldn't be here bitc*in. I say congrats on a job well done and maybe we should look at doing it a different way next year. If you're a sponsor who has never been involved in racing, it's awful nice to hear that the driver I'm getting involved with was the " 2007 Most Popular Driver "

As for Tommy, if that was done, that's a shame. I expected a little more than that from you. Perhaps now that you know the system, your people up in turn 1 can vote for you like crazy next year. Then you can get out on the track and apologize for your uncalled for behavior. I was not there, I'm just going by what I read here.

Congrats Jessica

Steve Halpin

Erin C
09-10-2007, 01:59 PM
Congrats to Jessica, I don't know you nor have I ever met you...but what I've heard is you are doing one heck of a job on improving week after week. Congrats to your "most popular driver" award - I can see you truly are the most popular one here now with 4 pages of posts and over 1,200 views!! Be proud of what you've accomplished :applause:

Keep up the good work!

And for all those who support her, I also applaud you...it takes a strong person to get out there every week even when it seems everyone's against you. The people who believe in you are the ones that keep you going!

Now...I have to go write a check for tickets to my high school reunion, a few people reminded me of that after reading a few posts on different threads the last couple days! :lol:

09-10-2007, 02:22 PM
Online voting. What a good idea!

09-10-2007, 02:23 PM
I think this thread has gotten just a touch out of control. The girl (yes, I called her a girl because guess what? she is a girl) has the "balls" to run with the "boys". She was out there every week running when I'm sure there were times when she wanted to throw in the towel. I don't know Jessica personally, but I always saw her walking around with a smile on her face and I never saw her do anything on the track intentionally to hurt someone or to take someone out. I don't think I can say that about all the boys, now can I? Maybe that's the reason she got most popular. She has taken a lot of crap this year, both on and off the track. I was going to try and stay out of this, but the more I read, the more I just had to open my big mouth. This isn't a response to any one post. I guess I'm just stating my opinion.

09-10-2007, 02:28 PM
Online voting may sound like a good idea, but we have to keep one thing in mind...this award is sponsored/given out by PDI - yes, the people who print and sell the programs. I don't see any reason why they would want to forgo the print version (located inside the program, meaning you have to buy one if you want to vote, which equates to profits for them) in favor of an online version.

09-10-2007, 03:06 PM
We had nothing to do with selling programs when Eddie won. Congratulations to all the drivers that won!

09-10-2007, 03:11 PM
Well put VSMIDGE86, my feelings also. To Jessica, keep running with the boys Sweetheart and Congratulations, we are proud of you.

09-10-2007, 04:34 PM
It seems I missed a lot, but I only want to touch on one thing. The only reason I refer to Jess as the 17 year old girl, is because she gets treated like the 17 year old girl. I want to just adjust another situation, we'll use a fellow rookie in the division. For instance if the 55 would have won this award, to the dislike of the 00, I think he would of had just a LITTLE different attitude towards it. It's easy to get in the face of a 17 year old girl and yell and scream, just as it's easy to maybe knock her out of the way if you need to.

09-10-2007, 06:17 PM
congrats 00 is jeolous jessica keep up the good work:cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

09-10-2007, 08:31 PM
Jeez, I leave the track early to get to Thompson and all hell (here and most everywhere else) breaks loose....

4 pages on this????

Congratulations Jessica and best of luck in the future!

Doug Corwin
Eastport Feeds

09-10-2007, 08:36 PM
RIGGED!!!!!! That's just my opinion. Personally I can't see how someone like Eddie or BOOM BOOM didn't win it.

I have nothing against Jessica, let me say that, but come on.

I agree 110%

Jessica is a great girl but MPD should have went to Either Eddie or Boom Boom

09-10-2007, 09:26 PM
Tracy, your talking about marketing and stuff which is a very good point but don't forget the fact that it is a BIG deal to the Fans sitting in the stands too, they might not know who is who or anything else, and they like to hear that in "such and such" car is a Female, a Girl. Then to hear that she is only 16 years old (now 17) and it gets the fans attention. I remember being at Islip Speedway sitting out in the stands, hearing Bob Finan saying, Peggy Smith driving the 21, and a Linda Smith, not sure what she raced in, maybe figure 8's? Those were the cars I rooted for, didn't matter to me that she wasn't in 1st, 2nd or 3rd, just that she was out there giving it her all! Just like Jessica has all year! And now I think Bob Finan is doing that for the fans now, and with him doing it that way, some of those fans might want to be there next week just to see how the girls do again.

So maybe that's how and where Jessica became :applause: THE FANS :applause: "MOST POPULAR DRIVER" :applause:

Wheel Racing
09-10-2007, 10:04 PM
Just for the record, the age thing has been equally hyped for all young drivers. I remember when JR and Tom Mcann JR were 16 and heavily pushed. Justin Bonsignore, Kevin Orlando, even myself ,etc. Bob Finan does a great job of drawing attention to the young drivers. Male or Female, they have all been given extra exposure and there is nothing wrong with that.

09-10-2007, 10:23 PM
You guys should really realize what you're up against here. Some people I guess just NEED trophies. Some even need them so bad they put LM tires on their street car so they can win spectator drags. No names mentioned of course. :)

09-10-2007, 10:33 PM
:applause: Congratulations Jessica..:applause:

It is pretty sad that she can't even enjoy the fact that she got recognized as most popular driver, seeing as most of the thread is trashing something or other. You should just close it already!! People need to move on. Try reading the thread in general info.."when will it all end"..It might make you think about something different.

09-11-2007, 06:20 AM
Congratulations Jessica, you've come a long way this season. Now, as far as others saying this one should have won it or that one should have, well, it could very well be true, but your supporters didn't bother to pick up a program and vote, plain and simple. Remember next year, tell your friends to vote. And as far as online voting, it could easily be done. Each program has a unique code in it for voting. This code is used to make the online vote. A code can only register once. Obviously the code would not be in any numerical order, just a random combination of letters, numbers, and characters.


09-11-2007, 07:48 AM
Maybe there should be a sticky thread called the, "TRASH CAN" so all the trashing and flaming posts can be put there. Then those of us who would rather not read trash talk in the middle of some thread can just avoid the trash can?

09-15-2007, 12:06 PM
You guys should really realize what you're up against here. Some people I guess just NEED trophies. Some even need them so bad they put LM tires on their street car so they can win spectator drags. No names mentioned of course. :)
Lol, too bad they retired/scared, the Jeep was dying to spank a 'Vette at it's own game...and a champion to boot....
Congratulations to Jessica for her winning the most popular...
Oh I can't believe some of the crying :*-( going on