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View Full Version : A tribute to Lou Cady:

09-10-2007, 11:53 PM
Three years ago today, September 11, we lost a man with an incredible vision in how the racing community would receive and pass along news. Lou's vision of ModSeriesScene was first and foremost a labor of love, which took a commitment that he never backed down from.

It is a fact of life that, as time goes on, things will change. Depending on how one views changes, they are either good or not so good.

There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of Lou: the man, my friend and friend to countless others. We truly are a blessed community in that, because of Lou's vision, racing on the internet was taken to a whole new level. I will do my very best to see that his vision lives on here at The Chrome Horn.

Thank you Lou..........gone, but never forgotten.........

RIP my friend,


Precision Auto
09-11-2007, 12:00 AM
Howie: On this day Norm and I think of Lou and the loss the racing community felt.

Norm and I will continue in any way possible to keep Lou's vision going strong on The Chrome Horn...........

Linda and Norm Case

Mike Fields
09-11-2007, 07:41 AM
It's incredible that it's been three years already. He is still, and will be, very much missed.

09-11-2007, 07:50 PM
I have been hooked on modified racing since my first race which was roughly 1964-65 at Riverhead Raceway. When I finally got old enough to drive, we always hit Riverside, Stafford, Thompson and Wall Stadium shows. As the internet came into place for all, I started searching for Modified Tour news and found a great site for Charlie Pasteryak which also covered Tour races. At that time I had many thoughts and questions and quite frequently emailed the author, Lou. Now, I did not know him nor him me but he did reply to every email I ever sent him. I was saddened when a message finally came on the site that he would no longer be writing there. The good part of this was he started Mod Series Scene, which I have faithfully followed since it's inception.
My point here is that I am sure if Lou emailed me back every time, I am sure he touched almost anyone who had any contact with him.
Howie, I am saddened by the loss of your dear friend but always remember, he is in you. Your memories, thoughts and actions. He will always be there. From what you have said above, I wish I had a chance to meet the man. I probably stood next to him somewhere in my travels and never knew it.
God Bless You Lou.....

09-11-2007, 08:10 PM
Rest in Peace Lou,

I hope you're enjoying yourself while watching one hell of a Modified race up there...

09-11-2007, 11:13 PM
I only met Lou a couple of times. He was always excited to meet the people behind the e-mails and posts face to face. Through him we all have met some very fine and upstanding friends. Friends like all of you!!

Teds Race Tours
09-12-2007, 09:12 AM
The Measure of a person comes in many ways. The 2 most important, to me, is (1)how people felt about you while you were here. Of course, Lou Cady measured up on the highest possible scale in that respect. The 2nd is how people felt about you after you left us, and its obvious the void left behind by Lou on both the human level and the Modified level. Lou measures up again on the highest possible scale. Lou dubbed me TBax, and I will always wear that moniker with pride. You are very missed. I guess I owe you about 6 beers by now since UConn has had their way with St Johns lately. I'll toast one in your memory tonight Lou. :cheers: R.I.P my friend.

I also find it sad that there is no mention of Lou in Lou's House on the anniversary of his death, which only goes to show that Lou was only human.

09-13-2007, 09:49 AM
I never met Lou but because of Lou I have friends named Howie, Mary, Tbax, Alex, NazNodFan, Kickingasphalt, Flawless, Walt and on and on and on.

Plus I get called Jaws a lot more than I used to!

Thanks Lou.

Teds Race Tours
09-13-2007, 11:57 AM
Thats one of the greatnesses that Lou Accomplished. He brought all Modified Fans under one "roof". Someday there should be a Lou Cady Memorial Race somewhere that brings all Modified drivers to under one rulebook. When I win Lotto, That happens.

09-13-2007, 07:43 PM
I never met the man in person but was fortunate to have conversed with him a few times way back on the old message board. His efforts back then gave birth to a gathering place for a great community of people that possess amazing spirit, compassion and humor - all bound by a love of the Modified's. This community has evolved and expanded over the years but it has only gotten bigger and better!
For this I say a big thanks again Lou!

09-14-2007, 08:40 AM
It’s funny, I was thinking of Lou the other day.

I’ve been off the boards for a few days because of a work project, but I am glad to see this thread. Like some of the other posters in this thread, I never met Lou in person.

On the old MSS board, in about 98 or 99, I started a typical thread about road courses and modifieds, and of course there was a boatload of feelings one way or the other. As the thread began taking a life of it’s own I got an email from “pd4designs”and it was Lou. He was telling me not to get discouraged by the direction and the way the thread was unraveling. Of course, I did not care too much about the way the threads was going (that is what a msg board is for), but I was very touched that someone would take the time to email and tell me not to worry. I guess he felt as a newer poster I might get scared off.

He could not have been farther from the truth. As others have mentioned MSS and the board became one of the tools I used to get in touch with others in the modified community. Without Lou I would never have met Howie, TBax, csg, Jaws, Walt, modtourman, Linda Case, Chris, ThE sHaDoW, Cuyahoga Cuse and many others! I also probably would not have found the dozens of tracks I’ve been to, the meet n greets and above all, I probably would not have the passion I do for “this thing of ours;” modified racing. I also would not have been able to share my thoughts and opinions about modified racing, which is one of the things that helps me get out of bed in the morning!

About eight months before his death, I began some email correspondence with Lou about redoing the Pick-6 game. I told him what I was doing and what I thought we could do for Pick-6. We had some differing thoughts about how the game would work, but he told me to go for it, which I gladly did. We always had a few email chuckles back and forth about the results etc.

There were also some lapses in time between our emails. I sensed Lou was sick, but was not sure just how sick he was. I remember hearing the news of his passing just a day or two before the Thompson 300 in 2003 or 2004. I remember talking about it to csg at the 300 that year and it seemed very unreal, especially since I had never met him. Still, I felt a sense of loss.

Since I never met Lou, I could only imagine what his voice was like, but I always envisioned a kind of nice-guy growl when I heard him “telling” posters who strayed on the MSS board, “OK, kids, now quiet down, or…..”

RIP Lou. You are not forgotten and never will be.

09-14-2007, 10:13 AM
I also find it sad that there is no mention of Lou in Lou's House on the anniversary of his death, which only goes to show that Lou was only human.

I saw that too and that even makes this sadder as I thought that was HIS VISION!!!

Precision Auto
09-14-2007, 10:17 AM
I saw that too and that even makes this sadder.

This should come as no surprise to anyone............

09-18-2007, 09:38 PM
I'm sorry it took so long for me to respond to this post, but Lou had an impact on me that is hard to put into words.

We first had contact through emails in 97-98 while he had Charlie Pasteryak's website, and I was starting Jamie Tomaino's site. He was always helpful and available to give advice. It should be noted that Lou had the FIRST mod site on the net.

About a year later we started talking/emailing about what is now MSS. Several others were also involved. Lou liked the contraversy, in a cival sense. The first site was called P.I.T.S. (Politically Incorrect Tour Stuff). but he decided against it.

We played around with a few other names, and then he emailed me and told me he had started MSS.

Who knew that it would explode to what it is now. Without getting into too much, I miss the calls from Lou, calling him with the New Smyrna updates from Florida, and just talking to him.

I miss you my friend, but we will meet again...

Mike Clayton

10-03-2007, 09:06 AM
I also find it sad that there is no mention of Lou in Lou's House on the anniversary of his death, which only goes to show that Lou was only human.

The Non- mention of the anniversary and the most recent changes over there really expose the character of some people. Like I always said... A damn shame

Teds Race Tours
10-03-2007, 10:37 AM
The Non- mention of the anniversary and the most recent changes over there really expose the character of some people. Like I always said... A damn shame

I have to correct you on one thing Modman. It doesn't really expose the character, as much as it exposes her LACK of character. Those that know her personality have left, those that will find out her personality will leave. Its amazing that she has taken the name Lou's House off of their message forum. I don't know any legitimate reason for that to have been changed. How long before Lou's name is taken off the front page over there? How long before somebody on that message board says Who is/was Lou Cady? With what he started, that question should never be asked.

10-03-2007, 10:37 AM
The Non- mention of the anniversary and the most recent changes over there really expose the character of some people. Like I always said... A damn shame

Do you mean the removal of Lou's Corner inthe message board? I noticed that last night. I spoke with Lou online quite a few times about different things in Modified racing. I think he would really enjoy the modified situation right now, with 3 different series competing against each other, and all seeming to prosper. It's too bad, the place where he started all of our passions coming together has changed from what he wanted. It's a good thing Howie and others have found this place to continue.

10-03-2007, 11:22 AM
The Non- mention of the anniversary and the most recent changes over there really expose the character of some people. Like I always said... A damn shame

I think I was taken aback by the changes that were made to the MSS forum. I was more fond of the board before this morning (when I found it), so I did what I had to do before I got the heck away from there. The place was fine before the change, so I don't know why anyone would want to change it to begin with. It's things like this that make me wonder why the world is what it is today. It's truly saddening. :(

10-03-2007, 11:23 AM
Ted, I belive Lou's name has already been removed from the front page. This is what happens when someones ego over rides whats is right. She seems to forget that the modified community is a small group of people that is extremely loyal. Lou was loyal to modifieds in his vision for the site... to rid his vision of his name is a slap in the face to every person who ever visited the site. In the end, she may just find herself staring at the monitor asking, "Where did everybody go?"

It's a damn shame

10-03-2007, 12:01 PM
Ted, I belive Lou's name has already been removed from the front page.

Actually, it is still there.
Bottom of main page, very little red letters in the black box.

10-03-2007, 12:52 PM
Thanks Richie... Ted pointed that out to me in a PM.... How could I have missed that?!?!?!

Lou may not have won a ton of modified features, or built the "next big thing" in a car, but his contribution to modified racing, IMHO, ranks up there with some of the big names in the sport. Anyone who has been around modified racing for any length of time can remember a time when you had to call everyone you knew to try and get results.... or remembers standing at the mail box on Wed or Thurs. waiting for the Speedway Scene. What Lou, and the good people who worked with him, created was a medium that not only gave us the results, but gave us a voice. For the first time a fan, competitor, and a promoter had a place to express themselves.. good or bad. The influence that MSS HAD can be seen in the pits, on the track, in the stands and on the internet.

I know I am preaching to the choir.... but it's a damn shame.

Precision Auto
10-03-2007, 08:55 PM
The game of life is like the game of boomerang. Our thoughts, "deeds" and "words" return to us sooner or later, with "astounding accuracy."

Of this I know: "what goes around - comes around." I patiently await that day.

10-03-2007, 09:52 PM
Of this I know: "what goes around - comes around." I patiently await that day.

It's almost like I'm afraid to find out what's going to happen if someone ever decides to mention his name around there. I'm waiting for that question from someone.

But removing the tribute from the board is like a virtual "eff off" and a slap in the face at the same time. I would try to keep the tribute going, even if it is part of a major change.

10-03-2007, 10:44 PM
Lou's House is there. It just moved to a different spot in the re-organized forum.

10-04-2007, 12:29 AM
Yes, it "returned" sometime Wed. Night.

10-04-2007, 05:43 AM
I see it totally gone.
If it is, it's buried, where it should be in the forefront.
UPDATE: You must be a member the see the Lou's House area. MMMM, wonder why they don't want the general public to see anything tying the site to Lou? Interesting question, aye? It seems to also pertain to football, congrats, birthdays and board updates only.
My take on this: The site was Lou's vision. It was handed to a few to run. Nothing has changed in the fact it WAS HIS SITE. In the last 2 years, logo's and statements of that fact have grown smaller and smaller. THIS IS TOTALLY DISRESPECTFUL!!! No matter how you look at it.
MandyB, I agree with your take on it....

Brian Hawks
10-24-2007, 10:49 PM
I know I let everyone down writing articles for the site about the Southern Tour. Ran slap out of free time.

I hope to come back in 08 and do some good things for this site.

This thread caught my eye though. I found MSS years and years ago and never met, nor spoke to Lou. But in the past year as I voiced my opinion of things.. I was told by this "certain" person my opinion wasn't welcome. And I'm currently "Moderated" in my posting. Which means unless I wish someone a Happy Birthday.. I don't get to voice my opinion.

I frown to even mention the conversations I've had downing people that made this site a sucess.

10-24-2007, 11:44 PM
My final thoughts on this subject are these:

Lou loved the mod racing and all the competitors that raced.

Lou did not care if there were 20 other sites like his, he would even give them a link on his site and help if he could.

Lou hated ads.

But.. we would not have gotten to know Linda and her husband as well if not for their sponsoring both sites over time :)

There is room for both, it should not become a war.

10-24-2007, 11:46 PM
Thanks Mike.
My sediments exactly, especially the last line....

11-08-2007, 08:32 PM
I see it totally gone.
If it is, it's buried, where it should be in the forefront.
UPDATE: You must be a member the see the Lou's House area. MMMM, wonder why they don't want the general public to see anything tying the site to Lou? Interesting question, aye? It seems to also pertain to football, congrats, birthdays and board updates only.
My take on this: The site was Lou's vision. It was handed to a few to run. Nothing has changed in the fact it WAS HIS SITE. In the last 2 years, logo's and statements of that fact have grown smaller and smaller. THIS IS TOTALLY DISRESPECTFUL!!! No matter how you look at it.
MandyB, I agree with your take on it....

Well, its not totally gone...its there on the bottom of the front page, in small letters - At the "request of the family." (Apparently Lou didn't like all the fuss over himself.)

And all this time I was lead to beleive that I'd ripped off an extra loud fart during high mass or something......Gotta side with Ted, Jaws n' Co. Richie G. & Brian H. .....unbeleiveable!

MandyB - hope that offer to Mike Lowell is what he wants - I'd hate to see him go somewhere else.

Tooner - this'll all blow over.....(glad you're here, BTW)


11-21-2007, 01:18 PM
this isn't new thread worthy... but why is the time screwed up??? or is it just me... and if it's just me... how the heck do I fix it????????????

11-21-2007, 01:53 PM
Time was screwed up a few days ago, but it is now corrected. Are you still having issues?

11-26-2007, 12:54 AM
at 12;55pm, the bottom line of this board says.....
All times are GMT -8. The time now is 09:53 PM.

11-26-2007, 01:53 AM
Ok, my computer says 1:53 am and the bottom of page says 1:52am.
Time zone for Eastern Standard is GMT-5.
GMT-8 would be 3 hours difference as you mentioned.
Go to User CP and then select Edit Options.
Scroll down to Date & Time Options and change as needed.

11-26-2007, 09:26 AM
I'm good now...... or well rather the time is good now.... I'm still questioning myself. LOL