View Full Version : John Force - 14-time Funny Car Champ

Precision Auto
09-23-2007, 03:35 PM
Drag racing is being held at Texas Mororplex outside of Dallas this weekend.
At the top end of the race track, while running Kenny Burnstein, the two collided.

The news as of 2:30 p.m. is that Kenny was fine. John suffered two broken legs, a broken arm and other injuries, but was alert and conconscious. He was being air lifted to a Dallas Hospital.

Our thoughts and prayers are with John and his family........Linda and Norm

09-23-2007, 05:56 PM
John is also in our household's prayers for a speedy recovery.

09-24-2007, 06:34 PM
Best Recovery to John

Precision Auto
09-24-2007, 07:14 PM
As of 9/24/07 at 7:00 p.m., the latest on John's condition was:

1. He had surgery last night where they inserted three pins into his left ankle.
2. He also had three pins inserted into his wrist. It was not broken, the pins
were to stabalize the wrist.
3. According to his P.R. rep, John was up and walking today so the docs
could determine how much weight he could put on his ankle and other leg.

And to those who follow drag racing, it should come as no surprise when John asked his docs: "what do we have to do to get me ready for the next race in two weeks?".....the docs told him there will be no more racing this year, but they see no reason why he can't come back in 2008 to try for his 15th championship.

Quite the character........glad to hear that he's doing well......

For further updates, you can go directly to John's website: www.johnforceracing.com

Linda and Norm :applause:

09-24-2007, 07:46 PM
Crashing at 315+ miles and hour and walking the next day.

That is one tough SOB!

I can't name many drag racers, but I know what John looks like, sounds like and that he is a great character.

Get well soon and see you on the tack.

Remember he's 58 years old too!!!