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View Full Version : Upon request....

10-04-2007, 01:05 PM
Upon one driver's request, I wanted to know if anyone mind running the 4 cylinders FIRST at this year's MUTHA race?

I feel that since the small cars ran last at every event this season so far it would be nice to let them run first for once. Plus, I personally don't like the same setup, race after race after race...... So I would like to see some change this season, PER EVERYONE'S APPROVAL, of course!!

Also, for next season, I am already working on the schedule, I have this in mind regarding this post... I would like to 'schedule' different race orders, 4-6/8-Trux or Trux-4-6/8 or 6/8-Trux-4.... Something to change things up a bit....

Beaters could be 4-6/8-trux
Mem Day would be 6/8-trux-4
Frankenduro Trux-6/8-4

Something like that.....catch my drift? The same routine in and out gets boring and it becomes more like clockwork..........blah.......

So let's change it up a bit in 2008! Got any input, let's hear it!

10-04-2007, 04:25 PM
Sounds good to me, any idea how many races we will have next year?

Erin C
10-04-2007, 04:33 PM
It will be a full season so most likely 10. Basically revolving around the same dates BUT we may move one because Joe and I will be in North Carolina for a wedding. It is still in the process of being worked out though.

10-05-2007, 12:36 AM
Sounds good here. Everyone needs a change once in awhile. Make it more interesting for everyone.

Grouch Racing 56K