View Full Version : Congrats....

10-21-2007, 11:08 PM
Congrats to Jamie Meyer/Curtis on her second place finish in the woman's enduro. I was a little upset to find no trophy or payout. It says on the NEETS website that top five in all divisions will get trophies. Whataya gonna do!!!
Congrats to Spit for his win in the 4 cyl. and thanks for letting Jamie use his car for her race.

Erin C
10-21-2007, 11:35 PM
From Joe, on Erin's computer...

It does say winnerS will receive trophies in all divisions...but, NEETS does not run a FEMALE division. The ladies races that are added to each show are an added bonus race to any of the wives/girlfriends/sisters..., who want to race, but can't afford to haul two cars so both husband and wife/brother and sister/etc. It was stated earlier on in the season when the ladies races were introduced, they would be FREE TO ENTER, WINNER ONLY GETS A PERSONALIZED TROPHY. Erin sponsored the trophies herself, therefore, it was her choice to honor first, top five, all, etc.

These races are intended to get more women involved in racing again...last season, there were several prominent female drivers in both 6/8's and 4 Cylinder divisions...when we first came up with the idea this season, Erin was our ONLY female driver. Since it was first announced, we have been seeing more and more interest...is it possible for a Ladies' Division next season? Possibly...

As in all aspects of the series...the more interest you the racers show, the more we will do to keep you all happy!

With that said, congrats Jamie! You put on a heck of a fight out there, that race was certainly the main attraction today!!! Plenty of ACTION!!!!!

Good night, from Joe and Erin!

ps...I'll be online bright and early tomorow to post full results!

10-22-2007, 04:50 AM
Thanks guy's.

10-22-2007, 07:50 AM
Thats My Girl!!!!

10-22-2007, 04:28 PM
Wayne, I thought you was all the trophy she needed?????? Get her to flip a cigarette out the window just before the start of the race and she will look just like Grandpa Sip out there.

10-23-2007, 11:30 AM
Congrats, Jamie! I had a bit of a "mind slip" last night as I was looking over the NEETS results...I saw "Jamie Lee Meyer" and it took a minute before it kicked in...ha! I heard it was quite the race!

10-23-2007, 03:20 PM
Yeah...I asked who was in the 02 car when she pulled out onto the track since it wasn't on the list...she hopped in Spit's car apparently instead of the BOO car. She said it was Jamie Curtis...so when I get home and start posting results, I type in Jamie Curtis first...THEN I REMEMBER!

I guess it takes some time to get used to! Can't blame ya!

Let me know if you are interested in running at the MUTHA, we should be having a 40 Lap Ladies race...it's on the NEETS forum as of right now...may be free to enter, may be $10 winner takes all! Hey, 10 cars in $100 to win the race, not bad...

Tracy, maybe you should come out for this race...I'd love to see you and Erin run a Porto race!!!! LOL!!!!:applause:

Erin C
10-23-2007, 03:31 PM
nonono...I think she already has the advantage with more experience than me. We already saw me almost take a spill once this year, I don't want it to actually happen next time!! LOL :lol:

10-23-2007, 03:37 PM
Sorry, guys, but I already have family obligations for that weekend. They happen to be in PA...only about 3 hours from where you are!:disgusted

Right now I'm busy working on trying to come up with something to run just a race or two at Riverhead next year...been too long since I've been behind the wheel (though people who have actually been on the track with me might argue otherwise). We'll see what happens...

10-23-2007, 04:35 PM
She Jumped In Spits Car And Learned Real Quick On How To Drive A Standard Transmission !!!!