View Full Version : Christmas Cards

11-19-2007, 08:40 AM
Thought I would post this:

When you are making out your Christmas card list this year, please include the following:
* * * * * A Recovering American Soldier
* * * * * c/o Walter Reed Army Medical* Center
* * * * * 6900 Georgia Avenue, NW
* * * * * Washington, D.C. 20307-5001

Precision Auto
11-20-2007, 07:42 PM
gomodsgo: Thanks for the info....I will definitely send out some cards.

Here's what I would like to challenge everyone on The Chrome Horn to do:

Send ten (10) Christmas Cards to the address listed by gomodsgo:

A recovering American Soldier
c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center
6900 Georgia Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20307

Reply to the thread that you have sent your 10 cards.......I won't have any way of knowing, but I trust in all of you.............

For every Christmas Card sent to a returning Soldier at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, I will donate $1.00, to be split between:

The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp - founded by Paul Newman, located in CT and
The Victory Junction Gang Camp

Cut off date for donations will be December 20th...........

Let's see if we can make a difference to the above two organizations...both of which make a child smile.............



Thanks............Linda and Norm Case, Precision Automotive, Inc.

11-20-2007, 10:27 PM
You and Norm are such great hearted people.
Come on folks.
This works 3 fold.
Cheer a soldier, and donate to 2 great foundations...
All by just sending 10 Christmas cards!!!!
Thank you Linda & Norm of Precision Automotive......

Precision Auto
11-21-2007, 11:13 AM
I did my 10 cards.........Norm's mom is staying with us while she recovers from a fracture, so she did 10 also..........

Happy Turkey Day to all..........Linda and Norm

11-21-2007, 08:03 PM
We've got 10 cards on their way also.

11-29-2007, 11:57 AM
I guess not having to work at work is a bonus.... because I just mailed out my 10 cards.... and I had 1 left over, so da Boyz sent one with thise paw prints on them. :applause:

I hope as the holiday gets closer that a few more folks step up and send some cards out....... even if you don't want to post it here...... please just mail them out.... it might be the only card that someone gets.

Precision Auto
11-29-2007, 01:58 PM
We're up to 41.......now that we're heading into December, let's try to make it 200 cards...........that's 20 people doing 10 cards........I'm positive that the Chrome Horn group can come up with that......all for several great causes.

Thanks.........Linda :wave:

11-30-2007, 09:05 AM
Not to be a buzzkill for such a worthy cause, but the hospital will not accept those cards:


There are other addresses in there with various things you can do for those brave men and women though.

11-30-2007, 09:56 AM
well that just freakin blows....... what the heck...... the hospital is crazy if they get all these cards and not hadn them out..... and before that the Post Office are arses if they just refuse them and throw them away.

GGRRRRRRRRR stupid stuff like this really pisses me off. I sure do hope they deliever MY letter to Santa cause I really have a very special gift on there that I want. gggggrrrrrrrrrrr

Precision Auto
11-30-2007, 09:58 AM
I'm trying to convey my feelings without going "off the wall".......I suppose my cards will be coming back to me in the near future......

In any event, I will still be making a donation of:

$100.00 to The Hole In the Wall Gang Camp and
$100.00 to The Victory Junction Gang Camp

Both will be listed as from: "Members of The Chrome Horn"

Linda and Norm Case

11-30-2007, 10:27 AM
I can't believe this!!!
I can somewhat understand packages for security BUT let them accept cards at least!!!! Thay all deserve that much!!!!
At the bottom of the story posted above, it does say you can send to The American Red Cross then Walter Reed Army Medical Center and address and they would distibute the items.
So sad that most of these soldiers don't have families and now cut off from those who care!!!!

Precision Auto
11-30-2007, 02:59 PM
well that just freakin blows....... what the heck...... the hospital is crazy if they get all these cards and not hadn them out..... and before that the Post Office are arses if they just refuse them and throw them away.

GGRRRRRRRRR stupid stuff like this really pisses me off. I sure do hope they deliever MY letter to Santa cause I really have a very special gift on there that I want. gggggrrrrrrrrrrr

gomodsgo: Did you see where the Post Office refused to allow the Marine Corps to put their "Toys for Tots" boxes in the Post Office lobbies? They claimed that it came under their rules of "no solicitations."

Well, apparently I wasn't the only one P.O.'d at that one. I, and several hundred others made calls to our mail office in Hartford......I saw in this mornings newspaper that they are now going to allow the boxes.

Geez - it's for kids who have nothing........someone needs to tell me where the hell this country is heading........Linda :mad:

11-30-2007, 03:19 PM
well that tops a new level of WTF???????? I mean hello....... WOW... it's Toys for Tots. OMG.

There was a local news story of a guy that was living in a homeless shelter and started ringing the bell for the salvation army. Well the homeless shelter kicked him out cause he wasn't actively lookin for employment... and he also was getting $20 for food allowance for the week so the homeless shelter threw him out and wont let him back there to live.
oh yeah.... also read in my local paper the city of Claremont is evicting the soup kitchen because they are behind on their rent. Yup, my city is charging rent to the SOUP kitchen... and now are tossing them out cause they can't pay the rent. Just makes NO sense to me. This country really sometimes needs a "here's your sign" sign.

12-04-2007, 09:28 PM
This was posted over on raceny (not by me, which is sad, cuz i work there and didn't know about this). This site, http://www.letssaythanks.com/ , is sponsoered by Xerox, and is a way you really can get a card to a soldier this holiday season. Check it out.