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02-27-2008, 03:12 PM
Ok, I know someone who knows someone (on the inside), let's just keep it at that.. I have a few questions regarding the tire situation for the track, some of it involves this division which is why I chose this forum..
I am hearing this, and I am not trying to spread, I am looking for truth.. I hear the new distributor will not be offering tires to buy during the week, (as was an option earlier this Winter).. When will we find out where and when we can buy them? (as well as how much, some teams I know are looking to get their sponsorship dollars in order and have no answers when it comes to the tires)..
Also, as was a major issue with a near distributor earlier this Winter, there is a driver involved. I do not have an issue with that at all. But, this source is telling me MOD tires will be impounded, as was not the case earlier this Winter.. That could be a sticky issue with some..
I don't want to start stuff, just looking to get things cleared up.. The season is coming quickly, and drivers need to know what is going on so they can prepare properly..

02-27-2008, 03:48 PM
as long as his driver does not compete it should not be a problem. he did state that publicly at the meeting. if that is not the case then it is bull....

W. J.
02-27-2008, 03:56 PM
as long as his driver does not compete it should not be a problem. he did state that publicly at the meeting. if that is not the case then it is bull....
His driver is as free to compete as any others. Do you think this situation has never existed before? Let's get over throwing mud on the issue and get to the information everyone needs, and leave the accusations about something that hasn't even happened yet until it actually does, if ever.

02-27-2008, 04:51 PM
i'm just repeating what he said. " if i get the tire deal my cars will not race there"

02-27-2008, 08:41 PM
I continue to wonder how long interested parties should be expected to wait for a legitimate answer to these questions regarding tires? I mean seriously...the countdown is down to 52 days?

Sounds to me someone needs to ummmmmm do "something" of get off the pot? :lol:

"Kick" brings up a great point....BUDGET....how are people supposed to plan without knowing what it will cost them? The time for patience has passed!

Maybe you all should start to call the track offices daily and "inquire" as to when a decision can be expected? :confused:

02-29-2008, 07:43 PM
the only thing i can comment on is that Jimmy WILL be racing at riverhead this year, schedule permitting. but there will be NO impound. therefore jimmy's tires will be subject to the same checks from officials as everyone else. and the tires i believe will be available during the week if u so choose to come buy them. so there is certainly no uneven playing field there.

02-29-2008, 08:31 PM
you tellem freddy... lol

03-01-2008, 10:15 AM
no impound is a good thing. :cheers:

03-01-2008, 03:38 PM
easy over there furr... this isnt chemistry class... lol

03-15-2008, 03:35 PM
I hate to bring this up again, but what is the deal with the tires? Tech is nearly here, practice will be here beofre you know it.. And no one knows how or where to get tires, or what the deal is.. I was told some scary news from a former Hoosier employee, regarding Riverhead and Hoosier's relationship, and it worries me.. I do hope the Cromarty's have a plan B.. That's all I can say about it..

Please please please Riverhead, drivers need to know what's up with the tire deal! The season is nearly here and no one can race without tires..

Tower Man
03-16-2008, 10:31 AM
It is what it is and always will be.

03-18-2008, 06:25 AM
Is this tire deal official now ( 3-19-08 ) or not? Did I miss an official press release, price, how and where to buy, compound for each division, manufacturer.
I think everyone needs the next , and hopefully the last peice of the puzzle.

W. J.
03-18-2008, 06:44 AM
It was announced by Bob Finan in "Eye on Riverhead" that TS would be handling tire sales at the track. What everyone is waiting for is the announcement of when tires will be sold, and for how much. Bob did announce prices would be better (lower) than last year.

W. J.
03-19-2008, 10:15 AM
A press release is expected late this week with all the information everyone needs to know about tires this season at Riverhead. There are a few things that need to be confirmed between the track and T.S. Haulers, and then the announcement will be made. Just a little more patience folks, and all will be known.

W. J.
03-21-2008, 10:59 AM
All the tire information you need is now found in a Riverhead Raceway press release on our front page.

03-21-2008, 02:59 PM
Except for prices. it would be helpful to know how much they are so we can start planning for them

03-21-2008, 03:01 PM
For pricing, directions and any other information competitors should phone TS Haulers at 631-369-1265 and ask for Laura or Stanley. All Hoosier Tire related calls should go to TS Haulers.

03-21-2008, 04:51 PM
if all else fails call Jay, TS tire representive !

03-21-2008, 05:04 PM
all i can is wow. i'm probably going to Mountain. i thought there was going to be a savings :rolleyes: just be sitting down when you ask about co$t.

03-21-2008, 07:26 PM
why are tires more than last year i hope not

W. J.
03-21-2008, 07:56 PM
Tires are made from oil. Oil is, at minimum, $40 more per barrel than it was last year. Tires are not the only thing that would be more expensive because of this. Your home heating oil is well over a $1 a gallon more than it was last year. Your gasoline is over $1 more than it was a year ago. The list could go on.....

03-21-2008, 09:22 PM
Has anyone called about the prices and compound for the figure8 tires ? no sense in everyone calling, how about just posting the info that we need, whats the big secret ?

Fat Albert
03-21-2008, 09:49 PM
Tires are made from oil. Oil is, at minimum, $40 more per barrel than it was last year. Tires are not the only thing that would be more expensive because of this. Your home heating oil is well over a $1 a gallon more than it was last year. Your gasoline is over $1 more than it was a year ago. The list could go on.....

So true! Even the True Value Modified Racing Series has had to raise the price of tires another $5. http://www.modifiedracingseries.com/owners.htm