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View Full Version : Kyle Busch Thoughts

Rich Mergl
05-04-2008, 04:46 PM
Is he trying to get the drivers in all three divisions to throw him a big Blanket Party or what?

W. J.
05-04-2008, 06:22 PM
It's a family tradition, started by his brother, LOL!

05-04-2008, 06:23 PM
Honestly Rich, I thought the incident with Jr. was just hard racin' on both their part. Seen the replay many times and it just looks like "stuff" happens, ya know?
As a Jr. fan though.....I'm mad as :mad:

05-04-2008, 06:56 PM
but see kyle busch shouldent of forced the corner on jr

05-04-2008, 07:40 PM
To me it looked like Kyle went in too hard, got loose and steered into it and into Jr. Jr came down too but at that point on the track they both should have been coming down into the turn. It was racing, but kyle went in too hard.

05-04-2008, 07:43 PM
Who saw the Nationwide incident with Steven Wallace... I think what happened on Saturday with Jr. was all Busch... like somebody else said Busch drove into hard and then took a right turn...
And the Friday issue with Wallace... well that was all Busch (post race) I like what Wallace said about Busch- "Kyle Busch is just a girl" -- I think that sums up everything that I think about Busch


TCH Mascot
Carey and Coffey Fan Club President

"Rubbins Racin" Dale Sr.

The Bullfather
05-04-2008, 08:29 PM
Kyle didn't turn the wheel right until Jr. came down. I think he corrected his car but in process knocked Jr. over too much. I don't blame Kyle for this, it was racing, old fashion racing! No one would have complained 20 years ago! Look at when both of them were battling for position when Denny was slipping back, they went three wide and almost wrecked. Great driving on both driver's part. I think if blame was going to be held it was the spotter for Jr., but maybe he did call Kyle going in low, but Jr. thought he could still drive it in hard and save position. This sitituation is great for NASCAR and is going to be milked dry! To me it was hard racing at the end of a race for position. Why should we hear all the whiners come out of the wood works, but when Dale Sr. does it to D.W. it racing! HEY LET'S GET BACK TO RACING FOLKS! Hard nose racing! This sport was built on drivers pushing the limit, sometimes even going over it. I'm not calling for drivers to bump and run for each position, but let's see some muscle out there. Sport is geting dull and this is something NASCAR will milk to bring back the band wagon Jr. fans to the track! lol Ok not just Jr. fans, unfair, sorry! But this what the sport needs guy battling for the lead with the checkered flag right around the corner.

05-04-2008, 09:29 PM
Kyle Busch has been racing like a "jilted girlfriend" all year.

Did you hear his whining when Dr. Dick had to change an interview because JR had just bumped Kyle from the pole a few races ago?

The kid has a major problem with the "new girlfriend" and is going out of his way to show that he is better. Last night was another example of it. He drove it in WAY too hard. Even under the best of circumstances he would have washed up the track, but since it was against the "new girlfriend" there was no stopping Kyle. He showed a lack of common sense with that move. He had the faster car, and would have passed Jr., but his jealousy got in the way.

I really think Kyle is headed for more trouble (easy prediction I know.)

05-04-2008, 10:07 PM
Jimmy Spencer needs to take care of Kyle like he did Kurt a few years ago! :wave:

05-04-2008, 10:47 PM
"I'll wreck as many cars as I need to" - Kyle Busch after the nationwide race.
Now I may not know much, but to me that sounds like something a whiny little ***** that needs to be put in his place would say.

05-04-2008, 11:38 PM
I think it was a racing incident on saturday night, as much as I wanted to see Jr win and end his drought! Kyle was just racing hard and he does drive the wheels off of any car. I like anyone who drives a 100%. Jr was riding that high line all night and going into 3 and 4 he did pinch it a little, as well kyle sent it in alittle too hard which is why I think it was a racing incident. Kyle could tone it down maybe a notch but why??? Racing would be boring as hell and we would have nothing to talk about! Im tired of yawning during these races.

05-05-2008, 12:10 AM
Okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. I love the way NASCAR fines drivers for conduct unbecoming to the sport then use the incident in every commercial and promotional they can. I guess they take the fines and toss them in the kiddy for the widows funds and college scholorships which is great.

To me, watching the Kyle and _____________ fill in the blank, show brings back the day of the intimidator, The Silver Fox, Junior Johnson and many of the old time drivers. Race to win. After seeing the ARCA race at the ROCK today was almost magical. Bring back the good old days of racing and quit with the whiners, the cookie cutter tracks, the double standards of NASCAR car and let's go racing again.

Let's get real drivers behind the wheel again, not salesman, not promotional personalities but good old boys. Maybe then racing will become more affordable for the fans and the racing teams. Speaking of which, put a cap on team cars to two car teams. No more 4 car plus partnership in a 5,6,7th car. That's BS. That's what drives the cost of racing up.

Let's see what happens when the full impact of the cost of gas/fuel befalls the country and the corportations that sponsor some of these racing teams.

Oh, who's fault was it? It was racing's fault. I think it's called an accident that comes about by all out racing by two very hungry to win drivers.

05-05-2008, 10:53 AM
I agree 100% with Turbo. The kid makes dam sure every race with him is interesting, and nobody can take that away from him because he is up front every race. If that were for 20th would anyone care ?

05-05-2008, 11:32 AM
what that little twit needs is for someone to take him behind a trailer and beat the living piss out of him.soon or later with his antics he's going to seriously injure someone.Intentional.well until they interviewed him i wasn't too sure but when he said"maybe i did-maybe i didn't" what does that tell you???they're gonna need to create a new division just for him alone:mad:

05-05-2008, 12:11 PM
That kid[well not really a kid being 23 yrs old] can race for sure,hated that it happened but thats short track racing for sure.Jr had to know it was coming,would have liked to have heard what his spotter was saying after they came out of turn 2,he had to know kyle was coming and coming fast and determined..

05-05-2008, 01:44 PM
He was loose the corner before....driving it harder isn't going to make it turn better......UNLESS you have a outside cushion car.... kyle knew he had the cushion car....

05-05-2008, 03:29 PM
If he had no intention on spinning him and it was a racing deal, why did he end up high enoungh for Clint Bowyer to drive on by?? If you look at the in car camera angle Jr. got on him and then Kyle turned right...hard right. This guy has a chip on his shoulder, it's a shame because he is a driving SOB. Look what he did to Johnny Benson at Martinsville, he drove through him.

If I had that type of money to start a team, Kyle Busch would be a guy I would definatley look at, but not now. Sooner or later he is going to seriously hurt someone. At the end of the day if Jr. "came down" Kyle could'nt back out and not cost the both of them a chance at the win?? No, instead he over drove the corner and used him up, and spun him out.

If Kyle would have been interviewed and said, "I drove it in too hard and I hate it for those guys, I'm sorry but it was good hard racing" Instead he was a tool about the whole thing and that's why folks hate him. I say what goes around comes around and it's awful early in the year to be making so many enimies in so many divisions. Hey maybe he'll drive the Kevin "Bono" Manion's Tom Baldwin tribute modified at NHIS and he can have a few enemies in the Mod Series as well.

05-05-2008, 03:38 PM
It's the same old garbage that's infiltating the news everyday. Who do we put the blame on. It has to be someone's fault. This is getting rediculous, really.

Sure, Michael's actions were those of a bonehead, it was a blantantly stupid, immature move done in the heat of battle. Fine him. And, I'm a Waltrip fan.
The Kyle and Jr show will be bantered about over and over again for one reason. And that one reason is for promoting NASCAR by creating a new rivalry. They will both come out ahead because of the accident so don't feel sorry for either one of them. Bowyer needed a lucky break anyway. He kept getting shortshafted this year. If you want to feel bad for anyone, I'd choose Denny Hamlin, now that stunk.

The Bullfather
05-05-2008, 04:17 PM
Kyle made a hard right to after they both made contact, both cars were loose after the contact, Kyle may have turned the wheel to hard, but he trying to save it also, both cars went high. Why would he want to take himself out by making a hard right? 9-10 if you make a move where your wheels are turned right, your going with accident. The car didn't drift high.

Jr. was racing just as hard as Kyle, it was a racing ordeal to me. I watched the footage over and over. Kyle had the low line, Jr. after riding the high line, decides to try and keep Kyle at bay. Jr. was doing what most drivers would have done....block! Jr. tried to make Kyle back out and he didn't! It was racing to me.

05-05-2008, 04:56 PM
allhailunc, would you say the same thing if it were the "IMORTAL INTIMIDATOR" who did that on a fairly regular basis thru his years of racing

Teds Race Tours
05-05-2008, 05:07 PM
\If Kyle would have been interviewed and said, "I drove it in too hard and I hate it for those guys, I'm sorry but it was good hard racing" Instead he was a tool about the whole thing and that's why folks hate him. I say what goes around comes around and it's awful early in the year to be making so many enimies in so many divisions. Hey maybe he'll drive the Kevin "Bono" Manion's Tom Baldwin tribute modified at NHIS and he can have a few enemies in the Mod Series as well.

Thats almost exactly what he said on his MRN interview. Not the Driving it in too hard part, but the I hate it for those guys and it was good hard racing.

05-05-2008, 05:31 PM
i cant stand kyle busch or his brother kurt!!!i tell you what i am never eating any kind of m@ms again lol!!!!

05-05-2008, 06:06 PM
OK TBax I gained a little respect back for him.

Pete have you watched this guy all year? He wrecked a ton of trucks in Daytona, he came out perfectly fine. He got into the 5 and the 23 trucks at Martinsville, never took himself out in either instance. He has had run ins all year, when does it end?? Do we need a race where he seriously hurts someone? I like the edge he drives on, just the last few weeks he has gone over it. Notice, good old blinky, Steven Wallace moved him, didn't spin him, wreck him or cost him anything but Kyle was prepared to blast the back of that car and wreck him. Wallace was smart and moved up out of the groove and let him drive on by. I see,Kyle can take out, rough up, wreck and move 6 or 7 guys this year but the first time someone gives him a little back for holding him up Kyle goes running over to the car. Quick question : Rusty Wallace is in that car in his prime does Kyle Busch go anywhere near it. I think not and probably out of respect - perhaps he should start respecting some of the drivers he's racing with, and race them. But oh yeah Pete you think, "dumping is racing" so I guess he's " The Man".

Pete I'm cool with your opinion. I just think he could have made it so much of a better finish if he just gave Jr. a little, they could've gone side by side to the end. I really think we could've had a Kurt Busch - Ricky Craven type finish on our hands, but I guess it was not to be. Bottom line Pete I like you, I just hate Kyle Busch.

Rich Mergl
05-05-2008, 06:07 PM
Some seem to get hung up on the JR/Bush incident. The kid (KYLE) has all kinds of talent but in general it doesn`t matter which race or division he is racing in. He just seems to drive with reckless abandonment at times.

05-05-2008, 06:27 PM

The Bullfather
05-05-2008, 07:51 PM
Dumping is racing is an old signature I had as ajoke a few years back. I took it off this winter because it was old. Dumping is not racing, we had some drivers who had the short track sigma of dumping to gain position. I don't think Kyle dumped Jr. on purpose. I do think he's been carelss on many occassions, I'm not a fan of Kyle. But with the new site you'll see me talk about it! PitstopPitbull.com Going to interesting and entertaining!