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View Full Version : RIDESHARE: Stafford 05/23/08

05-20-2008, 08:59 PM
An idea was brought up by 'Axel' about connecting people for sharing rides to the races. With gas prices as they are, we thought we could try a thread for anyone who is going to Stafford 05/23/08 and try to get connected to save some $$$$$$. If you are going to Stafford this weekend and have extra room OR want to go to Stafford and don't have a way, please post here where you are, what you are looking for and let's see what happens.

ThE sHaDoW
05-21-2008, 12:15 AM
Coming from south Joisey. Going to Stafford/Waterford/Thunder Road. Must be willing to do all 3 shows. I can drive.

05-21-2008, 08:17 AM

I am going to Stafford for Friday nite only from central NJ. We have room for one more if interested.

Leaving Flemington area around 1pm -- back to Flemington around 2am. Support the tracks, meet people, save fuel money.

05-21-2008, 03:55 PM
I dont think many are going up from nc, but this is a great idea and hope people chip in and take advantage of these offers, its a good way to save a few bucks and still support the mods.

05-21-2008, 08:09 PM

I am going to Stafford for Friday nite only from central NJ. We have room for one more if interested.

Leaving Flemington area around 1pm -- back to Flemington around 2am. Support the tracks, meet people, save fuel money.

I smell Pork Roll!!

I will be at the track around 5:00, I will call you.

05-21-2008, 09:45 PM
sounds good. Modtourman is bringin pork roll, potato and cheese sandwhiches. he swears they are great.

We prob wont be there till about 5:30 or 6pm or so--we are leaving NJ at 1:30. See you then!

ThE sHaDoW
05-22-2008, 10:08 AM
sounds good. Modtourman is bringin pork roll, potato and cheese sandwhiches. he swears they are great.

We prob wont be there till about 5:30 or 6pm or so--we are leaving NJ at 1:30. See you then!

that will be cutting it close. avoid 95 N as if your life depended on it. GSP to Tappen zee and Merit pkwy and even those will be tight.

05-22-2008, 10:37 AM
I had no issues last year. i go up NY Thurway to 84 and always avoid 95 (even when coming home from Thompson). 2 years ago was that fiasco with rt 95 i think you ran into...

Last year I left at 2:30 and still got to Stafford at 6:30.

With gas prices being what they were, i feel comfortable.