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View Full Version : Civali out of the 28 - Coby and Pitkat to finish the season

08-04-2008, 04:31 PM
Be sure to listen to The Speedway Line Report today. Gary's guests will be Ronnie Silk and Doug Coby. You should find this a very interesting show.

It is streamed live at http://www.watr.com/ at 6PM. The show is archived for listening to later at http://www.thespeedwaylinereport.com/

Call in # is 203-757-1320 during the live show.

08-04-2008, 05:14 PM
I will be listening as always!
And may even call in.

Good luck to Woody and Doug.
They will have one of the better crews on the tour.

08-04-2008, 05:35 PM
I will be listening as always!
And may even call in.

Good luck to Woody and Doug.
They will have one of the better crews on the tour.

I think Mr. Danko is expecting you to call. ;)

08-04-2008, 06:09 PM
On speedwaylinereport it just said Civali is out of the 28 and that the 28 will be shared by Coby and Pitkat the rest of the year

08-04-2008, 07:35 PM
Doug Coby will be in the 28 this week at Stafford and also at Stafford in Sept.

He will also do Loudon and Thompson in Sept and Oct.

Woody Pitkat will drive the 28 at Thompson on the 14th and also the shows at Mansfield, Martinsville and Chemung.

Brian Hawks
08-04-2008, 07:46 PM
Civali get a Busch North ride or falling out?

chrome horn
08-04-2008, 09:11 PM
Not sure for the reason.
Just to let the people know who listen in a re-broadcast, it will not be up for a couple days. Gary informed me with about three minutes left, Tom Ormsby, who lives in Florida, had severe thunder storms, and lost the recording off the show. Gary is going to send a copy of the tape to Tom to put up. As long as those clowns from the postal service:wave: get it there, it will be on the website towards the end of the week

08-05-2008, 01:10 AM
James Civali Out At King Racing; Doug Coby And Woody Pitkat To Split Time For Rest Of 2008 (http://blogs.courant.com/autoracing/2008/08/james-civali-out-with-king-rac.html)

Don King Style Gong Show To Look At Doug Coby And Woody Pitkat Readying For 2009 (http://blogs.courant.com/autoracing/2008/08/don-king-style-gong-show-to-lo.html)

The Desire Gone, James Civali Was Already Prepared To Say Goodbye To Racing After 2008 (http://blogs.courant.com/autoracing/2008/08/the-desire-gone-james-civali-w.html)

Brian Hawks
08-05-2008, 06:56 AM
It took King that long to figure that out?

08-05-2008, 08:09 AM
All I can say is it's about damn time!!!! The collective repair bill on the WMT just went down. Good riddence Mr. Civali, and as they say, don't let the screen door hit you in the @$$ on the way out! Good luck to Coby & Pitkat.

08-06-2008, 10:16 PM
I look for Doug Coby toget a win in that ride before the year is out, Doug can get it done. imo, he's a better wheel man then the kid who just got fired from that ride.........

08-07-2008, 08:28 AM
I look for Doug Coby toget a win in that ride before the year is out, Doug can get it done. imo, he's a better wheel man then the kid who just got fired from that ride.........
