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08-13-2008, 09:16 AM
I'm going to risk sounding repetitive here, but I've come to learn that you reap what you sow, and a little appreciation goes a long way. In this case, there is a LOT of appreciation, and I want everyone involved to be recognized for what they have done.

The last few days have been quite amazing for me. I have been impressed by a lot of very giving and warm-hearted people. I have been referring to what has happened over the past few days as the "feel-good story of the year". I could say that I am surprised by it, but I'm really not. I know what a great group of people we have in our racing family at Riverhead. That is why I do all that I do, volunteering my time and energy to try to help the drivers who make Riverhead what it is, and to help promote the things that go on at the track we call "home".

First off, I have to thank Greg DiCanio, his family, and his crew that I borrowed to run the truck (especially Tommy G., who helped both in the garage and at the track Sunday and Tom Sullivan, who took care of the issues I had when I came to run practice Saturday and who kept me from getting flustered by them). Thank you for having enough faith in me to put me behind the wheel of the truck. We really had a lot of fun with the whole "return of racer girl".

I have to thank each and every person in the division, who didn't rough me up, gave me pointers, calmed my nerves, and just offered general support, not to mention a lot of laughs (and even a box of Fig Newtons).

When I decided that I really wanted to do this...that I wanted to get the truck and go racing, I was floored that one of the other drivers in the division grabbed the ball and ran with it. Woot Lawrence went above and beyond what I would expect anyone to do, making phone calls and lining up sponsors to make it possible for me to come out and race. And then there are the people who agreed to sponsor me. While I do know everyone by name, there are some sponsors who I can't say I really know personally. I really do appreciate the fact that everyone believes in me enough to stand behind my effort. I have to thank all of the following for sponsoring me, whether in terms of actual sponsorship or help with other things:
DiCanio's Stump Removal
Planet Earth Recycling & Recovery
Peconic Auto Service
Flanders Automotive
Long Island Jam
Westhampton Auto Salvage
Jim's Busy Bee Pest Control
Hampton Fleet Service
Artisan Appraisers
Gregor Welldrilling
Haeger's Home Improvements

I look forward to seeing everyone on Saturday! Thank you ALL again!

W. J.
08-13-2008, 12:56 PM
Hey, I thought you said you were going to Bethel this weekend to watch the Legends?

LOL, not when you've just gotten a 4/6 cyl Enduro truck ride, right?

Go get' em, racergirl (or is it Enduro She-Devil?):lol:

08-13-2008, 12:59 PM
I was faced with the dilemma of choosing between going to Bethel to WATCH a race and coming to Riverhead to RACE a race. Obviously, racing a race won.

LongIslandJam.com will have someone on hand to report from Bethel Motor Speedway on the LegendStock race, so it's all good...

And no, no She-Devil...racer girl works just fine for me...

08-13-2008, 05:38 PM
I know you raced the truck enduros sunday and you did really good. You finished the race and that is a great accomplishment. I watched your race and you did fine. I also want to thank you on congradulating me on my finish. Like you said seat time is everything. Well thanks again and congradulations on your race.

~Jimmy #92 Grand Enduros

08-13-2008, 08:47 PM
we agree with WJ... sorry tracey..

08-13-2008, 09:10 PM
Hey Tracy, welcome to the trucks.
It's funny how you introduced yourself to me prior to the race in the pits.
"Hi, are you Andy?",yeah that's me I said.She says ,"please don't hit me it's my first race". Look at the back of my truck,remember me."
Well,ironically,I did get into her,she was spinning out of a turn and we kissed.
Just your "racing deal" as they say.It is great to have you aboard. Its great,so many Riverhead divisions have a girl(s) racing in them,and they're pretty damn good at that. Welcome and good luck.:applause:

The Bullfather
08-13-2008, 09:25 PM
Tomorrow night I'll have some action clips up from the truck enduro race for you Tracy.

08-13-2008, 10:08 PM
Andy, I watched the video and boy, did I feel bad. That was right at the beginning of the race too. I was a bit squirrely coming out of 2 and I didn't realize you were on the inside of me. Nothing like the Jam taking out its own...ha ha. Like you said, though, it was just a racing thing. Can't wait to run with you all again on Saturday!