View Full Version : 2009 Street Stocks

09-05-2008, 09:40 PM
Thanks Mr. Pease for being a voice for our division. Congrats to Ray, Joe P. & Don on your victories this season. We've come so far so fast. Last race we spoke of "ideas" for next year. I have a long drive to work and think of the Grand Enduros (Street Stocks) the whole ride. What are the changes we would like to see happen?????:confused: Some are content, some think our division has become too expensive and others would like to see more.
Some issues that I think need to be explored are more races/laps per race, front hoops, caution flags, consistent tech procedures (I thought they were supposed to be crate motors...so much for that?) and the current point system.
I know all the protagonists will say we are just an enduro but from what I've heard & seen the fans think we put on the greatest shows. I've even heard one of the chief stewards say he wishes all the divisions would conduct themselves like our division. I'm proud to represent and be a part of this division. Let's start sharing and caring for an even better 09' season. So what do you guys/gal think we need to discuss. Let's all chime in.:applause:
See ya'll on the 20th.:cheers:

Bobby Pease
09-06-2008, 10:12 AM
OK, please, on the 20th.. come to my trailer, with Ideas on Index cards.. I will give you a date for the Enduro / Peases garage meeting! Lets keep it going... Greg, street stock or PURE stocks sound good! I think 4 or 5 of us have crate motors.. LOL...

Wheel Racing
09-06-2008, 10:27 AM
You guys do put on a great show every time out and I am even thinking of buying a Grand Car myself,but if we have to keep the name "Blunderbust" then you guys should be more than happy with the Grand enduro name. It could be worse.;)

09-06-2008, 10:57 AM
Im all up on changes and new ideas but lets not forget who created the grand enduro i think it should remain the same if it werent for racin rich and cin We wouldnt have what he have today just a thought:cheers:

09-06-2008, 07:25 PM
I so love you're excitement for the division......
Some changes for the better are def. needed, but lets not jump into changing too much...Be careful what you ask for. Let's remember the grands are a division all in it's own class and I think it should stay that way. I don't like the idea of cautions...Can you imagine 50 or 60 laps with cautions? By adding cautions you are inviting the "Oh, I couldn't fire up my car after I spun" or the car wouldn't move cuz I had a flat. I know you might not think it will happen but believe me it will. Have you ever watched a modified feature? Half of the cautions are for those types of reasons and they only run 35 laps. Also then they will want to put a time limit on you guys.
One idea I would put out there is a time trial race. I think that would be cool. Not every race but something a little different to shake things up a bit. and Absolutely adding a few races, especially on Saturday nights. Watching you guys under the lights is alot of fun. (not every week though, I like my home time, lol)
Front and rear hoops sounds like a good idea. They will strengthen the cars.
I don't like the idea of changing the name. The Grands are just that...A classy group of guys with a mixture of experience, youth, talent, knowledge, of course, respect and just enough excitement to make them special.

WHEW! Long post for me....As usual this is jmo. Good night..........:wave:

W. J.
09-06-2008, 07:48 PM
What about a name change to "Racin' Rich Grands"? It sounds lofty and would honor a great guy..

09-06-2008, 09:02 PM
Blunderbust is the worst name ever. I'm embarrassed to tell people what division I race in , Then again I'm a guy with a dent in his aviator !

09-07-2008, 10:27 AM
I Would Like To See The Name Grand Enduro Remain In Honor Of A "grand" Person - Rich Johnson. Another Opinion Is To Obtain A Minimum Weight And Left Percent Rule With Driver In Car Just Like The Rest Of The Country Does.some Sort Of Happy Medium For All Cars To Be More Equal.as Far As Hoop Bars -that Should Be A Vote From All Driver`s Handed To Bobby Pease - Simple Yes Or No On The Ballot.as Far As Tech Goes We Should Fix The Problems Ourselves By Separating Friendship And Racing.police Ourselves Just Like Other Divisions Do Across The Country.instead Of Blaming The Officials We Should Work With Them By Protesting Each Other , Nothing Personal Here But If Your "buddy" Has A Illegal Motor Then Is That Person A Real "buddy" When They Drive By You On The Track ? I Want To Say That This Is A Very Good Division With Very Good People In It, The Little "gossip" That Goes Around Can Easily Be Fixed.maybe A Time Trial Race In Honor Of Rich Johnson To Start The 2009 Season Could Give Us A Warmer Feel For The Up Coming Winter Month`s. Again I Want To Thank You All For The Help And Support You Gave My Son Jimmy (#92). He Will Have These Memories The Rest Of His Life Thanks To You ! Bobby Pease - Thank`s For Being Our Spokesmen . Greg- You Asked And Here It Is.


09-07-2008, 10:40 AM
watch what you ask for name change more races and be ready for 20 lap races with all kind of rule changes you don,t want be careful:help::help:

09-07-2008, 12:16 PM
Personally, I'm not looking for extensive changes in our division. If it ain't broke don't fix it. Just minor tweaks, especially for safety sake. When I spoke of cautions, I only mean for a car stopped on the track in the racing groove, not for a spin. A front hoop would make for a safer race car.
I like the time we have in between races, a few more Saturday night shows would be great giving us a 10 or 11 race season compared to our 7 this year.
A time trail race would be sweet. Seems like a name change is a touchy subject. How about just 'Grands', 'RR Grands' or 'RJ Grands' in honor of Racin' Rich Johnson. (WJ-Like your idea alot):applause: We are simply not an enduro division anymore when 25 cars start a 50 lap race and 23 of them finish with cars turning 15 second laps.
Greg Z

09-07-2008, 01:05 PM
Don't let the COST of the cars get out of control, strictly enforce the rules and leave them as they are. It's affordable now, keep it that way.
Propose to the track if reinforcing the cars can be done, not to get a mechanical edge but to keep the cars intact for a while. If a metric monte gets blasted it's pretty much junk, like greg said, maybe hoops or more bars or plating the frame.
I don't know how but change the scoring so it's more "accurate" and the point system also. Have the points broken down from 1st to last, not 50 each wether you finished 11th or 23rd.
A Time trial race would be awesome, probably asking too much, but awesome all the same.

Thanks to Ray and John for calling me back to help with some pointers!
My hats off to all the competitors who raced this year, 50 laps non stop exciting racing all year!! Let's have a great last race on the 20th and good luck to the guys in the top five running for the championship!!! GOOD LUCK!!

I have to go now, gotta watch the mets, jets and nascar which all starts in 5 minutes!!!!

09-07-2008, 01:48 PM
Time Trial would be AWESOME! Maybe the last race or so at first. Im all for it each race, but lets be realistic, we would probably be lucky to get one. Maybe the last race as kind of a reward for putting on a great show each and every race. I think we definetly deserve it. Im all for a few more races, but if thats asking too much then how about maybe switching the dates we DO have from Sundays to Sat. nights? Im all for running under the lights!..:wave:
If we are undecided about a name change, how about combining the 2 and maybe call it "Grand Stocks". Id love to be called something a little more solid, but out of respect for the man who started this, we need to at least keep it "Grand". Just a suggestion. I remember when I started running grands, it was an unwritten code that noone would protest anyones car. I used to get blown away by the front runners (and BTW I gave every one of them room...hint hint) and never said a word. We just did our homework and slowly got faster and faster. Id rather play Catch up then come out the gate smoking everyone. Thats what makes it fun to me. But people complained, (and those same people were still riding in the back) and many of us were forced to get new motors. If it has to come down to protesting each other, then it is what it is. I have no problem with getting torn down, but how about another unwritten code that if the car is found legal, the protester pays for the gasket set to put it back together...lol. :help: Just a suggestion, but how about pushing the issue a little harder with sealing motors? This way maybe the time is taken to go through the motor a little more thoroughly and then its sealed and done.
Whatever it comes down to, Im still in it as a group. I love racing with you all and Im pretty much open to anything we come up with as a GROUP. Bobby, thanx again brother for stepping up to the plate and making the effort to bring us all back together. For what its worth, it did not at all go unappreciated.:wave:
See yous all soon.

09-08-2008, 08:20 AM
watch what you ask for name change more races and be ready for 20 lap races with all kind of rule changes you don,t want be careful:help::help:

X 2

Just as an interested observer, if it isn't broke, don't fix it. You really don't want to be learning about scales and such. When cars were cheap, there were more of them. Were there always guys stretching the envelope? Sure. It has been that way since the second car was built in the 19th century. Some more dates will come just as they have. (think back gate) JMO