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09-21-2008, 07:49 AM
I've never before seen a line of drivers looking to 'discipline' a guy after a race.I stopped counting,but the 18 camaro spun out about 10 cars.Then it seemed as though he got pulled/black flagged into the infield,only to be let back on the track to continue to wreck people.The word is that it was his first race,no excuse,do you wreck people on your motocross bike?
I hope the #18 'motocross' driver learned a lesson that Enduros aren't about wrecking and stuffing people.Sadly,he had a fast car,and used it as a battering ram instead of making clean passes.

The Bullfather
09-21-2008, 09:42 AM
it was really dangerous, I have a few clips, but one of them is when he slammed the wall right in front of me and the officials! The guy was way out of control.

cerckl'm racing
09-21-2008, 10:27 AM
That guy didn't really take anyone out after he was spoken to on the infield, but we were surprised they let him go back out. By that time a LOT of damage had been done, and it was ALL intentional as we were watching him right-turn cars and run them up into the wall. Two guys managed to smack his car after the race, and we saw a stream of people walking over towards his car after the race and many more pointing in his direction, but the track crew baby-sat him until they left the track. In the 4 cylinder AND the final 8 cylinder race there was also a car in each race that just wanted to take people out. In the 8's, the BMW was spun by this car, and after he passed him cleanly after the first spin was spun again by the same car, suffering some damage. The BMW went out from the infield and after his second shot was able to take out the 'chimney' car to let everyone else finish, and the BMW probably got the worst of it as he had a lot of trouble exiting the pit area after the races. I (and many others judging from the cheers from the back stretch) applaud him for doing such a fine public service.
In the fours a well known guy out there had his own long casualty list.

09-22-2008, 08:43 AM
I was in the stands Saturday night and my 15 year old son pointed something out to me. The quanity of "drivers" imbibing "adult beverages" before competing. I sit pretty much in the same spot everytime I am at Riverhead and most of the folks around me, despite my infrequent visits, are familiar to me. I did not know these folks. A driver in each of the following were witnessed by me having more than 1 "cup". before competing. 1st 8 cyl. , 6 cyl. and 4 cyl. This is just what I saw. Most, not all of you know one another. Comments? Thoughts? Why does the track sell to those wearing wristbands? :disgusted :disgusted

Oh yeah the driver of the 18 camaro was just outta control..... did he have a few "cups" too???

09-22-2008, 10:46 AM

cerckl'm racing
09-22-2008, 11:32 AM
Not all wearing wristbands are racing, so I would imagine there would be little control of who was served.

I wouldn't like to be out racing and.....well, have to GO.....and it wasn't exactly hot out there, either!

09-22-2008, 12:17 PM
I wouldn't like to be out racing and.....well, have to GO.....and it wasn't exactly hot out there, either! I can pm you the answer to that if you really wanna know......

cerckl'm racing
09-22-2008, 01:59 PM
No! NO! Please, no!

I already have a visual I didn't need.....and all that time I thought it was COOLANT leaking on the track! UGH!

09-22-2008, 02:03 PM
Well now. So much for decorum.....

W. J.
09-22-2008, 09:31 PM
Well, it kinda looks like anti-freeze.......lol!

(And too much of it would cause a ..... dare I say it.... of course I will! IT WOULD CAUSE A YELLOW!!!)