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View Full Version : Driver Information Sheets

10-15-2008, 09:12 AM
Does everyone remember the information sheets you all filled out last time...

They're b~a~c~k!

I have put up a link at the bottom of this thread so you can download and print it out ahead of time...or you can simply pick one up at the gate and fill it out.

Remember, these sheets serve two purposes...

1. We give them to the announcer so he has something to talk about when you are on the track...would you really want Mr. Garman to be up there shouting "Oh the 4 just took the 5 out...uh...I think that was Jim and Mike..." or would you rather have him say... "Turn number 4, Mike Doe just plowed through the Smiths Auto Salvage #5 of Jim smith!" ...sounds better huh?

2. Most importantly...emergency information. There are a lot of drivers who come to the races alone or with only one person who is usually a friend. If something were to happen...who do we call? NOT GHOSTBUSTERS!!! I would like to know if the driver has a significant other we can contact AND what allergies they mght have... Hey, someone could be allergic to bees...when they get stung...who would know? I bet we would all know when they fall over and swell up!

Thank you for you cooperation with these...last time this was a big help!


...plus...if anyone drives off with a transponder...I know how to get it back without having to send you a bill! :D

04-20-2009, 11:32 AM
Just a reminder before the first event...

If you have not printed one of these up yet, take some time to print it and fill it out to save yourself the time on the day of the event.

I promise your secret information will not be solicited to a local telemarketing agency...at least not for the first event of the season...I may get desparate if the economy doesn't pick up... :p:-B

04-20-2009, 08:08 PM
mines done :wave:

04-28-2009, 10:45 PM
Wall Stadium is also accepting these as part of their profile section...I sent one in and they made a new catagory just for NEETS Enduro drivers...

05-03-2009, 02:08 PM
For those of you familiar with the old roster on EPA Enduros, if ya clicked on the driver's name it would give you a small pic of the car along with a personalized writeup of the driver. Well this is coming back again this season once I get over to that section. You can also help me out by clicking on the questionnaire link on EPA Enduros and completing the form. I think I have most of your cars already but I'll have a 2nd camera man coming down for May 24th to help with this as well.

Hey... everybody desirves their 15 minutes ya know :)

05-22-2009, 09:42 AM

With the season underway, mostly all drivers have filled out the driver profile sheet! Thank you!

We are missing a few from the previous race though:
(All Big Cars)
#8 - Scott Schaeffer
#25 - Pat Hires
#120 - Rick Latza

I still need you three to fill out the driver profile sheets...also, any NEW drivers will need to fill out the profile sheet as well. Everyone else, thank you!

One of the important reasons you should fill out this form.....Scott and Pat both have money coming their way from the Lap Sponsorships.....I mailed out everyone else's money....wouldn't you like a little gift in the mail???

spier racing 93
05-22-2009, 09:50 PM
your link doesnt work joe...

05-23-2009, 10:33 AM
Sorry guys....I just got a report that the link is broken...I will get it fixed ASAP on Monday....besides, if you already filled one out this season, you do not need to do so again.

There will be plenty of blanks at the track as well!