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01-31-2009, 02:39 PM
does anyone like the new tire rule for 2009 at Riverhead?I have to say why dose the mod guys have to buy a new set every week tho.thats the only ? I would have.the two tire rule is a good idea will save money for alot of drivers and teams.I just dont agree with the tire rule for the mods.One more ?.if you get a flat like at lap 2.and you have to change it.can you put a new one on.or dose it have to be like the one you ran in the heat race.:wave:

01-31-2009, 02:56 PM
Front page says mod to start in the top 15 must buy 4 to start the race on, it also says they are allowed a max of 4 a week. So with that being said if they get a flat they will have to use a USED tire to replace it

Rich Mergl
01-31-2009, 05:24 PM
Bite your tongue Walter!

Troyer driver
01-31-2009, 05:47 PM
If you can only buy two tires a week would you put on right or left tires after the 2nd week (you started the season with 4 new tires). Must suck to have 80 + laps on ya left tires if you don't LOL.
:):):):):):):):):):) :applause: :):):):):):):):):):)

01-31-2009, 06:14 PM
What???? Someone please translate for me!!!

01-31-2009, 06:45 PM
Many tracks are now going to a two tire rule. The economy has made it even harder for generally low-budget teams to compete, and even the traditionally higher-budget teams have - in many cases - seen a reduction in available funds.

For divisions with a two tire rule, you could use those tires however you see fit. Perhaps every other week you would replace left side tires, and every other week you would replace right side tires. Perhaps you would only replace your left front every third week, but replace your right front every week. Strategy and tire management will most certainly come into play this season.

The Modifieds are NOT under a two tire rule...they will face a four tire per week rule. Anyone qualifying in the top 15 can buy four tires, or they can start at the rear after their tires are inspected and allowed. Last season, anyone in the top 15 in POINTS was required to purchase four tires or start at the rear...this year, it will be based on your starting position in the feature rather than your position in points.

ALL of the drivers I spoke with last season (given the fact that I did not speak to EVERYONE) thought that having the top 15 in points start on stickers was a good and fair way to eliminate "juicing". Essentially, though, that would still allow for someone outside of the top 15 in points to start up front without buying tires - opening up the possibility for someone to start in the front on "used" tires. This way, everyone in the top 15 at the drop of the green should be on a level playing field.

02-01-2009, 10:46 AM
thats was very well said tracy

02-01-2009, 10:48 AM
jeffrey....are you fielding a modified this year???
Inquiring minds need to know???

Mike McCormack
02-01-2009, 01:37 PM
Is it possible that Jeffrey and capitalcity300 are one and the same person ?

Inquiring minds Do need to know.

The Bullfather
02-01-2009, 03:02 PM
You can put that thought to rest, they are two different people!:lol:

02-01-2009, 04:01 PM
sorry no mod here.but if you would like to field one for me i would take the ride.I just ask a simple ? in here how you guys feel about the tire rules now at Riverhead .and sorry i do not now or am capitalcity 300.some might like it some might not.its just a ?.I may not like the tire rule for the mods.but thats just my opinion.can any one tell me why the 98x was sent home at the Turkey derby.I think i know why.maybe the tire Rule is just for him.:wave:

The Bullfather
02-01-2009, 09:24 PM
He didn't get in on time, he filled his tank which weighed down the car. He didn't want to tear the car up to make the field. It was a miscommunication between the officials. 98x team thought you had to have the car ready to go from qualifying, like an impound race, the car had to be race ready, no tire changes and no filling the tank to the top. The day before Dave Brigati was in the top ten if not the top five in practice, I traveled with him Saturday to and from Wall.

W. J.
02-01-2009, 09:59 PM
My only comment: looks like 'tire management' will be a BIG issue this year in all divisions.

You all sure seem to like to pick on Jeffrey....:disgusted

02-02-2009, 03:50 AM
Asking a question is one thing, making a complete sentence is another. Jeffrey typing 101 (again) when you type it is words . then 2 spaces then you start your next run on sentence with clarity.:confused::confused:

The Bullfather
02-02-2009, 03:17 PM
I didn't think he asked a bad question all, opens up for discussion,think it will be an issue for some drivers in the back of the field with handicapping. Maybe the grammar was all wrong, but it's a message board and not an operating room, it's not surgery!

02-02-2009, 04:06 PM
Asking a question is one thing, making a complete sentence is another. Jeffrey typing 101 (again) when you type it is words . then 2 spaces then you start your next run on sentence with clarity.:confused::confused:

is this all you can come up with its the same old thing from you every time.but then again you like ken Heagy.thats says it all.THINK OF SOMETHING NEW.IT WAS JUST A ?:wave:

02-02-2009, 04:18 PM
jeffrey your an idiot thats ken heagys wife you moron....jeffrey i wish you could drive a race car...half the people in this forum would stuff you in the wall first shot they got...starting with me.

02-02-2009, 05:01 PM
Jeffrey it is always the same with you run on babbling jibberish. Dude your question was a good question it is just how you ask it. As for the new rule I think it is good for all involved. It will keep it affordable and maybe fair. And leave Kenny out of this he has nothing to do with it this is my opinion. Who do you root for?

02-02-2009, 05:11 PM
jeffrey your an idiot thats ken heagys wife you moron....jeffrey i wish you could drive a race car...half the people in this forum would stuff you in the wall first shot they got...starting with me.

Do you really think I care.now I didn't bash or say anything that I thort would up set anyone by asking how they felt about the tire rule.and second if I did race a car it wouldn't be at Riverhead. she's a big girl I think she can take it.its not personal like some of you take it.it was just a jab.she will be throwing them back for shore.its all fun.:wave:

Golf Guy
02-02-2009, 05:22 PM
hwo cmoe we all jsut cna't gte alnog? As a clloge porfsser ocne tlod me, erevyoen is eneitltd to tehre onw oipnoin as wnrong as it mya be!

02-02-2009, 05:32 PM
Jeffrey it is always the same with you run on babbling jibberish. Dude your question was a good question it is just how you ask it. As for the new rule I think it is good for all involved. It will keep it affordable and maybe fair. And leave Kenny out of this he has nothing to do with it this is my opinion. Who do you root for?

I like ken he is a good driver.and yes I dont like the new tire rule for the mods.it will hert the drivers like marisa and other low buck teams that can't afford to by new tires every week.I Root for chuck 11x. anderson 15.park.20.but the best dam driver out there is no one else but jr 2.but thats just my opinion.:wave:

W. J.
02-02-2009, 06:05 PM
Ah, that ^ statement clears it all up, lol!!!

02-02-2009, 06:56 PM
wheres capital city to clear all this up!!!:confused:

02-02-2009, 07:11 PM
hwo cmoe we all jsut cna't gte alnog? As a clloge porfsser ocne tlod me, erevyoen is eneitltd to tehre onw oipnoin as wnrong as it mya be!

That clears up a lot of things!!!!

W. J.
02-02-2009, 08:01 PM
hwo cmoe we all jsut cna't gte alnog? As a clloge porfsser ocne tlod me, erevyoen is eneitltd to tehre onw oipnoin as wnrong as it mya be!Eye Ag Ree 101%!:lol:

The Bullfather
02-02-2009, 08:17 PM
Well, I did try and stick up for you, but now you really out there on your own!!!:lol:

02-02-2009, 08:43 PM
A few complete sentences, graamar an puncuation go along way towards not making yourself to look like a horses***. EVERY computer and most forums have spell check to protect oneself as well

02-03-2009, 07:01 AM
how the f did dave brigati get my f phone number.now he is calling my house .why the f is he pissed at me.ill call him later.maybe he wants to kick my ***.who nows.you ask a ? in here and people want to kick your *** for it. what ever.:wave:

02-03-2009, 10:21 AM
Well now you see what happens when you act like an ***, ask questions in a nonsensical manor and have zero manners. ROFLMAO as be carefull what you ask for you just may get it !!!!

02-03-2009, 10:29 AM
not for nothing jeffry didn't he leave you his # to call back? you want to talk on the computer but wont to the guy you have a problem with? maybe you can wait with me on the tire line with the other guys when we get our tires on saturday. i 'm there with herzog from youngs car, waynes guy, dave from parks car, krupski from dan j. i get there at 11 a.m. to get a early pick. my name is brian schwarz and many of the people know who i am. don't be shy. and by the way other than the tires staying by the scales rather than turn 4 is the difference from last year to this year because if you are serious about racing a $50,000 race car you are gonna get tires every week. i will probably offend some by saying this but if you can't afford to race a mod there are other divisions which are more affordable.
oh i almost forgot we are the only guys that have ever altered a tire


edit.. call 411 for information and give a name it works

02-03-2009, 10:39 AM

This sport is made up of many good people (from Riverhead's management down to the crew members and fans), who try to do the right things. When you attack folks directly, expect these good people to try to discuss things with you.

For the reasoning behind the tire rule, see Tracy Chirico's reply. That sums it up. Right now that methodology is used in many places. Travel to a track outside Long Island and learn from them. No track is perfect, but each tries to accommodate the situation they've been given.

What a nonsensical thread. This is closed.