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02-15-2009, 06:29 PM
Jr needs anger mangement:mad: and needs to make better decisions:disgusted

The Bullfather
02-15-2009, 06:33 PM
I think he was just trying to get back in line after being below the yellow line. I'm not a Jr. fan at all! It's Daytona racing!

Wheel Racing
02-15-2009, 06:34 PM
I couldn't agree more. I can't wait to see how many female Jr fans try to blame Vickers. I am/was a Jr fan but that was bogus.

02-15-2009, 07:05 PM
HAHAHAHHAA I love Jr. BUT he's not as good a "fibber" as his dad! hehehehe:wave:

02-15-2009, 11:43 PM
Where is the consistancy in nascar? Same thing happened in the nationwide race and the guy gets a 5 lap penalty. OF COURSE nascar says that JR's wasnt on purpose right! ppshhh looked like his was more intentional or even if it wasnt on purpose he wanted to show his presence in a very uncontrollable way and you see the result!:mad: That = wreckless driving. yes vickers was out of line trying to block with so many laps to go or was he? the race was shortened and we all knew rain was on the way!! so thats almost like every lap could be the last.

02-16-2009, 07:52 AM
I think it was a racing accident, from tight racing, I thought that was a pretty reckless block Vickerts made.

02-16-2009, 08:48 AM
Im a Jr fan but i think both are to blame for that one.... But i do think the Dega crash a few years ago where Vickers took Jr and Johnson out i believe might have had a little to do that that!

02-16-2009, 09:45 AM
Drivers BLOCK all day in plate racing. Just because Junior was having a bad day, you'd think he would know how to make a pit stop by now. To wreck a guy in front of the entire field is rediculous.His A$$ should've been PARKED for the rest of the race.:mad:

02-16-2009, 09:50 AM
ace is right on the $

Golf Guy
02-16-2009, 10:13 AM
For everyone defending Jr., switch the roles in the incident and let me know if you wouldn't be all over Vickers and saying nascar should have penalized him. Jr. was wrong, he is a better driver and person than that.

02-16-2009, 10:24 AM
It was a bad incident...poor choices on both drivers parts and ended the day for others....

02-16-2009, 10:34 AM
"he is a better driver and person than that." That point may be arguable but is was a completely assanine non call by Nascar, if that had been reversed Junior would have been crying like the little ***** that he is.

02-16-2009, 10:47 AM
hey Jr just has Sr blood flowing threw him.not a big Jr fan.but if I was in his shoes I would of done the samething.and that bull with his tire being on the white line and putting him a lap down for that.that is just bull.thats why I cant watch this sh$t nascar:wave:

02-16-2009, 10:57 AM
Vickers was blocking because they were fighting for the lucky dog spot.Which is totally exceptable at a plate track.Junior should have just pulled back in line and tried again he probobly would of made a pass in the next couple of laps and been in postion for the lucky dog.Feel bad for my boy kyle bush because he dominated the race and would have won.I think Kyle handled himself well in the interviews afterwards. I dont think i would have been able to not curse the guy out who coast me a shot at winning the biggest race of the year and over a million dollor payoff.

maestri fan 1
02-16-2009, 11:40 AM
First off, Jr. went to pass him clean, Vickers came down to block and that was a totally understandable thing to do. Now when you get blocked like that you would want to get back in line, unfortunately Vickers was there and got clipped. So everyone who isn't a Jr. fan sees this as an opportunity to knock him, and feel that it has to do with the incident a few years back. Think about this logically guys, even if you hate Jr. you should realize that what he did was definately an accident. I don't think anyone is dumb enough to do what he did purposely. It was a racing accident, and that's it. But hey one thing that came good out of this was seeing Kyle Busch get involved. That was great. And glad to see no one was hurt.

W. J.
02-16-2009, 12:46 PM
Another point that seems to have been missed here: Vickers was going so much slower than Jr. when he blocked him. You DON'T pull down in front of a faster car, unless you are willing to live with the result we all saw.
I was sitting at the party at JC's watching all of this unfold, and predicted the 'big one' would happen less than a minute before it did. Ask Fat Albert, he's the one I spoke to and mentioned it to.
This is a formula that has happened all too many times. A group of lead lap cars starting in front of the true leader of the race, instead of at the tail end of the field, always seems to result in this. Somebody has to address doing this foolish thing over and over again, especially in restrictor plate racing. We are supposed to learn from our mistakes, not keep repeating them.

Wheel Racing
02-16-2009, 12:47 PM
The one thing that doesn't get mentioned here is that there wasn't enough room for Jr between Vickers and the yellow line for Jr to fit BEFORE Vickers moved down for the block. It's one thing to get a run on someone,but another to force something that obviously won't work.I don't think Vickers did anything wrong at all. He barely moved down at all to block. I am sort of a Jr fan,but that was pure spite and a real dangerous move at a tack where his father died. He should have known better. He was like a little kid who wanted to take his ball and go home because Nascar actually enforced a rule against him and he didn't know how to react to it with the white line pit stop. I have learned that there will never be a time when Jr fans will ever be rational against their poster boy,but sometimes you have to face reality and take off the rose colored glasses. If Kyle Busch did the same thing, he would be under house arrest at this point with death threats piling up. As far as Sr blood flowing through him, Sr made some real stupid moves over his career too(Pandora's box opened). Just because someone else got away with crap like that doesn't make it right. Once again innocent people get screwed. I hope Nascar and Hendrick really look at the incident and put some sort of punishment in place. BTW how bad are Jr's interviews since moving to Hendrick?? He seeks to always searching fo rthe most politically correct thing to say without any true emotion. He makes Jimmie Johnson seem sincere. His interview after the race was so guilt and excuse ridden that he would have ben convicted by any detective on TV LOL

02-16-2009, 01:40 PM
racing incident?...... Guess Dale Jr's perception isnt that great. Guess he cant calculate the speed he was going and the speed the 83 was going to get back in line. Needs to learn to get better timing if you want to race like that. I think he knew what he was doing but he didnt intentionally try to wreck him like i said earlier. He wanted to rattle his cage for doing that since his blood was flowing from the pit incident. And if you try to compare yourself in that situation that you woulda done the same thing tryin to take him out.. no, he represents million dollar corporations, you HAVE to control your temper otherwise your a$$ will be sitting behind the tv with the rest of us. And jr needs to lay off the camels man, seems like he cant breathe!!

02-16-2009, 01:56 PM

watch that WHOLE video to the end......

Fat Albert
02-16-2009, 01:59 PM
I was sitting at the party at JC's watching all of this unfold, and predicted the 'big one' would happen less than a minute before it did. Ask Fat Albert, he's the one I spoke to and mentioned it to.

Thanks for dragging me into this debate, Walt! LOL! You did mention that the big one was coming! But I agree with Neal "The Wheel". That was Jrs' fault! Just imagine the commotion if Kyle Busch or Jimmy Johnson did that and caused the big one. Wow!

Wheel Racing
02-16-2009, 02:08 PM

watch that WHOLE video to the end......

Huge difference!!! Both Vickers videos were the LAST Lap and for the WIN!! Although I don't think it was good sportsmanship,Dale Sr made a career out of that crap. Vickers was wrong for taking the other cars out ,but Jr was way out of line for doing what he did at that point in the race. It's funny, I used to be a huge Jr fan ,but that has slowly changed largely in part to the holier than thou Jr fans. I bet if you look up the word "hypocrite" in the dictionary you will find a a picture of a a Jr fan

02-16-2009, 02:15 PM
Can i get an AMEN to that

02-16-2009, 02:28 PM
think that jr should get a pair of these

maestri fan 1
02-16-2009, 05:42 PM
You guys really must hate Jr. It's funny I got phone calls today from friends saying he should quit, that he sucks, etc. It's cool though, for one bad week you all get to talk your crap. Now I know he isn't and will never be as good as Sr. but you know something, EVERYONE makes mistakes. I was just talking to another friend of mine and he even said people don't understand things happen in a split second, and because of a MISTAKE, or DRIVERS ERROR that person gets bashed for it. Well as a Jr. fan whether it was on purpose or not, (i'm sure it was an accident) I want to thank Dale for taking out Brian Vickers because he deserved it for all of the other crap he pulled over the years, and also thanks for ending Kyle Busch's day because granted he has talent, I think he is the biggest piece of crap that NASCAR has seen in a long time. If anyone wants to know how I really feel, PM me and I will be glad to let you know. As everyone knows it has to stay PG rated here.

02-16-2009, 05:50 PM
These guys spin out and go faster backwards than any of us have gone driving forward. If you have ever raced before you know stuff happens in a blink of an eye, imagine going 190 mph an inch from another car. Walk a mile in their shoes and then you can say whose fault it was.:disgusted

Bobby Pease
02-16-2009, 06:10 PM
HUH? lost ya there greg..

maestri fan 1
02-16-2009, 06:31 PM
Very well put Greg.

02-16-2009, 09:04 PM
Dale Jr drives the best of everything and has one one race with Hendrick and it was because of fuel mileage. Enough said. In nascar is about winning races not the most popular driver trophy Matt im sorry. And as for Kyle Bush...just because hes not the golden boy or doesn't kiss *** doesn't make him a piece of crap. Nascar needs a villain. And this villain has more talent on his worst day than Jr has on his best day....Just my two cents.

02-16-2009, 09:28 PM
Can't call it a racing accident. Jr could of easily slowed up, but knew he would of lost some valuable ground so he tried to make a move and made a poor decision. It was a bad move by Vickers, worse move by Jr. I'm certainly not going to crucify either guy over this.

02-16-2009, 10:14 PM
Thats racing , they say what goes around comes around you can kinda of say vickers was owed that and he got busch at the same time killed 2 birds with one stone well done lol....

maestri fan 1
02-16-2009, 10:46 PM
AMEN NITROS!!!!! Taking 2 knuckle heads out at once..... ON ACCIDENT!!!!! hahaha

02-16-2009, 10:47 PM
Thats racing , they say what goes around comes around you can kinda of say vickers was owed that and he got busch at the same time killed 2 birds with one stone well done lol....

Eh if you're going to call it revenge, then it's wrong. You don't pull the revenge card in the middle of the pack at 190mph.

02-16-2009, 10:50 PM
Can't call it a racing accident. Jr could of easily slowed up, but knew he would of lost some valuable ground so he tried to make a move and made a poor decision. It was a bad move by Vickers, worse move by Jr. I'm certainly not going to crucify either guy over this.

I agree with Ka$h25. I like Vickers and not big jr fan but thats why they call it racing. Tore up some good race cars in process.:wave:

02-17-2009, 12:31 AM
Like Tony Stewart said.... its like speaking to deaf ears! why bother

maestri fan 1
02-17-2009, 12:40 PM
Rob, Nascar definately needs a villain, BUT they don't need an a**hole and that is what Kyle Busch is.

02-17-2009, 07:44 PM
I been following this for a few days now.I really get a kick out of some of the comments I really feel like JR is a very over-rated driver Hendrick needs to pair him up with a more present day technological leader it will be his down fall. The spotters also have a major part in every drivers success. This accident at Daytona wasnt only the drivers fault ! I also respect Kyle Busch's {come to race attitude} His record from last season was amazing. JMO

02-17-2009, 10:08 PM
I remember an interview with Earnhardt Senior.
The announcer asked Earnhardt Sr if there were anything he'd like to see different about Juniors driving style. Earnhardt senior said "Junior drives too much like a Koala bear,I'd like to see him drive more like a grizzly bear".
It can be taken alot of ways,but I think he wanted Junior to be more aggressive. As unsafe a stuffing it was, it may send a message to not mess with him. It appeared evident Junior was giving a payback bump, but obviously no one wants to take out 10 cars.

We all remember Earnhardt Seniors quote shortly after he blatantly stuffed Texas Terry Labonte at a Bristol night race....
"I only meant to rattle his cage,not to wreck him"....

02-19-2009, 08:23 AM
You can say Vickers is at fault or Jr is at fault....Bottom line is ...Its done over move on..Not a thing any of us can do about it.. I was more pissed that the race was called so fast!!! The reason why I say this is that ,well to me, the rain stopped during victory line. But I couldnt be sure.

Oh yea SHUT UP ERIC!!!! J/K :lol::lol::lol::lol:

02-20-2009, 12:41 PM
You can say Vickers is at fault or Jr is at fault....Bottom line is ...Its done over move on..Not a thing any of us can do about it.. I was more pissed that the race was called so fast!!! The reason why I say this is that ,well to me, the rain stopped during victory line. But I couldnt be sure.

Oh yea SHUT UP ERIC!!!! J/K :lol::lol::lol::lol:

The biggest mistake they made was not showing more doppler images. It was pretty bad and might have slowed down a couple times but for the most part is was gonna be wet the rest of the night.