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06-18-2009, 01:35 PM
So before we kick off a new week, and last week gets forgotten. Can someone provide the slightest bit of insight on what the heck happened here? Watching the video I have to say it looked like the 04 could have tucked back in line a couple times and made it a lot easier for the leaders to get by- rather then dealing with the two lap cars side by side. But then I thought the 15 realllllllly pushed the envelope trying to stick it in there 3-wide. I don't know if the spotter cleared him of the 98, but they ended up 3-wide and the top car was hardly in the second groove. That's a recipe for disaster and we ended up with a lot of front running wrecked race cars.

So, pure racing accident? Lap cars' fault? Leader a little too aggressive?

06-18-2009, 02:21 PM
Ka$h25, a day doesn't go by without you trying to stir the proverbial pot....
does this incident really affect you? will you actually be on the track running with these guys on Saturday? OR are you just trying to see how many threads you can get Richie to close?
My point being, if the guys involved haven't made issue of it yet, why bring it up now?
Just an observation man, so please don't take it personally :lol:

06-18-2009, 02:36 PM
Ka$h25, a day doesn't go by without you trying to stir the proverbial pot....
does this incident really affect you? will you actually be on the track running with these guys on Saturday? OR are you just trying to see how many threads you can Richie to close?
My point being, if the guys involved haven't made issue of it yet, why bring it up now?
Just an observation man, so please don't take it personally :lol:

Just curious as to how everyone else saw it. That's what we do here right? Discuss the races and share opinions? It's a shame people have to always take it to such a personal level, get offended, and get offensive.

Not to mention, the guys involved may not want to brew any bad blood by pointing fingers. Just because they're not ranting and raving doesn't mean they're okay with what happened. Fortunately, I'm not out there racing with these guys and girls on Saturday and don't have to suffer the repercussions of a big mouth. :lol:

06-18-2009, 03:50 PM
I'll say the lapped cars are to blame. They should atleast be in single file on the bottom, one step better would be under white line, out of the leaders way that way they could continue to race two wide.

06-18-2009, 03:56 PM
This is my opion, I believe at the time the 04 was still on lead lap (I may be wrong) but the 26 did not make it easy for HER to go around and then this was a recipe for disaster. Even if a spotter tells you to do something being a former driver a driver doesn't always listen so like I said just my opion.

06-18-2009, 04:27 PM
This is my opion, I believe at the time the 04 was still on lead lap (I may be wrong) but the 26 did not make it easy for HER to go around and then this was a recipe for disaster. Even if a spotter tells you to do something being a former driver a driver doesn't always listen so like I said just my opion.

I do agree, but I think at that point with the leaders coming up you gotta either take your position (that she seemed to be clear of a couple times) or fall back and tuck behind the 26. It's not fair to be racing side by side in front of the leaders like that.

06-18-2009, 05:11 PM
The issue is handled why don't we wipe away the tears now and go on with our lives.

xX84 mod teamXx
06-18-2009, 05:38 PM
i will take the blame for this accident even tho it wasnt totally my fault. when i was on the race track i was told that i had time to pass the 26, after watching the video i now can see that i didnt. so im sorry to eveyone who was involved in the wreck. my intentions were not to wreck the whole feild. im just out there trying to learn and become a better driver, rookie mistake.

06-18-2009, 05:42 PM
Amber you have nothing to be sorry about, your learning just like every other modified driver did. Your doing a good job and in your 5th race your expected to make ROOKIE mistakes. Some people don't understand this untill they drive a racecar. Don't be afraid to race hard and keep learning.

06-18-2009, 07:41 PM
Are you happy with this now Ka$h25?

W. J.
06-18-2009, 08:23 PM
Well said, Rob. It's more important to learn from the mistakes you make then to dwell on trying to change the past. I think Amber is one of the best rookies I've seen in the mods in some time, but everyone needs time to learn, and she will do that.
Some of the blame might also be placed on those 'veterans' who decided to pass that way at that point, but that's the way it happens sometimes.

06-18-2009, 10:30 PM
as one of the guys who got caught up in that mess, i applaud amber for admitting she made a mistake, although it was no where near all her fault...

and wj, what are we suppose to do, all ride single file and wait till the lappers get single file? the top 5 were all bumper to bumper going for the win with 10 to go.... quite the monday morning quarterback comment there! :rolleyes:

W. J.
06-18-2009, 10:52 PM
I wasn't Monday Morning Quarterbacking, Justin. What happened happened when the top 11 cars WERE running single file, and came upon the lapped cars at an inopportune moment. That's all I was commenting on. I've seen it happen before over the years.

06-18-2009, 11:23 PM
amber totally not ur fault!! just keep up the good drivin ur doin!!!
as for justin dont that that guy get to u hes not racing a mod now is he

06-19-2009, 03:51 AM
The issue is handled why don't we wipe away the tears now and go on with our lives.

Was the issue handled Richie? There were quite a few wrecked race cars and no one penalized for it. Not that I think anyone should have been penalized but you're clearly referring to my comment in the Late Model forum where there was in fact a driver penalized for the actions that took place. Wise guys... :lol:

I can't agree more with what Justin said. It shouldn't be the leaders job to stay in line and wait for a clear line to pass. The more I watch the video with actual racers the more I sway to this being a hard racing incident. It could have been prevented by a few different cars, and wasn't really caused by anyone in specific. A little bit of patience goes a long way.

06-19-2009, 08:48 AM
Ka$h the leaders shouldn't be patient, you're leading aren't you?? The 26 and the 04 were given the move over flag for 2 laps they should've moved over. That's it. They didn't heed the flags and big wreck in sued. As Amber stated a rookie mistake.

Amber will learn, it's in her blood and she will be fine. She just needs to get more familiar with the "racing" aspect. She runs great by herself, it will come, that's where the patience should be. Let's be patient with her development. She made a great choice to go to the rear last week and in the end she got to race a little. Once she figures it out she'll be great.

It took a big person to come on here and take the blame. Let's just hope some of the veterans are talking to her, to try to help her improve, it's only going to help them as well. I wish Amber all the luck in the world, just don't label her a superstar yet, let her develop and don't force it, two years from now we may be talking about how she beat Dave Brigati for the win Saturday night. They'll be saying she has more talent than her father ever did, lol, kidding John. Keep teaching her she'll be great.

06-19-2009, 08:56 AM
That is a funny comment taking about drivers getting suspended when your a Jimmy Blewett fan he wrecks more people then anyone.:lol:

06-19-2009, 09:02 AM
Now, speaking of someone coming in off content and trying to incite tempers in a forum !!!! Where and why was that comment called for :confused:

06-19-2009, 09:14 AM
Hey Coach you left out that he also current leads the Northeast in Feature event wins in '09 according to AARN's tally, and has won that award the 2 seasons previous to this one. You know what they say Herb, nobody likes a WINNER! lol

06-19-2009, 10:37 AM
shouldn't this come as no surprise? This is what happens when someone decides they want to race or has a ride given to them and it just happens to be the premier division...i'm just saying that there are other divisions that would be much easier to gain experience in.....this is in no way meant only towards the 04 so please don't take offense to it....

as for the Blewett comment....Jimmy races people however they race him.... I don't see a problem with that.

cerckl'm racing
06-19-2009, 10:50 AM
Haven't seen Blewett race that often, but.....

I saw him at last year's Turkey Derby, and EVERYONE must have been racing him poorly that day! The pace car is the only car he didn't have contact with.

06-19-2009, 10:58 AM
ok jimmy got into the 11 and caused him to wreck ill will say that. But the 11 did block every lane possible for 3 laps prior to that, jimmy intention was to give him a shot and move him outta the groove. well the bumpers got hooked and you see the final result. But other then that 1 car... who else did he wreck in that race? sure he was a little rough gettin there but sometimes you have to be on a ONE lane race track. which wall was that day and was evident on the last lap when the clearly faster 66 went to the outside of jimmy and spun right out. but he never spun another or wrecked anyone on his march to the front. The guy everyone claims he wrecked or "screwed" over the most finished 2nd so it couldnt have been too bad.

06-19-2009, 11:10 AM
~modifieds at riverhead in the past few years~ the only way you can pass is.......

1. the person in front really gets loose or handling is way out of wack.(which is still hard to pass even if they are)
2. take advantage of lap traffic
3. pass them on a double file restart
4.BUMP and run
5. soften tires / traction control or just plain out cheat lol

last saturday nights race had to go to #2, guys took advantage of the lap traffic #26 and #04 and unforuntately it resulted in a wreck. You have to be aggressive in the modifieds nowadays to get a pass in. I keep lookin at the video and the 26 actually backed out coming out of 4 going to the infield and the 04 was left out to dry by then because the 15 and 98 were right there fighting for the lead. if the 26 stayed on the track I think things might have been different and could possible avoided a wreck. What the 26 could have done is back off and let the 04 in front of him to keep the leaders single file on the outside groove. So you cant really point fingers at the 04 for the wreck or you cant blame the 15 and 98 for backing off fighting for the lead in that position. JMO.

And as for the 04, she looks really good out there, keep up the good work. Its good that you accept blame and accept the learning curve as a rookie. Some rookies dont want to accept learning and advice from others! Thats why you will only get better and not worse. :applause:

cerckl'm racing
06-19-2009, 11:35 AM
Looked to me like she was trying to pass that car before the pack caught her. She was tryin'!

06-19-2009, 11:44 AM
I dont think amber was wrong at all. she is in the car she sees a slower car ahead of her shes gonna pull out of line to pass it. But someone maybe should have told her that the leaders were coming and it may be better to just ride behind that 26 till the leaders go by..... But if that 26 is gonna just pull to the infield like he did when the leaders got to him... why not do that before amber or the leaders even get there. I mean your getting lapped for the 2nd time under green, its probably a better idea to park your car and try again next week your obviously not up to pace.

W. J.
06-19-2009, 11:52 AM
Well, they were being shown the 'move over' flag. I guess neither saw it, and their spotters didn't either.

06-19-2009, 12:41 PM
Ka$h the leaders shouldn't be patient, you're leading aren't you?? The 26 and the 04 were given the move over flag for 2 laps they should've moved over. That's it. They didn't heed the flags and big wreck in sued. As Amber stated a rookie mistake.

Amber will learn, it's in her blood and she will be fine. She just needs to get more familiar with the "racing" aspect. She runs great by herself, it will come, that's where the patience should be. Let's be patient with her development. She made a great choice to go to the rear last week and in the end she got to race a little. Once she figures it out she'll be great.

It took a big person to come on here and take the blame. Let's just hope some of the veterans are talking to her, to try to help her improve, it's only going to help them as well. I wish Amber all the luck in the world, just don't label her a superstar yet, let her develop and don't force it, two years from now we may be talking about how she beat Dave Brigati for the win Saturday night. They'll be saying she has more talent than her father ever did, lol, kidding John. Keep teaching her she'll be great.

Yeah, you're right. It's funny because not so many weeks ago I was arguing in favor of the 8 legend saying he was right to not give up any ground and push the envelope, and this week I caught myself blaming the 15 modified for the exact same thing.

I say we all just point the finger at Freddie for this one. Or maybe Jimmy Blewett :lol:

06-19-2009, 12:45 PM
WOW! 1902

Great Thread!

06-19-2009, 12:50 PM
That is a funny comment taking about drivers getting suspended when your a Jimmy Blewett fan he wrecks more people then anyone.:lol:

Envy is not your most flattering color. You shouldn't jump to conclusions based on an avatar. I've seen Jimmy Blewett race 3, maybe 4 times at most. I don't think that quite qualifies me as a fan. But, I wouldn't have to do much research to pull up some statistics if you want to talk about it. Unfortunately there's no stat for the number of "people wrecked", so it would sort of be a one sided discussion.

06-19-2009, 03:45 PM
What happen to J.F.#84, it looked like he got through the pile up.I have to rely on the mod. highlight videos,Since I'm out of state. Did he get a flat or damage. Thanks.:help:

W. J.
06-19-2009, 03:56 PM
Most of the drivers up front suffered minor damage, like flats,or sheet metal hanging, and had to pit for repairs. Glad it was all minor, or the race would have looked like a heat after that.

xX84 mod teamXx
06-19-2009, 04:25 PM
What happen to J.F.#84, it looked like he got through the pile up.I have to rely on the mod. highlight videos,Since I'm out of state. Did he get a flat or damage. Thanks.:help:

heyy joe,
he hit someone with the right front tire and bent the spindle.

06-19-2009, 06:45 PM
I here you Freddie, everyone goes to a short track to see a tight hotly contested race with beating and banging then cries like a little b***h when someone gets spun. :confused: Glad that never happened back in the day

06-19-2009, 07:53 PM
wait im confused... who did jimmy wreck, and was freddie on the radios?? lol

06-19-2009, 08:19 PM
wait im confused... who did jimmy wreck, and was freddie on the radios?? lol

Didn't you see? Jimmy caused that entire accident. And It's just a rumor, but I hear Freddie told him to.

06-19-2009, 08:27 PM
you see what had happen was.... Jimmy called me with about 10 to go. I answered the phone and said "hi"... next thing i know Justin picks the wrong lane and we end up in the fence. way to go JB. lol

06-21-2009, 05:06 PM