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View Full Version : Enduro Racer’s disability insurance

07-28-2009, 02:17 PM
When I raced the 4 cylinder class at Bridgeport Speedway the promoter said to the class that we should put all our names together and try to get some group disability insurance just in case. Well we didn’t do anything.
I have been racing enduros for 6 years and still haven’t done anything. Just keeping my fingers crossed. Sometimes I think us racecar drivers; please I know some may not consider enduro drivers racecar drivers, are as superstitious as hockey players.
Has anybody secured any additional group disability insurance that I could apply to?
I’ve found the “Gorsline Company” gorsline.com on the web but don’t want to start a huge effort if someone else already has something in place. Please PM me or reply to this post with details you can share.

Erin C
07-28-2009, 02:21 PM
I know Tracy is working on getting prices for a group policy from 2 different places but hasn't received the quotes yet. I am sure she will post up all the info as soon as she hears back from both places so she can find the best price.

07-28-2009, 02:28 PM
Tracy and Sac-Man...we just talked about this the other weekend at the BBQ....you should have mentioned it at the driver's meeting, I would have definitely mentioned something there....

Hey, it only took me 3 races to remember about the transponder purchase!!!

.....old age.....it's a terrible thing..... :*-( !!!!

07-28-2009, 06:17 PM
I'm still researching this. I have a call in with two places but they are not calling me back. :mad: It would probably be medical AND disability insurance together.

Another place I called yesterday said that the insurance premium has to come out of our paychecks!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

(I had to explain to her we do this FOR FUN!) :cheers::cheers:

Sac- Man- I'll check out the one you mentioned too tomorrow. Anyone else have any suggestions?

08-03-2009, 01:14 PM
I spoke with one company that can insure the both of us for (accident AND disability insurance while racing) $1390 a year through Lloyds of London.

We pay about that much for Larry's disability insurance alone and it doesn't even include me... OR covers Larry if he gets injured racing.

Disability insurance will vary by driver due to income, health, age, etc.

Another comapny I am meeting with a rep. this week has accident insurance (on AND off the track) for $15.17/ month single; $26/ month for a couple OR an entire family for $36.83/ month. Disability insurance is extra according to different factors.

So for the price of a pit pass you can cover yourself/ spouse/ family on the track AND off the track if you are in an accident- even if its not racing related.

She also is willing to come to races (GV and Wall) to talk to drivers so you can get more information or if you have questions.

Any questions, you can PM me....

Erin C
08-03-2009, 02:35 PM
Wonderful information. Thanks for all your research :)

10-16-2009, 04:51 PM
Tracy came up with some good information but I was wondering if anyone has actually received a policy that covers their medical needs when racing. I believe your normal health insurance doesn't cover dangerous sports or activities (maybe I'm wrong on that). Is there a company that will write this type of policy for medical/disability insurance when racing.

Another question came up today regarding liability insurance in case you are involved in a law suit because of an accident with your race car. I don't think your regular car insurance policy covers your race car on the track.

Does anyone have liability insurance? Maybe this is a better question for the drivers in upper series like sportsman, modified, etc. Can any of these drivers tell us what they do for both types of insurances?

Thanks in advance!!

10-16-2009, 07:44 PM
I believe Gorsline Co. has a policy for medical and disability through Lloyds of London- Rates will vary according to income, etc. I wonder how skydivers, bungee jumpers get insurance (seems there are other sports more dangerous than RACING!)

If you go to the ER and say you were in an accident involving a car- the hospital wants to pin your car insurance- yeah, like we have insurance on the enduro car! How many enduro cars even have VIN's. You tell them it was at a track- they want to pin the track with the bill- and so on... Larry got injured a day before the Mutha in '07 when he was working on his trailer hitch. It took me MONTHS to clear this up with the medical insurance that is WAS NOT on a vehicle- but on a vice in his garage!

We have bought "Accident Insurance" through Combined Insurance. We got two seperate policies since we both race. It was already used when Larry had an accident at home (a few DAYS after we bought the insurance). We do have regular Blue Cross/ Blue Shield through Larry's work though. Combined Insurance helps if you have loss of time at work or are in the hopsital- similiar to AFLAC. For instance, if you are in the hospital for a few days, there is a set amount that they pay you each day you are in (to help where insurance leaves off or spend however you wish). When Larry used his- he got a certain amount for going to the ER and another amount for going to a eye Dr. for followup- which helped on his co-pays and deductibles.

I know quite a few drivers- NEETS and BDR- that have this already.

If you are interested in the accident insurance I am seeing the agent tomorrow at an event that I am helping with. You can PM me your contact info and I forward it to her.

I am not sure on what happens at the track if you wreck real bad and have to be flown/ driven by ambulance to the hospital. OR if a spectator gets hurt from an out of control car. Tracks have some form of insurance- I believe it also has to do with when we get pit passes and print and sign your name each time we race.

It's like when you go skiing-- the lift ticket says they are not responsible if something happens to you but I do think that there is some kind of coverage for ALL when you do go up on a mountain in the event that something happens.

Joe/ Erin- can you help on this one?

10-17-2009, 08:30 AM
The waiver you sign at the front gate should state the coverage the track offers....

In most cases, the track offers a 'supplemental' coverage. This means that if you have insurance, and you get hurt racing walking or watching, your insurance will cover the costs...

If you have NO INSURANCE, the supplemental policy comes into play and will at least pay for your immediate bills, ambulance costs, air lift, etc... The latter bills associated with treatment are on you........

Bottom line..........if you are not insured in any way, you really should not be racing. Yeah, the immediate costs will be covered, but in the long run you will be looking at paying some major health costs out of your own pocket.....

This is really a stretch anyways since PA mandates any person who drives have car insurance....hence the reason we want our drivers, minimum age of 16, to be able to prove they have a driver's license so we know they are insured to some extent.

10-17-2009, 10:31 AM

What kind of cost is this extra insurance?

10-17-2009, 10:51 AM
I guess the big question is how much these insurance companies will charge for the medical accident insurance and the levels they cover. Being that we run a shorter (less races) then the regular Saturday night series guys, how cost prohibitive would the policy be.....

I was also wondering about liability insurance. We had a sponsor interested in coming on board but since they would put their name on the car, they wanted us to have a 1 million dollar liability policy. They wanted to be safe in case of any type of lawsuit revolving around the car. They were concerned even about a situation off of the track, ie: if the car fell off of the trailer and someone got injured, they didn't want to be brought in to the legal issues since their name is on the car.

I would guess that a liability policy's cost for a race car would be a lot higher then your passenger car. The cost on this policy would most likely be higher than the money received from the sponsor, so, it would cost you to run their name on the car????? hmmmmmm.....

Hopefully, some of the Saturday night series drivers can give some input on this topic.

10-17-2009, 01:47 PM

What kind of cost is this extra insurance?

I think we pay about $30 a month for TWO of us- Me and Larry.

I was told by our insurance agent that the truck we tow with is insured- trailers are not insured unless the truck is pulling them and if the car falls off the trailer- it goes back to the truck insurance. Makes sense?

There are a lot of grey areas that you can go into on this one.

As an owner of a retail business, I got a million dollar liability policy in the event that one of my products causes injury (liaility). In all my years this never happened and I never filed a claim. This way we won't lose everything personal if someone tries to sue my sole proprietorship business.