View Full Version : Heroics

08-15-2009, 11:08 PM
I’ve seen many wrecks in my day but have never witnessed the heroics that Mike Odwazny and Rob Fredericks displayed Saturday night. Mike and Rob pulled Dave Williams, who was literally in flames shortly after the start of the second TQ Midget main out of his ride.

Williams’ car burst into flames after hitting the front stretch wall. With burns, he was able to walk to the ambulance and was then flown to the Lehigh Valley Medical Center for precautionary measurements.

Mike and Rob each suffered burns but will be able to rest tonight knowing that they played a major part in saving someone’s life.

Along with Mike and Rob, everyone down on the track did a great job to help keep the fire from getting worse….

08-15-2009, 11:35 PM
I must agree. That was one of the most scaries moments of my life! I always seem to get the bad ones when i work the ambulance.

I would like to extend the Heroic messures to the entire track crew. They did an awsome job trying to fight the fire back with what they had, so Dave could get out. You may not think you are a hero but you are. This mans family will get to see him again due to your actions.

Thank You!

08-16-2009, 12:38 AM
Thank You Mike and Rob for showing your heroics!

08-16-2009, 07:30 AM
You guys are hero's, the track crew acted very quickly to do what they could to get dave out of the car. Rob and Mike great job.

08-16-2009, 10:31 AM
Actions sometimes describe the man. Great response by 2 great men. Thanks to both Mike and Bob to come to the aid of another racer. A wish for fast recovery to all injured. :applause::applause::applause:

08-16-2009, 10:37 AM
That was definitely a very scary accident scene. Thankfully everyone is going to be ok. Best wishes for everyone involved and hope for a speedy recovery for anyone who was injured!

08-25-2009, 08:18 AM
I never felt so helpless in my life sitting in the stands watching the track crew trying to put out a gas fire with water, which is for paper or wood fires, none of which they race with on the track. Granted the men who pulled the driver out of the car are hero's but the true hero of thr night as I see it was CHRIS the flagman, the only one to show up with the correct dry powder to knock down the flames so the other two men could do what they had to do. If that accident had happened on the back stretch I'm afraid we would be dealing with a fatality. So my hats off to CHRIS and the others. Lets get the proper fire fighting equipment on them trucks.

08-25-2009, 08:38 AM
In the tracks defense. The air and water extinguishers are filled with a chemical for such fires. I dont know the name but i have seen the before and after effects and usually they are very promising. For some reason they did not work and the company has been called to assess why. I agree the dry chem was the right call at the time but when all is said and done the man was saved and thats all that matters. I think the right way to go is some sort of foam system for the track.

Chuck Schartzer
08-26-2009, 08:44 AM
Why not have ALL track & tow truck workers in a one layer firesuit with gloves?? And maybe even hood avaliable to put on if needed ?? Not only would it be safer for eveyone but also look better than ratty t-shirts & shorts. Also why does the track still put those crazy wrist bands on ?? Ask Patti Pruitt about her burns that her wrist band caused in a firey crash. Great job by all involved considering what you had to work with. :cheers:

08-27-2009, 03:20 PM
If anybody seen the area auto racing news flagger chris has a good pic putting the flames out, but, someone is standing there just watching. Good thing he's alive..

08-27-2009, 03:50 PM
If you took notice, there was no one in the race car in the AARN photo. The driver was already out.