View Full Version : Charger Feature

09-07-2009, 11:48 AM
The 17x I assume made plans on running a limited schedule. I noticed he was only coming for the time trial shows which makes sense, so you can run a limited schedule and not feel the consequence of handicapping. He timed well all season, and started outside pole this last TT a few weeks ago. Then he shows up the two following weeks, god knows what time, gets very little practice- if any, and finishes last to assure himself a pole position where he is fast again. Seems like a pretty blatant manipulation of the handicapping system. I know we've all seen enough of the 81 winning races, but I hate to see a guy pass 11 out of 15 cars in 20 laps, and not get a win in that circumstance. Great race Bub, it was a truly impressive performance. You may not have been in victory lane, but it's clear who the real winner was. :applause:

09-07-2009, 12:44 PM
The handicapping system has been manipulated for years, at Riverhead and everywhere else that uses it. It's part of the game.

W. J.
09-07-2009, 12:57 PM
Hey, Kash, you can fix that easily. Sponsor him for the season, and make sure he shows up and races every week. Can't do that? Then why start making empty accusations about why someone isn't there every week? Find him the money to be there, or let it go.
According to the standings, there have only been 10 cars that entered each show, out of a total of 28 that have raced at least once, so I guess the rest of them are guilty of manipulating the handicapping, too, right?
The fastest car won that race, period.

09-07-2009, 02:21 PM
This was hardly any attack on Elwood, more about discrediting the handicap system and crediting the 81 for a hell of a race. But if the 17x is so fast, why not run hard each week you're there? The guys like the 56, 96, 60, 73 etc who run hard each week and deserve a shot on the front row are being cheated- for lack of a better term.

W. J.
09-07-2009, 02:42 PM
Then ask NASCAR to change the system. Those who play it seem to know what they're doing. Once again, not everyone can afford to race every week. You've been around long enough to know that.

09-07-2009, 03:06 PM
I had no idea it was a NASCAR thing. Is it mandated? Or just adopted by riverhead for popularity? Maybe there should be a minimum race% to be handicapped? Kind of an incentive and 'thank you' to the guys who show up each and every week.

09-07-2009, 04:18 PM
If I recall correctly, the 17x did the same thing last year, puposefully pulled it in a couple of weeks in a row just to start on the pole...that doesn't justify as a win in my book.

09-07-2009, 06:07 PM
a win is a win no matter if you start on the pole or come from the back.its a win.and no matter what anyone says if you dont like the driver or drivers.you will see what you want to see.the guy always runs good when he is there.so congrats on the win.:wave:

09-07-2009, 08:37 PM
Congrats on the win team Ellwood. The car looked fast even though it sounded HALF THROTTLE btw that car is pushing 20 years old probably older than most keyboard respondents LOL!!!!!

09-07-2009, 09:26 PM
It was a good race from a fans perspective. The 17x had the car to beat on this night but I think Daryn probably ran his best race of the year. He made two nice passes on the 60 and 95 and was closing on the 17x. I am not sure if he could have passed him but unfortunately there was a caution on lap 16. I wish it would have went green to the end. Even though he couldn't hold off the 81 (and very few have been able to this year) it was a great race for Daryn and a well deserved 3rd place finish. The 81 made a nice pass to get by him but he held on. I know he has been pressing hard to get to the front and hopefully things will go his way in one of the final two races and he can finally get his first win. He has improved each year and it would be cool to finally see Daryn and his father out there in victory lane - I think it would be well deserved - especially if he could get out front and finally hold off the likes of the 81 and the 8. Keep on digging 30 - it will happen..

09-07-2009, 10:53 PM
Ya know, I don't get this dude, the one starting all these posts. In one, he bascially calls out a BB driver as having an illegal car being he wins so much, yet he praises one who wins MORE in another division. Why does one have to be cheating, and the other isn't? Pick an opinion dude.. Just maybe it is possible they are both just DRIVERS.

And oh yeah, starting on the pole does not guarentee a win, ask the many who do so many many times in a season..

09-08-2009, 12:44 PM
I never said "Hey the 00 wins alot he must be cheating." My opinions on the legality of his race car have nothing to do with how often he wins. The 28 figure-8 car has dominated the division that my father and cousin each race in and you'll never see me accuse him of cheating. That's my opinion, dude.

Back on topic, I was just forwarded some more information co-relevant to my point. Apparently the 17x did this same thing in 2008? Assured himself a pole position, and won the race from the front row. I guess to each his own, it's not that the car isn't fast, he's proven that in time trials this season, but why not race fair? Come through the field like the rest of the fast cars. The guys who spend their time and money each and every week, and could use that advantage of starting on the front row are being robbed of it by a car and driver more than capable of coming through the field. :disgusted

W. J.
09-08-2009, 01:18 PM
With your admission that he is fast, you seem to have omitted the number of Charger TT shows he has run. Funny, the fast cars start in the front in those races, yet we hear no complaints from you. Best of all, you make all these statements about one particular car, yet he may not be the only one guilty of what you are saying, and even so, all are perfectly welcome to do so under the system used to handicap the cars. Did this somehow affect the points race in the Chargers? Nope, not that I can see, unless you know something the rest of us don't. I guess you just have it in for this one particular team.....

You were successful in getting the other post closed, and I'm sure you'll manage that here, too.

09-08-2009, 02:06 PM
well said wj!! lets keep following the trail of locked threads and see who we end up with!!!!

09-08-2009, 03:25 PM
Any other cars getting some lap money for the 19th. 66 17 96 56 30 23 95 42.If any one of you wants to help and sell laps just get a sheet and get it going. The more laps we sell the more money we could earn. We currently have 950.00 right now.

09-08-2009, 06:08 PM
With your admission that he is fast, you seem to have omitted the number of Charger TT shows he has run. Funny, the fast cars start in the front in those races, yet we hear no complaints from you. Best of all, you make all these statements about one particular car, yet he may not be the only one guilty of what you are saying, and even so, all are perfectly welcome to do so under the system used to handicap the cars. Did this somehow affect the points race in the Chargers? Nope, not that I can see, unless you know something the rest of us don't. I guess you just have it in for this one particular team.....

You were successful in getting the other post closed, and I'm sure you'll manage that here, too.

Did I omit that?

I noticed he was only coming for the time trial shows which makes sense, so you can run a limited schedule and not feel the consequence of handicapping.


And there may very well be more drivers doing it and they should be stopped as well. The only reason I singled out the 17x is because he did it this week and it dawned on me how easy it is. Maybe it didn't effect the points race, but what do points even matter? Do we think this doesn't bother the 95, 66, 96, 56, 60, and other drivers who are looking for their first win. This tells them that next year, if they wanna start on the pole, show up two weeks in a row, save two sets of tires and 38 laps of gas. Take the green, park it, and viola, you're on the pole.

09-08-2009, 06:18 PM
thats why i think we should go back to heat races and were you finish in the heat is were you start the main. but instead of picking numbers start the heats handicap them to give slower cars a chance?? thats the only way i see in fixing the handicap game. im not saying theres anything wrong in playing the game, i would just prefer heat races that meant something.

09-08-2009, 06:24 PM
I think it should just be your season avg finish. After week five, exclude the best and worst finish. Missed races count as wins, no previous winner can start on the front row.

09-08-2009, 09:43 PM
Maybe the guys who show up and run every week and then get lined up deep in the field just want to race every week, instead of planning when they,ll race and not race just to get a pole. If Kash's driving skills were as good as his literary skills, he would be unbeatable, I wonder if he is following J.A.'S career path up to Speedway Illustrated!!

09-09-2009, 03:15 AM
Rather than start a new thread I'm going to add to this one. After the starting lineups were posted for the Charger race I stood nearby and heard one of the Charger car's sponsor ask a question regarding his drivers position. I guess you could call it a complaint, but it was clear he just wasn't aware of the handicapping system. Rather than take the 2 minutes it takes to explain how it works, the official blew him off, laughing at his question, claiming to have something very important to do and drove off to the handicappers shack.:disgusted

I meant to bring down the last few programs and show him, but it totally slipped my mind until just now.

cerckl'm racing
09-10-2009, 04:50 PM
I do NOT want to join in this fray, but I did read an interesting article a month or so ago about goings on in the 'big' leagues......interesting reading about people 'playing the system.'
