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11-19-2009, 03:53 PM
I'm sorry if I missed this thread somewhere else, or it belongs on another board.

Last night I was watching the WWII in HD series on History Channel when a commercial came on promoting new reality shows for the upcoming season (January 2010 start). In one of the clips in the commerical, I swear I saw a modified. Then I saw another one! After a little digging online, turns out they will be showing a show called "Madhouse" where camera crews followed teams at Bowman Gray for a seaon, both on and off the track. There looks like there is some late model coverage, also.

I think it has the possibility to be very cool and a good chance for some more exposure. I just hope they don't overly focus on the drama and make it into a soap opera. In the commercial there was a clip of one driver jumping on the hood of another car.

11-19-2009, 05:33 PM
I'm looking forward to this show. I've been looking for info on the History Channel website about when the series will start. Having made my first visit to The Stadium this year will make the show even more fun to watch, I think. I was impressed by the size of the crew they had filming it. Guessing by the name they have chosen for the show though, I'm guessing it will be full of the craziness the Stadium is known for. I'm just hoping to get to see some of the history that makes it unique also.

W. J.
11-19-2009, 06:21 PM
I was able to find info on the show in today's Variety (www.variety.com) online edition. Look under the TV link section. The show will be presented on the series "America" and is titled "Madhouse", scheduled to be broadcast in 2010. Looks like it could be a very interesting show to watch.

11-20-2009, 11:25 AM
I just hope they don't overly focus on the drama and make it into a soap opera.

I agree but if the title of the series is any indication.....

Judging from the previews, the Miller vs. Myers saga is well documented.

11-20-2009, 12:08 PM
aleast they are finally making money in racing !

11-20-2009, 08:01 PM
aleast they are finally making money in racing !

Who do you consdider THEY? These reality shows are bringing in boo koo bucks. I just hope the car owners and drivers get a chunk.

11-20-2009, 08:06 PM
any people in this deal get paid

11-20-2009, 09:16 PM
should start jan10... i think about 15 episodes at 1 hour each - sundays at 9pm

brad at rh2 talks to the producer grant kahler about every week...

i know a few of the guys are getting paid... it's the ones that are under contract with the production company, i think about 7 guys... miller, myers, myers, chris fleming, john brown, gene pack, austin pack... i know it's not a huge sum, but i guess it would go up if it's picked up for another season...

the series seems to be rooted in the miller / myers fued, but it also will intermingle stories of other racers as the become relevant to the story line...

they filmed the entire season last year with a crew of 15, grant says season 2 will be with 30 crew members, they will not know until march if they are picked up for the 2nd season... but from the excitement from fans i've seen, and the few clips i've seen, it will be a hit...

the stadium's unofficial nickname is the "madhouse" but i'm sure they will portray the madness that goes on there, from the fans down to the drivers...


11-20-2009, 10:13 PM
I'll watch, but I'm not optimistic.

They will play up the screaming trailer park trash and make us all look like a bunch of goobers.

11-21-2009, 12:58 AM
I don't get it. In a time when we're struggling to keep racing on the sports map, especially the weekly short track divisions, we're complaining about a TV show that gives the public what they watch?? :confused:

11-21-2009, 01:13 PM
I'll watch, but I'm not optimistic.

They will play up the screaming trailer park trash and make us all look like a bunch of goobers.

Gary, While I too have the same reservations as you and I'd rather have a show feature the best of short track racing, not the worst, the movie Slap Shot didn't kill the game of Hockey. I am afraid though that this will feed the
myth about the "typical" NASCAR southern hillbilly hick loser that "regular" media too often portrays.

11-21-2009, 03:33 PM
UUUUGGGHH...another reality show :disgusted. I hope they showcase at least some actual Modified action as well as some of the overwhelmingly good people associated with it. The History Channel used to be great but I've lost a bit of respect for that channel lately. All they seem to show these days are doom-and-gloom 2012, end of the world nonsense and such. Just My opinion of course!

11-21-2009, 03:42 PM
If you go to Youtube and search for Bowman Gray, a lot of clips come up from this past season. In a lot of them, you can see the film crews working, filming the cars.

11-21-2009, 04:40 PM
I don't get it. In a time when we're struggling to keep racing on the sports map, especially the weekly short track divisions, we're complaining about a TV show that gives the public what they watch?? :confused:

You didn't watch them film every Saturday night either. As bad as BGS can be, this show will make it seem much worse.

11-21-2009, 04:45 PM
You didn't watch them film every Saturday night either. As bad as BGS can be, this show will make it seem much worse.

And that is what the public wants to see. Maybe some non-racefans might even show up to watch a night of racing. Remember, it's entertainment.

11-24-2009, 01:01 AM
Here is a link to a promo video of the show "Madhouse" (and apparently some other new shows in January) on YouTube. (Thanks to Riggs Racing for the link.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2virg_-wkzo

11-24-2009, 11:51 PM
UUUUGGGHH...another reality show :disgusted. I hope they showcase at least some actual Modified action as well as some of the overwhelmingly good people associated with it. The History Channel used to be great but I've lost a bit of respect for that channel lately. All they seem to show these days are doom-and-gloom 2012, end of the world nonsense and such. Just My opinion of course!

There should be plenty of actual racing as all the featured teams carried in-car cameras most of the year. Cameras were inside and even mounted hanging out on the nerf bars a time or two. They also have pumped the fueds and all the drama that's packed into BG. Just hope it isn't too bad.

11-25-2009, 03:57 AM
the producers were by the shop today and let us see most of episode 1... it is bowman gray, so you can expect some of what you see... but i personally think it's great...

11-25-2009, 08:29 AM
Sounds awesome Mends, I for one cannot wait. I like the History Channel quite alot and most of there reality shows are pretty dam good.

11-25-2009, 11:21 AM
the QUALITY of the program is awesome... shot in HD and all up in the action and peoples shops and lives..

i think it will actually excite people who do not attend races, those that do attend and know there is more to the story being shown will be backseat quarterbacks..

but if pawn stars is history channel's most popular reality show ?? (wtf) this should easily distance itself as being a runaway hit

a lot of the people at the stadium complain about them running around in the pits and being up in the spotters stand and just general being in the way... but hey, that's the way it is

most of the people that complain, will complain when the show isn't on tv too... i just learn to live with opinionated complainers...

11-25-2009, 03:08 PM
I had to threaten to whip their A%^ because they kept me from doing MY job. But then again, I had dealt with these morons before they ever got to the stadium, I had one guy ask me from the media center in Rockingham 3 months earlier if the track was paved..............while cars were going around........and the track was in plain view. The show will be entertaining, but it will make the world think that everybody that attends races are inbred rednecks, watch and see.

11-25-2009, 07:07 PM
Maybe someone from this show should venture too long island with a video camera LOL!!!!!:D:D

11-25-2009, 10:47 PM
I had to threaten to whip their A%^ because they kept me from doing MY job. But then again, I had dealt with these morons before they ever got to the stadium, I had one guy ask me from the media center in Rockingham 3 months earlier if the track was paved..............while cars were going around........and the track was in plain view. The show will be entertaining, but it will make the world think that everybody that attends races are inbred rednecks, watch and see.

a lot of people think that all the people that listen to hiphop are cracked out thugs...

so it is what it is...

11-27-2009, 06:31 PM
I guess we need to be happy that the modifieds are getting any air-time. I wish those watching could understand its really just scratching the surface. You could go to almost any short track and make a TV show out of it.

Wondering what 2010 for racing may bring

11-27-2009, 07:33 PM
Anyone know the site or the link to the program please? :cheers:

11-27-2009, 08:34 PM
Anyone know the site or the link to the program please? :cheers:

There may be some info here (http://www.lmgtfy.com/?q=history+channel+bowman+gray+madhouse) kinserfan!!!!!

11-28-2009, 06:31 AM
I'm going to admit, when the production company first came in, they were nice, polite and easy to work with.

That all changed when they basically took over the spotter's stand by week three of filming. I went to Grant (The main guy in charge of production) and asked for a little help, which obviously fell on deaf ears.

Week by week, my enthusiasm to work with these people dwindled because I was in "Their Shot" while I was trying to do "MY JOB."

It finally esclated to violence when the female camera operator slapped me in the face at the final race of the season because I told her to move her camera THREE FEET to the left so I had a place to work in the spotter's stand. I had a modified driver making his first start at Bowman Gray in the final race of the year and the potential was there for him to be an innocent victim of Junior's and The Myers' silly little fued. All fueled by added television drama of course

This television show is THE major reason I will not go back to Bowman Gray as a spotter, next year. When a television production becomes more important than a driver's safety, something is terribly wrong.

It looks like it's shot very well, and I'm sure they did a great job in production but they damn sure took over the place by the end of the summer.

11-28-2009, 11:46 PM
Word has it that the Production company is paying to have new lighting put in the pits and other places around the track....maybe they should consider having a seperate platform for the camera crews to work so they're out of the spotters way.

12-21-2009, 09:11 PM
I've been a fan of the modifieds in the northeast for almost 40 years and I actually work at AETN (The History Channel). I was lucky enough to screen the first two episodes of 'MadHouse' and I thought it was very well produced and definitely entertaining. If you're a fan of the modifieds, then you'll enjoy this show.

Like any reality show, it has it's share of drama, but along with the actual racing it also provides some insight into each of the drivers, their families and what they're willing to do and sacrifice to pursue their passion.

This is the perfect way to get your modified racing fix during the cold winter months!

12-22-2009, 10:26 AM
Nice Racearena, I for on am definitely waiting for the show to start

12-22-2009, 11:09 AM
Nice Racearena, I for on am definitely waiting for the show to start

If 'MadHouse' performs well in the ratings, then History will look to produce a second season - either at Bowman Gray or some other venue. Once they realized I was a modified fan they started asking me questions and I suggested that they should follow either the Whelen Southern or Northern Modified Tour. I provided them with a bunch of information and background on the various tracks and drivers on the Northern Tour because I'm more familiar with that series.

I think TC would make for great TV - both on and off the track!

12-23-2009, 11:21 PM
2nd season will be at bowman gray...

will be approved after 1st quarter ratings in april... if ratings are high enough, but everyone at production company thinks that is a lock...

12-28-2009, 08:58 AM
They have now started to the broadcast dates on their web site. Times listed so far -
Sunday, January 10 10:00 PM
Sunday, January 10 11:00 PM
Monday, January 11 02:00 AM
Monday, January 11 03:00 AM

12-28-2009, 02:22 PM
I had ok hopes for the show until I saw that they are promoting it using the line of calling the racecars "weapons" :*-(

That's not the kind of promotion any type of racing needs.

12-28-2009, 05:36 PM
Will this be our "Days of Thunder"?

12-28-2009, 05:37 PM
I had ok hopes for the show until I saw that they are promoting it using the line of calling the racecars "weapons" :*-(

That's not the kind of promotion any type of racing needs.

link please....

i would like to see it... or hear it...

12-28-2009, 10:16 PM
the promo says - a family fued is settled on the track...

and mark ruhman "tim brown's crewman" says "it's like the hatfield and the mccoys"

12-28-2009, 11:12 PM
link please....

i would like to see it... or hear it...

It's not up on youtube (at least that I could find), the only promo that I've seen for it that's posted online is the one that focuses on all the shows. The one that said something about the cars being their weapons was just a show specific promo, it might have even been a sneak peak as it was longer then the average commerical (not by much, but it was like 2 minutes long)

12-29-2009, 01:57 AM
Ok people, It's a reality show. How many have ever been made that didn't just show the "forced" drama garbage? Not a one, because that is what they are made to portray. I was there some and saw what they filmed, and talk with the drivers regularly and they tell me what they are filming when I'm not there, hell, good chance that I'm on the show, I had to sign a waiver myself for interupting their crap so I could do my job. It is going to be exciting, and will ultimately show that the drivers are crazy and the fans are a bunch of rednecks. I watched them closely, in the stands they would pass right by an average family of 4, but the 400lb lady on the front row holding a newborn with 3 kids with mulletts giving the finger every single lap cussing at the top of their lungs, they tripped over themselves getting to those people each week. I may be wrong, but I doubt it, I mean what does anybody expect, what sells?

12-29-2009, 08:51 AM
I am so torn on this--- I HATE, DEPLORE and DESPISE reality TV. This show, promises to be more History channel un-reality because it will only show the extremes and car wrecks. As Corey mentions, there is no drama in filming a family of four who enjoys racing, but it sure makes good TV and good ratings to show the extremes, the fights and the characters. I still can’t decide if it will help or hurt the Modifieds.

So here is the rub--- I love the modifieds, so I will give it at least a shot and see how it goes…

Damn, whatever happened to the History channel? My once favorite channel is now a bunch of reality shows. Some of them are interesting, but where is the HISTORY? Back to Military Channel: at least there you get some good ‘ol documentaries.

12-29-2009, 09:55 AM
They showed one segment, it seemed like about a minute and a half, hyping nothing but the show. (I've only seen it once). As we all know there will be plenty of fights and wrecks. The night that we were at BGS this summer we were on the hospitality balcony in turns 3 & 4. Burt and his family were in the one next to us. They came up and filmed him with his family before going out to race. Telling the kids he loves them, kissing his wife, etc. So if they show that and scenes like that there is hope for some normalcy also. But reality shows that get the viewers are the wild and crazy ones. Guaranteed there will be more than plenty of that.

12-29-2009, 12:15 PM
I'm with Axel in absolutely hating reality TV, and I don't have high hopes for this thing being any better than the typical crapola. However, I think we also need to be honest here and stop trying to portray our sport as a polo match.

Open wheeled short track racing is what it is ... passionate folks that tend to wear their hearts on their sleeve, and who aren't above dusting it up in the pits on occasion. That's what makes this sport the best.

This reality series, even as skewed as it may turn out to be, just may put a few more fannies in the seats, bring a few more sponsors into the fold, and put a few more races on television. Isn't that a good thing?

12-29-2009, 09:04 PM
You know, if this were going to be another inane, lousy and dull racing movie
ie: Stroker Ace,Days of Thunder or a "Ricky Bobby" expose' I could except that.

Since it's being billed as "reality" I know I'm not going to like it. Reality at B/G is NOT typical short track racing but an extreme version of it. Will they tell us that? Do they even know? For all of you who think> Great, Mods on TV oh goody< becareful what you wish for. Anybody think it's not going to play into the stereotypes of the South and the "redneck" sport of autoracing? Like a car accident or a train wreck I'll watch but have no expectation of this "documentary" promoting anything good about our beloved sport. SH!+ sells.:(

12-30-2009, 12:15 AM
The people who put this together didn't know a modified from a mini-stock before they got there, and still don't, they weren't interested in learning about what they were covering, only interested in where the cussing was or the next fight . They were rude and treated everyone like they were above them, I tried to give them some friendly advice to help them and they looked at me like I was the scum of the earth. Bowman Gray has been running for 62 years, and they acted like they were the stars of the show, and everything should be changed around to suit what they were doing, or what they were "trying" to "create". I have no problem with them doing the show, but I do have a problem with rudeness and them treating my racing family like we were lucky that they were there. A bunch of homeless looking hippies laughing at our racers, please.

12-30-2009, 04:14 PM
The MadHouse site has been launched on History.com, check it out:


12-30-2009, 05:59 PM
The people who put this together didn't know a modified from a mini-stock before they got there, and still don't, they weren't interested in learning about what they were covering, only interested in where the cussing was or the next fight .

Kind of reminds me of that disgustingly shameful attempt by Dateline NBC to incite acts of racism at a NASCAR race at Martinsville Speedway a few years ago. Of course, NBC News is a dishonest, agenda-based organization who often tries to create news rather than report it.

I hope the History Channel has higher standards. But then, this is a channel that has seemingly sold out to sensationalism, evident by it's increasing number of shows about monsters, UFOs, Nostradamus and 2012. I guess ratings will always trump truth and reality. :rolleyes:

12-31-2009, 02:21 PM
Starts january 10 at 10 pm channel 269 direct t. V.

01-01-2010, 03:50 AM
This quote from the series website shows that they have no idea what they are talking about.

"NASCAR's iconic Sprint Cup series, which are only slightly altered from models available to the public."

The Sprint Cup series comes nowhere close to fitting that description, heck most street/factory/hobby/mini stocks/bombers which are usually the most stock classes at a track barely fit the labeled of being "only slightly altered from models available to the public"

Also they list the modifieds as "Wide-bodied", even including the Troyer "Wide Cars" I've yet to see a tour-type modified that can even be close to being considered "Wide-bodied" compared to the other types of cars that race in NASCAR and on short tracks. IIRC even the 4-cylinder Pintos have Wider bodies then a tour-type modified. Then again I'm not including the Rub-Rails as part of the body (because they are not), but they probaly are.

What a Joke, this channel went from being a channel about historical events to the being "lifetime slightly altered for men" AETN should be ashamed to even call the channel "history" anymore.

Brian Hawks
01-01-2010, 11:17 AM
How about just simply don't tune in.

I don't see any other TV Station wanting to air Modifieds and follow the drivers and crews. Showing how hard they work on the cars during the week, and spend more time working on a race car than they do with their family. Bowman Gray Stadium is a part of NASCAR HISTORY. Like the place or not... I bet you 100 bucks outta my own pocket right now.. it has MORE car count and MORE fans weekly than the track YOU attend.

I've sat and read this and on the actual Madhouse forum on History's website and look at people complain. These same people would complain if TC or Showtime made a race exciting.. while just the next week you'd complain because it was a flash race and was follow the leader. You just live to complain.

If you enjoy Modified racing, and have a TV in your house.. Give the show a chance. And think harder next time when you say Bowman Gray Stadium isn't History.. the track has more History than any other track I know. This will be the 62nd season.

01-01-2010, 11:56 AM
wall stadium right behind 60 years

01-01-2010, 12:44 PM
what makes bowman gray different?

the oldest sanctioned nascar track... the most well attended nascar track..

wall didn't have 60 consecutive years... not bashing wall, because i love going there... but wall has 5000 fans... bowman gray on an off night has 9000 fans...

bowman gray isn't the best racing, but it is the best show for the fans...

history channel... well, their most successful show ever is "pawn stars"...

if you watched it when it was military channel, then yes you will be disappointed....

W. J.
01-01-2010, 12:57 PM
Brian is right. If you think the shows will suck, don't watch. The rest of us will reserve our opinions until it actually is broadcast. Then an opinion of it will count.
Will they sensationalize certain aspects of it? You betcha, that's what sells the show. Will the rivalries surprise an avid and regular fan? Probably not if you've been paying attention all these years. The preview look of the 'fans in the stands' is no surprise, you'll find these people at ANY track. No interest in seeing the family of four calmly watching the race, that would bore you.
Bottom line here, it is a reality show, or purports to be, and it will show things that stir your mind, not always in a good way. The plus is that is showcases modifieds, and it should bring new fans to a track near you. That can't hurt.

01-06-2010, 10:43 AM
I watched the clips on the web site and am stoked to see the show!

01-06-2010, 12:47 PM
BG is a track that does not have alot of clean racing or passing to begin with. Did they need to create rivalries, fights in the pits and drivers taking each other out for the cameras? No, it was already there and thats why there are 15k in the stands each week. I can't wait to go to BG someday just to experience it. It's a reality show and lets see how it goes.

Hell would the Jersey Shore show be on if people didn't really act like those guido train wrecks. That freakin' Snookie chick is everywhere on TV and it drives me nuts I actually know who she is without ever watching the show other than seeing her get decked on youtube. Maybe the Myers and Millers will be on Leno and what not too.

My hope is that it takes off so much that Nascar has to take notice and start putting the resources into the modifieds that they deserve.

01-06-2010, 02:25 PM
BG is a track that does not have alot of clean racing or passing to begin with. Did they need to create rivalries, fights in the pits and drivers taking each other out for the cameras? No, it was already there and thats why there are 15k in the stands each week. I can't wait to go to BG someday just to experience it. It's a reality show and lets see how it goes.

Hell would the Jersey Shore show be on if people didn't really act like those guido train wrecks. That freakin' Snookie chick is everywhere on TV and it drives me nuts I actually know who she is without ever watching the show other than seeing her get decked on youtube. Maybe the Myers and Millers will be on Leno and what not too.

My hope is that it takes off so much that Nascar has to take notice and start putting the resources into the modifieds that they deserve.

Never been to Bowman-Gray, hope to go in the next couple of years. I agree 100%. I hope it takes off, I liked the ol days back with Tommy Baldwin at New Smyrna. Made the races interesting.

01-09-2010, 01:38 AM
Has anyone ever been to Bowman -Gray ? I have NOT so I am looking forward to the show :cheers:

01-09-2010, 10:49 AM
I hate to tell you guys but there will be much drama and less racing. It is more oif a reality show than a racing show. I believe the racing will fill in the gaps between drama.

01-09-2010, 11:27 AM
I hate to tell you guys but there will be much drama and less racing. It is more oif a reality show than a racing show. I believe the racing will fill in the gaps between drama.

That is exactly right. What sells better, some clips of real racing, or two guys fighting on the ground with some people that crawled from under a rock cussing and giving the finger in the background? And to the other poster above, I've been to Bowman Gray a few times, from 1982 to 1994, only missed one race there. I then got a license and ventured out to realize that other tracks had more interesting racing racing at them. Not that the stadium doesn't have good racing sometimes, It's just a different animal all together, I live about 8min away so I still make my way over there about 4 times a year now.

01-09-2010, 03:05 PM
The drama is what will sell the tv show and what sells the tickets every week at Bowman Gray. We just have to realize that it is a reality show and watch it as such.

That is exactly right. What sells better, some clips of real racing, or two guys fighting on the ground with some people that crawled from under a rock cussing and giving the finger in the background? And to the other poster above, I've been to Bowman Gray a few times, from 1982 to 1994, only missed one race there. I then got a license and ventured out to realize that other tracks had more interesting racing racing at them. Not that the stadium doesn't have good racing sometimes, It's just a different animal all together, I live about 8min away so I still make my way over there about 4 times a year now.

W. J.
01-09-2010, 03:49 PM
The judging begins tomorrow night at 10PM.

01-09-2010, 04:59 PM
front page story in the local newspaper... see what the producer has to say about the series....


01-10-2010, 10:06 PM
Showtime; its ON :cheers:

01-10-2010, 10:11 PM
What's on???

01-10-2010, 10:23 PM
Madhouse Premiere episode of 13 out of 16 weeks of racing at Bowman Gray Stadium :cheers: In other words they taped 13 out of 16 weeks there from 2009!!!

NC Mudcat
01-11-2010, 06:07 PM
Not sure why my post got deleted last night, but here it is again:

The show was entertaining, much more so than the actual racing at BGS. Tim Brown and his group came off looking like jerks; man, he knows some cuss words.

My favorite part was seeing Jr. Miller run into Tim Brown on the pace lap. Priceless. At least he admitted it was his fault; if we could only get a Myers to do that.....

My least favorite part was the 5 yr-old kid yelling "Jr. Miller sucks." He might, but what are we teaching the kids? That sure makes us look good, y'all.

Overall, I thought it was a good production.

01-11-2010, 06:18 PM
Not sure why my post got deleted last night, but here it is again:

It didn't get deleted, it was moved to the MADHOUSE Reviews thread in Lou's House. We started that thread early in the evening trying to keep them all in one thread. As it was they ended up in 3 different threads so we moved them all to the MADHOUSE Reviews thread. Your original post at 11:01 is there. http://www.racerhub.com/forum/showthread.php?t=20475

W. J.
01-11-2010, 07:12 PM
Madhouse Premiere episode of 13 out of 16 weeks of racing at Bowman Gray Stadium :cheers: In other words they taped 13 out of 16 weeks there from 2009!!!No, they taped the whole season, made 13 shows.

NC Mudcat
01-11-2010, 10:05 PM
Thanks, Howie. I thought I had lost my mind; that's still possible!

01-11-2010, 10:08 PM
Thanks W J :cheers:

01-12-2010, 04:06 PM
Three words:

Pretty f'n cool!

Thank you History Channel!

01-18-2010, 11:27 AM
Haven't been to BG Stadium but I've followed modified racing since the mid-60's (Da 'Pahk). I've seen a lot of silly things, but nothing like the contention between Junior Miller and Burt Myers. I was all for modifieds on TV but this is just plain silly! "History Ch." seems to think that one & all like doom & Gloom, and 'the end of the world as we know it.' I'm thankful for reruns of action on Comcast (Stafford).

"Madhouse" would have everyone thinking that we're all trailor trash, sitting around with a pinch 'o tabaky 'tween our collective cheeks & gums...awwww, c'mon!!

Rich (Formerly Rbemben1 on MSS)

Brian Hawks
01-18-2010, 11:31 AM
So all we can come up with now is redneck jokes? Fantastic.

I wonder why the Northern Mods are not on TV as much as the Southern Mods this year? Ya think anyone reads this stuff? Ya think?

Be thankful for what ya got..

01-18-2010, 12:02 PM
http://inlinethumb06.webshots.com/44677/2289766670047627589S500x500Q85.jpg (http://good-times.webshots.com/photo/2289766670047627589YhAYrw)

01-18-2010, 12:52 PM
I used to live at Riverside on race night...after the track became a rollercoaster I went to many races at Stafford and Thompson (and Seekonk.) I've been to So. Boston in Va. and Orange County Speedway in N.C.

Its not a case of 'how many tracks I've been to'...BFD! I like modified racing UP HERE because its racing, not a friggin' gang fight. Yeah, there were pit fights at the park, but on the track it was no holds barred racing. The craziest thing I've seen was at Stafford when Carl Pasteryak spun John Blewitt on the back stretch and John was out of his car almost before it stopped spinning and hot footing it down to turn 2 where he jumped on Carl's cowling and began ripping his plug wires out - darn near split a gut over that one....even the SK's can be entertaining (once they get metal rearrangement out of their systems.) Restarts get pretty boring after a while.

If retribution between divers/teams is what people want to see then let's see BG Stadium every week; I'll watch that dull, boring, North racing any day. Knocking people around is not racing. IMNSHO. If your car is in the pits, a smoking, steaming, hunk o' junk, all you've proved is that you have a lousy temper....no points, no money, no nothing..... case closed. :lol:


01-18-2010, 01:17 PM
If retribution between divers/teams is what people want to see then let's see BG Stadium every week; I'll watch that dull, boring, North racing any day. Knocking people around is not racing. IMNSHO. If your car is in the pits, a smoking, steaming, hunk o' junk, all you've proved is that you have a lousy temper....no points, no money, no nothing..... case closed. :lol: Rich

It's been a while since you've been to one of your local tracks for a weekly show hasn't it Rich? It isn't that much different from BGS, just a different bunch doing it.

Brian Hawks
01-18-2010, 02:16 PM
Chill pill is funny... But it's only so much garbage you can read on here.

It's OBVIOUS Rich has not watched the show. He's watched a promo for the show. No one has got spun out yet matching an episode and no one has got into a fight... so what's he been watching.

As I said.. if this was a Thompson SK Reality show.. the opinions on this website would be different.

Personally, I'd love to make some weekly Stafford, Thompson and Wall shows. I love Mod racing... and SK Mods. I'm not gonna complain at all if I get to watch it on TV. To much politically correct garbage racing on TV now..

01-18-2010, 03:07 PM
Stafford has had a weekly highlight show on NESN for a number of years now. Straight up race highlights and post race interviews. The show covers all the division but the SK's get a large portion of air time. I still haven't seen a middle finger or a fight on the show but I'll keep an eye out for ya.

Brian Hawks
01-18-2010, 03:53 PM
Yup, I'm sure NO ONE has ever thrown a finger at the tracks you attend. Dude, give it a break. Don't watch the show and it won't bother you so bad. And maybe Madhouse and Versus will drop Mods on TV so you are happy next year.

01-18-2010, 04:17 PM
I don't recall any instances of fans tossing the finger at Stafford but I know I've seen it. However I've watched Chris Jones drive around the track with his finger saluting the crowd all the way around the track... I've seen nothing on Madhouse that even comes as close to embarrasing as that.

CTC Photos
01-18-2010, 05:02 PM
I remember finger salutes every Friday night when Sacks was racing there. One guy in particular had a huge framed Reggie picture he brought every week. On the back he wrote Sacks Sucks and would hold it up all night long (when he wasn't saluting Sacks) him and a guy 10 rows behind him would jab at each other all night too. The Reggie fan took most of the ribbing especially in '82 when Greg won everything at Stafford.

Ahhhh, those were great times.

chrome horn
01-18-2010, 05:27 PM
I don't recall any instances of fans tossing the finger at Stafford but I know I've seen it. However I've watched Chris Jones drive around the track with his finger saluting the crowd all the way around the track... I've seen nothing on Madhouse that even comes as close to embarrasing as that.
Or WWE Degeneration X crotch chopping the crowd, officials and anyone else in his way a couple of years ago at the Fall Final.

I think Howie summed it up the best on the other thread when he said about being so close and so many fans. The only track around here that come close to being that close to the track/action is Waterford. There isn't as many people as BGS, but you'll see fans telling drivers they're number one.

Racing is full of villans and heroes and fans are gonna express their views. Some boo, some cheer and some flip the bird. Anyone who thinks this only happens at BGS or down south is out of their mind. It happens everywhere. I've seen guys rip air filters and plus wires off cars. Guys throw helmets at cars. It HAPPENS EVERYWHERE. I'll be the first to admit that I didn't care for the direction the show was looking after the first episode. But I watched the second show and really liked it. Maybe the first show didn't draw to me because I knew alot about the scenarios and was not open minded to the person who knows nothing about BGS, the racers or modifieds. Brian and Mends were smart enough to remind us that this is a reality show about racing. The reality is race fans/crews/driver et al are as diverse as they come and that's what makes this sport fun.

Stafford has had a weekly highlight show on NESN for a number of years now. Straight up race highlights and post race interviews. The show covers all the division but the SK's get a large portion of air time. I still haven't seen a middle finger or a fight on the show but I'll keep an eye out for ya.
That's the difference....Madhouse is a reality show. NASCAR New England is a highlight show. Stafford puts out the product. There is no fan shots at all. It's about the racing. I've seen stuff happen at the track that never made the air. That's good stuff and bad stuff.

And to EVERYONE talking redneck this and redneck that, guess what, to 90% of the world you yourself are a redneck for watching racing.:wave:

01-18-2010, 07:32 PM
as much as they might "play up" the goings on between certain drivers.

its still modifieds on TV!!!!!!

i'll take it

also its nice to see the different teams work on their cars and such

01-18-2010, 09:00 PM
I don't recall any instances of fans tossing the finger at Stafford but I know I've seen it. However I've watched Chris Jones drive around the track with his finger saluting the crowd all the way around the track... I've seen nothing on Madhouse that even comes as close to embarrasing as that.

Very true and it was embarrassing. However, don't leave out the part about Jones being thrown out for the season for doing it. Actually, he's been tossed several times. Why? Because that sort of behavior isn't tolerated at Stafford.

01-18-2010, 09:26 PM
Very true and it was embarrassing. However, don't leave out the part about Jones being thrown out for the season for doing it. Actually, he's been tossed several times. Why? Because that sort of behavior isn't tolerated at Stafford.

You are right, Stafford does not tolerate that sort of behavior and are very good about enforcing it. I believe, the last time Jones was suspended he was "suspended for life". I believe he was allowed to return because a) he promised to behave and is on probation, b) someone went to bat for him and c) well.... watch Madhouse.

P.S. I understand Chris was very well behaved this year.

01-19-2010, 07:08 PM
And to EVERYONE talking redneck this and redneck that, guess what, to 90% of the world you yourself are a redneck for watching racing.:wave:

LOL, I work in NYC, they think I'm a redneck for watching the 24 hours of LeMans!!:cheers:

01-19-2010, 08:03 PM
I am a huge Modified fan and supporter. I love hockey, the game itself but there's nothing like a good hockey fight. The same goes here.

Madhouse is great for the Modifieds. I love Burt Myers he's a character a great personality for the sport. Let's be honest he can back it up on the track as well.

It's like football you never get to see the player because he has his helmet on. Same with Modified drivers, at least now were getting to know the "Dirty South" and it's drivers. I think it is entertaining and a good watch.

All the Modified purests out there are gonna hate this show, keep hating and you may not see modifieds on TV, at all. So take it for what it is, a Reality Show and enjoy it.

Brian Hawks
01-19-2010, 10:41 PM
I am a huge Modified fan and supporter. I love hockey, the game itself but there's nothing like a good hockey fight. The same goes here.

Madhouse is great for the Modifieds. I love Burt Myers he's a character a great personality for the sport. Let's be honest he can back it up on the track as well.

It's like football you never get to see the player because he has his helmet on. Same with Modified drivers, at least now were getting to know the "Dirty South" and it's drivers. I think it is entertaining and a good watch.

All the Modified purests out there are gonna hate this show, keep hating and you may not see modifieds on TV, at all. So take it for what it is, a Reality Show and enjoy it.


01-20-2010, 09:19 AM
There will be a couple of ways to judge if the show has had a positive impact.

The first has somewhat been answered - the ratings so far have been succesful.

The second and most important impact has yet to be determined - that is if there is any increase in financial support for those teams who race at Bowman Gray or the track itself.

I find the show entertaining, not for the on track racing, but for the behind the scene stuff. It is amazing to me the amount of passion and dedication shown by the main characters of the show.

01-22-2010, 05:33 PM
i think its pretty awesome to turn the tv on and see anything about modifieds!!!! this show gives us northern guys a look at what its like to race in the "dirty south" you come to riverhead raceway, my home track, and you'll see some of those same rivalries and fights that go on each and every week there. keep in mind everyone the show is called "MADhouse" for a reason. its not easy to field a modified these days let along be really competitive with the way this economy is so my personal oppinion is sit back and enjoy a show about something we all love, RACING!!! P.S. a lot of those southern guys really have nice shops, cars, and equipment.....

ThE sHaDoW
01-22-2010, 06:19 PM
where's Mends when ya need him. I thought he said the track was nicknamed Madhouse, hence the shows name.

01-22-2010, 09:26 PM
It is called madhouse. Because for mamy years .the 2 twenty lap
races. Have been called; the madhouse scramble/
because they draw. The winner of the first race .draws a number
6.8.10. And what he draws. The winner starts where he draws.
So that is why they call the show madhouse.
I hope this will help.to understand.where the name madhouse.comes from. The name madhouse .has been.there a long time. Enjoy the series it is good for modified racing..

01-23-2010, 09:49 AM
For those who would like to watch an episode again, Comcast Cable has the show on it's 'on demand'. Look under the History menu.

01-23-2010, 03:29 PM
Week 2 much better than week 1. Hope this keeps up.

01-24-2010, 09:22 PM
sorry, I love the modifieds, grew up at Plainville Stadium, ran my own SK for 15 years, worked on Mod Tour cars for years.
all it is is the Hatfields & the McCoys glorified in a reality TV show with some Mod footage thrown in.
if it brings more fans, good. probably for the wrong reasons, hopefully for the long term after they see through the BS of the TV show.
I will continue to watch it on DVR. 10 pm on Sunday is too late for me.
just my opinion but it could be about any short track racing division.
but it has 5 mins. of Mod racing every week in prime time & thats a good thing.:cheers:

chrome horn
01-24-2010, 11:00 PM
This weeks show.......................Awesome:applause:

01-25-2010, 01:17 AM
This weeks show.......................Awesome:applause:

I agree with Fran

01-25-2010, 10:43 AM
yea it was much better this week.

01-25-2010, 11:40 AM
To keep everything together, please post here....