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View Full Version : 2 Free Banquet Tickets!!!

11-30-2009, 09:44 PM
2 FREE tickets to the banquet are up for grabs!!!!

Per the request of the donator of these tickets...all we need is the saddest excuse why you deserve them!!!

Post your sob story up here and the donor will choose the saddest :*-( story....

Like kittens up for adoption....they must go in a pair! .....awww..... I'm crying already!

...........Yes, this is for real..........

11-30-2009, 09:47 PM
i would like to see these go to brian (coach ) yelk for puttin up me with and bigdaddy all season , usin his shop ,his truck to haul the cars , and for just puttin up with me in general :lol:

11-30-2009, 09:48 PM
I recked my enduro car on the front strech when that damn dead car jumped out in front of me!!!!

11-30-2009, 09:53 PM
I missed out on a chance to race since a yellow mustang broke the ZOOM ZOOM!:*-(

11-30-2009, 10:13 PM
I rolled my car in the 3rd race of the season, managed to make it back for every race (except the one the day after my wedding) after that with the SAME car, held my spot in the top 10 and was 8th going into the final race, got hurt one week before the race and was not allowed to race due to workers comp related problems, which if I would have been able to race, even if I got dead last I would have only fallen a few points short of the top 10, and would have only had to finish 25th or better to secure my spot

I got released from my injury (allowed to drive race cars again) the monday AFTER the Mutha.

The same day we my 128 car ready to be scrapped since my relief driver got hit in the side and the car was destroyed during the Mutha.

It's sad to me anyways

And to top all of that off...a few other drivers decided they had to top my roll over by rolling more times, causing me to not even have the best roll over of the season...iy yi yi

11-30-2009, 11:15 PM
I "found" Critters wallet


12-01-2009, 01:41 AM
Both my dogs hate me. The male has actually improved his aim to the point that he can urinate INSIDE my boots. My daughter thinks I am an embarrassment. She tells her friends she was adopted from Malaysia. Even my mother calls me a lazy, fat-a$$ed, pot-smoking loser. And you know my a$$ isn't even fat.

My wife discovered that I don't have to die for my life insurance to pay off. So she keeps trying to get me to go to the doctor hoping I'll get diagnosed with a terminal illness so she can afford to move back in with her mother.

They've been handing out pink slips every Friday for the last 6 weeks. I had a bad feeling a few Fridays ago. So I figured if I took the day off, they would have to pay me for another week. The only excuse I could think of was that I had a doctor's appointment. They were wise to that and told me to turn in a receipt or a note when I returned. So I went to the doctor.

It happens that I'm at that magic age where every specialist in the entire healthcare industry has developed a test for you. And I had a referral for each and every one of them. I gave up up a quart of blood drawn out one ounce at a time. I urinated into a MUCH too small cup while standing under a Buck Rogers-looking Xray machine. I tried to tell the tech they had the air-conditioning up too high. Doctor's had to look in every opening. What exactly do they think they are going to find in my ear besides $50?? And have you ever seen the size of the scope they stick in your butt? Uggh.

After that I had the priviledge of going back to my doctor and paying him $250 so he could read me the results. He opens the folder of test results, reads the first one and says, "If you don't stop drinking right now, your liver is going to fail within 3 months and you'll die." I gave him the same look I gave him when he told me I had to give up heroin. Not wanting a repeat of THAT discussion, he says nothing and proceeds to the next set of test reults. "Nevermind. Your hemmorhoids will kill you LONG before your liver craps out."

"And you'll probably want to be drunk for that."

12-01-2009, 06:41 AM
The downward spiral. Broke a radiator mount while running a strong 7th in the 4th race. Followed that by being taken out on lap 20 the next race and then having my car smashed into. Next race my transmission went on my way to the track. Scrambled to get a new one in for the following week only for it to rain. Finally got back onto the track so I could destroy it.

But to top it all off. Now I have to help punchy build her car for next year:disgusted:disgusted:disgusted

Erin C
12-01-2009, 08:34 AM
hmmm...so far I am seeing mostly people who have already purchased tickets...how about those who have not purchased them?? As I recall this was a stipulation in the judging of the saddest story. (Even though Joe failed to mention that....:disgusted )

And Bob...WHOA! I don't know if it is TMI or what but WHOA! :help:

12-01-2009, 08:41 AM
I race a FORD t-bird!! Beat that!!!!!!

Erin C
12-01-2009, 09:13 AM
I race a FORD t-bird!! Beat that!!!!!!

race?? :confused:

LOL!!! Sorry, had to!!

12-01-2009, 11:38 AM
I race a FORD t-bird!! Beat that!!!!!!

I race a FORD truck against all cars! lol. Well, I should say my father and I race a truck. But it will be all me next season!

The G-Man42
12-01-2009, 01:02 PM
the last time i ran enduros was at mahoning......and i won in a festiva.......gave up runnin enduros to raise my daughter........now im gonna race again with neets with a vw so i guess ill be the odd guy.....im mentally unstable accordin to my family lol and they say i need help....im close to bein a midget bein only 5ft 3 lol i need a gps when i race so i dont get lost...lol the list goes on:drool:

12-01-2009, 01:04 PM
I once hit a FORD truck:lol:

12-01-2009, 01:08 PM
the last time i ran enduros was at mahoning......and i won in a festiva.......

I beleive there is a picture of you in victory lane with two people picking that car up...I think that deserves two tickets alone...

12-01-2009, 01:48 PM
With a story like that Bob, people are gonna start sending you their welfare checks...............
Sounds like your next in line for a Polish kidnapping..............
UNCLE PETEY...................


12-01-2009, 01:50 PM
I once hit a FORD truck:lol:

and it still has the pushed in body with blue paint, lol. it adds color to the maroon beast.

12-01-2009, 06:19 PM
i have nothing else to do that nite lol

12-01-2009, 06:51 PM
i have my tickets , brian (coach )yelk does not, i say he gets em for puttin up with me at his shops all the time and for takin his rollback lol , and good point phil i lost my wallet at bigdiamond and phil brought it home to critter ,

12-01-2009, 08:36 PM
hmmm...so far I am seeing mostly people who have already purchased tickets...how about those who have not purchased them?? As I recall this was a stipulation in the judging of the saddest story. (Even though Joe failed to mention that....:disgusted )

And Bob...WHOA! I don't know if it is TMI or what but WHOA! :help:

I was going to add that to the end of mine but I had already shut down my laptop and didn't feel like starting it back up to post it...I was going to say,

"To top everything off, I'm begging for tickets that I already paid for"

It's a free ride...when you've already paid :lol:

12-01-2009, 08:37 PM
I race a FORD truck against all cars! lol. Well, I should say my father and I race a truck. But it will be all me next season!

I used a 4 door ford tempo automatic, and you beat me :lol:

12-01-2009, 09:09 PM
I started the arial acrobats...Sorry:*-( Wrecked a perfectly good monte the first race,:*-( Bent the frame a few times.:*-( got shoved into the front stretch wall and finished off my car for good.:*-( Then watched it go to the bone yard.:( But i did have a whole lot of fun doing it:lol::lol: Good luck to all in this contest. I dont need the tickets, just thought id post like critter!

12-01-2009, 09:33 PM
This is the saddest story of all..... I am stuck with being Critter's Big Bro.
Somebody please help me!!!!!!!!

12-01-2009, 09:39 PM
This is the saddest story of all..... I am stuck with being Critter's Big Bro.
Somebody please help me!!!!!!!!

Erin - Joe!!!!
I think you have a winner!!!! LOL

12-01-2009, 10:23 PM
I concur!:lol::lol:

12-01-2009, 11:09 PM
oh com on u know u guys love me lol , and bigdaddy u know u would be lost with out your little bro

12-01-2009, 11:43 PM
first off erin you are so cruel :*-(:*-( looking for new race track to run. :lol:, big daddy you may win but you family with him your stuck with no way out! i was the first to say i was critter's first fan publicly. and i had it put on my licence plate saying so. i think i have a strong second place!

12-01-2009, 11:53 PM
oh com on u know u guys love me lol....

I can only speak for myself, but I'm not that kinda guy!!! :lol:

12-02-2009, 12:14 AM
i say back to the orignal program lol , and brian should get them for puttin up with critter and bigdaddy

12-02-2009, 02:43 PM
How about leaving one at the door for ELVIS...............
UNCLE PETEY......................

What do I gotta do to get my smileys back in action.............?

Erin C
12-02-2009, 03:07 PM
How about leaving one at the door for ELVIS...............
UNCLE PETEY......................

What do I gotta do to get my smileys back in action.............?

Are you the only one having smiley trouble? Are you on smiley probation for abusing the smiley's? That is a sad story right there :(:*-(:(:*-(:(:*-(:(:*-(:(:*-(:(:*-(

12-02-2009, 05:33 PM
I race a FORD t-bird!! Beat that!!!!!!

Doesn't everyone 'Beat that'???

I HAD a t-bird once and I beat 29 other cars with it at the October race! :cheers::cheers:

.... and THAT was even a 6 cyl. car! :)

Ray, Your bird will fly next season- you have some time to work on it....

12-02-2009, 05:37 PM
Since most everyone has them already.... How about if we give the banquet tickets to one of the non- proft organizations representatives that NEETS helped this year? Cancer Society, Animal Shelter, Toys for Tots?

Just an idea....

12-02-2009, 07:32 PM
Since most everyone has them already.... How about if we give the banquet tickets to one of the non- proft organizations representatives that NEETS helped this year? Cancer Society, Animal Shelter, Toys for Tots?

Just an idea....

I dont have any tickets...lol

12-02-2009, 07:43 PM
aren't all enduro teams considered non profit organizations? I sure as heck never made any money.

12-02-2009, 08:28 PM
i second that stu

12-02-2009, 10:16 PM
Thats funny!!!!:lol::lol:

12-02-2009, 10:57 PM
Critter left his wallet in El Segundo. phil

12-02-2009, 11:06 PM
huh ?????? i lost it at bigdiamond half way home relized it tured all the way around couldnt find it , next day on my front door was a note from phil i have your wallet , had to wait till phil got home to get it , thanks again for that day phil , good thing i dont have money lol

Erin C
12-03-2009, 07:33 AM
I think he means turn two. Back to the topic please...lets get these tickets given away! :help:

12-03-2009, 10:08 AM
So who doesnt have tickets then? Maybe get nominations for the drivers who are not on here on a daily basis. You can tell who is and who isnt on here regularly.........speak up if you dont have the tickets yet! I think only one person so far said they dont have them.

Time is wasting peoples Erin wants them gone!:wave:

12-03-2009, 05:39 PM
right erin back on topic , i say my story is good ,for brian yelk , if he dont win them hes not comin

12-03-2009, 07:24 PM
I'll sell my two tickets for 64 cents a piece...to get the two free tickets :applause:

12-04-2009, 05:17 PM
when is the winner going to be annouced ? tell in ya brian yelk for puttin up with me and bigdaddy all season and the this off season is a sad story

12-05-2009, 02:17 PM
when is the winner going to be annouced ? tell in ya brian yelk for puttin up with me and bigdaddy all season and the this off season is a sad story

how many times are you going to say brian yelk? im pretty sure you have said it at least 5 times, and Joe/Erin have seen it. Give them some space lol.

12-05-2009, 04:06 PM
um as many times as i can lol , just kiddin just wanted everyone to know not for me but for brian yelk theres 6 lol

12-05-2009, 09:10 PM
um as many times as i can lol , just kiddin just wanted everyone to know not for me but for brian yelk theres 6 lol

Were pulling for ya Brian! I dont know you though...lol

12-06-2009, 10:39 AM
when is the winner going to be annouced ? tell in ya brian yelk for puttin up with me and bigdaddy all season and the this off season is a sad story

Starting to think we should all have our tickets paid for, by you, being that WE have to put up with you here on the message board not only all season, but in the off season as well.

12-06-2009, 11:01 AM
well thats not funny nate buddy and to think i was goin to let u sit at the dx table lol, hey what can i say i keep this place going lol , hopin u know who gets em so he come to the banguet

12-06-2009, 11:49 AM
Hey Critter,

If Brian deserves the tickets so much for putting up with you all year then why would he want the tickets and have to spend his Saturday night with you :lol:

12-06-2009, 04:30 PM
lol, I hate to say it, but that make's a lot of sense. How come none of us caught that? lol.

12-07-2009, 06:10 PM
haha , i was thinkin its the least i could do for em , since he doesent post here , we shall see :lol:

12-07-2009, 06:47 PM
I didn't get my tickets yet. Joe, you could rip up my check when it gets to your house. :cheers:

12-07-2009, 08:53 PM
haha , i was thinkin its the least i could do for em , since he doesent post here , we shall see :lol:

hey critter, I was just looking through the pictures on my cell phone and came across one that I took while sitting in traffic on 422 on my way home from work a few months back. (that was a long sentence lol) I saw the 00 on the back of a flat bed at the garage and had to take a pic of it...lol. that alone should win you those tickets. lol

12-07-2009, 08:59 PM
well upload it , what car was it lol i had 3 this yr lol

12-07-2009, 10:19 PM
well upload it , what car was it lol i had 3 this yr lol

its a crappy pic, i will try to blow it up

12-07-2009, 10:23 PM

12-07-2009, 10:57 PM
the zoom zoom just got home lol

12-08-2009, 08:53 AM
Hey Critter,

If Brian deserves the tickets so much for putting up with you all year then why would he want the tickets and have to spend his Saturday night with you :lol:

Like critter said in the other post....FREE BEER!:cheers::cheers::cheers::applause::applause:

Erin C
12-08-2009, 09:03 AM
LOL!!!! This is true! Plus...I think it is time for Brian to show his face, as I recall neither Joe nor myself have ever met him because the team always registers for him and sets his stuff up!!! I would like to see who this coach is! And if I did meet him...I didn't know it was him :help:

I sent an email to our donator to see if there is a winner yet...here's hoping they get the email!

12-08-2009, 08:16 PM
brian (coach ) is real , he shows up right b4 the race gets in the car and goes , he sticks around for a little after , but heads out b4 we do , he is real lol he owns amercian tire ,my sponsor , oops plug there , lol but i still say he gets the tickets , for puttin up with dx and then u can all meet him lol :cheers:

Erin C
12-08-2009, 08:55 PM
just wait...we are waiting on one more post that someone has been trying to post but keeps getting kicked off...he is supposed to be emailing Joe the story to put up tonight or tomorrow and after that we can get our donor to judge...

12-09-2009, 05:14 PM
I want to mention Scott Bergey as the person who deserves the free tix.
Scott was the driver of car # 71 that flipped.He does not have tix. And he is still in
a body cast as a result of the flip.He wants to come to the banquet.


12-09-2009, 05:46 PM
um was that the blk berretta ? i dont remeber no one hurt this yr , i say party fowl , if u watch the youtube video u can see him walk away :cheers: i say brian (coach) nice try phil

Erin C
12-09-2009, 07:19 PM
Actually, it is not a party foul. We got a call on Wednesday after the race that he was admitted to the hospital the Monday following the race with a broken neck. He was the one who called Joe yesterday about this thread, he didn't know if this was for real and wanted to share his story. I passed his story to the donor of the tickets and he says and I quote "Give the tickets to Scott Bergey, God knows he deserves it"

And I forgot to mention, while in the cast he fell on the ice and aggravated his injury =[

So our winner, officially, is Scott Bergey. Joe will contact him and let him know there will be 2 tickets waiting for him at the banquet.

Thanks for all the stories, I definitely agree with our donor that this is the most deserving "sad story".

Sorry Critter! I know Brian deserves something for dealing with you but our winner has been chosen.

12-09-2009, 07:51 PM
now i feel bad , sorry scott and congrats and hope u get better soon see ya at the party , i ll buy the first round lol

12-09-2009, 08:17 PM
Don't feel bad Critter.....we didn't publicize this to too many people since we were not clear on too many details ourselves.

As Erin stated it here, we got the call a few days after the race, but I did not know the true severity of the matter until a week or so ago when Scott called me himself with the complete report.

He ended up with THREE broken vertebrae total, two in his neck and one more in his lower back. Scott has pretty high spirits about getting better and seems to be more interested in building a better cage for next year! On a lighter note, he told me his 'pointing finger' is getting plenty of exercise! :applause:

The rules meeting was centered around the safety of drivers for next season and Scott was one of the highlighted benefactors, so to say... This is something we DO NOT EVER want to see happen.....luckily, he did walk away from it and even more so, he should be able to heal completely.... We are not going to try our luck next season.....and neither should you.

12-09-2009, 08:32 PM
Yeah critter he was in the infield, I talked to him. The adrenalie was pumping most likely and all the soreness and pain came later.:( He seemed ok, but at the rules meeting I found out he was attmitted to the hospital some time later.

12-09-2009, 10:04 PM
congrats to you Scott Bergey. i am glad your getting better.