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01-06-2010, 02:53 PM
the coventry mall car show is march 5th till the 7th , the 3 cars that will be there for neets will be the 00 , 64, and small car 90 these are the only cars with neets , i have spoken to the leader of this and he says that we are the 3 cars that he is puttin in for neets due to space , hope to see some faces from the races ,and hopefully get more cars to come out to race :) , this is the email i got form him today Thank you for entering your two cars John. Your two cars, along with Travis Schwenk's car, are the only entries I am taking for the NEETS division, as there isnt as much space this year as last. If you can please pass that information on to anyone else, I would appreciate it.

The show runs from Friday, March 5th through Sunday, March 7th. The cars will enter the mall Thursday, March 5th at 9 pm after the mall closes and will come out of the mall Sunday at 6 pm after the mall closes. I am sending out a more detailed email in the near future.

01-06-2010, 08:22 PM
Its ashame that we can't get more cars! Don't Forget about the Reading Fairground Mall Show! I think I might be the only NEETS car registered for that!

01-06-2010, 08:28 PM
well look who started postin lol , just kiddin buddy ,now sure if i can do reading , but me and bigdaddy will be with ya at the conventry mall , im also gonna be at oaks with ya ,lol

01-06-2010, 08:47 PM
I'm Excited for Motorports! Can't wait! I will be there all Weekend! Don't forget one night we need a group to go over to Arnolds Go carts!

01-07-2010, 11:54 AM
Its ashame that we can't get more cars! Don't Forget about the Reading Fairground Mall Show! I think I might be the only NEETS car registered for that!

When is it?

01-07-2010, 12:09 PM
Feb. 21-27th! The Cars go in on the morning of the 21st and go out the 27th! 25 dollar fee for insurance purposes! Hope you decide to enter!

01-07-2010, 01:47 PM
I missed checking out your car at the track Travis but I'll definitly look it over at the show where it's nice and warm. My new car is a 98 Cavalier so I'll be looking for some ideas from yours.

01-07-2010, 02:00 PM
Your More than Welcome Poppop! I love the Cavalier! See ya at Motorsports!

01-07-2010, 05:12 PM
I don't know T-rav, with Betsy a little ill you may lose that ride. If your mom gives me the nod, i'm in.:p

01-07-2010, 07:15 PM
Just a little FYI...

I am working on putting the details together for the Coventry Mall Car Show as well as the Reading Show.

NEETS will be making it's appearance at both of these shows as already posted by Travis....but, I have a little bonus for the Reading Show!!!

The opening day of the show, Brett Deyo has invited NEETS to host an "Intro to Enduro Racing" Q&A seminar on the main stage!!!!

I am going to have to dig up my old college day books to re-teach myself to put on a good presentation, but I can always use some help and suggestions!

Between the upcoming Motorsports show, the Reading Show and the Coventry Mall Show....NEETS is going to gain a lot of momentum! This is a great way for us to fill the stands for our first race...remember, more fans = more potential drivers!!!!

01-07-2010, 07:19 PM
thats great joe , ill be doin my part at the expo and the mall ,and u know how i like to talk lol , i love helpin to get more cars and fans , and im pretty shore the 3 of us are parked all together at the coventry mall show :cool: and i forgot to mention im brining my sharpies for the kids to sign my car

01-07-2010, 09:08 PM
Betsy will Live Again Al!

01-07-2010, 09:36 PM
Got room for a "DRAG" car? since my enduro aint done. :lol::lol:
I used to live my life a quarter mile at a time....Till I came to NEETS!:applause:

01-07-2010, 11:17 PM
wait jack i thought i was the fast and furious guy here ,now u want to be vin diesel lol :cool:

01-08-2010, 05:23 AM
Thanks for the reminder Jack of my days racing with EC4WDA. No seat time unless you waited in line for three hours to get started. Arrive at 9:00 and wait for the scheduled race time of 12:00 but never get started till 1:00. Then line up side by side to run for 7 or 8 seconds? Line up again if you won but load up if you didn't. Imagine my surprise when I ran with NEETS for the first time and got to run for an hour or so. More dents, more dirt, more fun. :wave:Go NEETS!:applause:

01-09-2010, 05:19 PM
well im lookin forward to the expo and the coventry mall show , i talked to travis last night at the bar , between the two us we should do a good job of gettin the word out