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View Full Version : It has been brought to our attention

Erin C
05-10-2010, 10:11 PM
I just want to re-state some general rules that were not followed at the last race...

The biggest one that I am not happy about is the open cans of beer that were in someones hands in the pits DURING the race that security told me about...

There are no more warnings...If ANYONE is caught in the pits with alcohol BEFORE OR DURING the race they will be thrown out and the team associated with the offenders will lose all points and if in a paying position, will lose the purse as well...remember, you are responsible for your team! Grandview has the same policy we do, to quote our general rules on the website:

"Alcoholic beverages are prohibited anywhere on the speedway grounds until a minimum 15 minutes after the last event.
Obviously, the use or possession of any illegal controlled substances is strictly prohibited. Violators are subject to disqualification, suspension, and/or fine. Driver is responsible for all persons with the race car."

The second thing that I am not sure if it was anyone of our people as I heard a few different stories, but this still needs to be addressed. STAY BACK FROM THE FENCE IN THE PITS DURING THE RACE!!!! This is a safety hazard and there will be a line painted that you MUST stay behind for the next race. If you cross the line a security guard will correct you and if you do not abide by this rule you will be thrown out of the pits.

If you are not familiar with our general rules about behavior at the track please visit the website and freshen your memory, I would hate to see a team penalized for a crew member's or even their own mistake about lack of knowledge of the general rules.


05-12-2010, 02:38 PM

Frankie gonna git ya!