View Full Version : Is it fair that a time trial equal a full race points equal?

05-11-2010, 02:28 AM
I sit in what we call an entry level division! Some say i am a veteran? ... I do no live live right on the other side of the bridge...local term...If your tow machine is not up to the caliber of your race machine should you be penalized? If you try all your resoures to get to the track and nothing happens?Keep digging, I am not the one to race for a championship, never have... but a time trial should not make or in fact change or start what they call a points chace. Its not even a race. You are out there all by yourself! So why get competitors points? Worth a feature? I can see points in a heat race. .I sit like a feature behind!!! Gitty up to a fast car, but my turtle couldnt quite drag my rabbit to make the track...It happened to be an issue with my 4X4 on a warm day. Wish i lived in Florida... I made it to what i thought was a points day and raced. IS 2 LAPS EQUAL TO A FEATURE? cause if anyone knows me i would have drove the race car all the way to speedway... BLUE lights on 80 dont mean a caution lap!!!! And 2 laps do not equal a feature...