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05-11-2010, 09:53 PM
Thank you Captain....

I called out the Captain to send me a photo of his helmet that he showed me after the race on Sunday. I have attached the image to this post.

Is this safe?


This is something I never want to see ANYONE have to walk away from a race with....unless they were strapped to the roof of the car....

The water issue will be raised once again to Kenny.....sadly enough, I'm positive that drivers are going to start sitting out races until this situation is under control.... I don't blame anyone for doing that. I promise we will try something, possibly one of the suggestions in the other threads worst case, but something will have to be done...either by Kenny or US.

05-11-2010, 10:00 PM
why not just do parade laps until the track dries out? than we wont have to tell kenney to ease it up and get yelled at anymore...haha

05-11-2010, 10:01 PM
Just a suggestion. Use your forearm early in the race to help keep mud off face shield. I used 4 tearoffs Sunday in 100 laps. I realize that rear wheel drive cars throw more dirt. Add a piece of sheet metal low on your windshield to block some also. phil

05-11-2010, 10:21 PM
I only used 4 or 5. I still had 3 left, I would use my glove or a rag if a few blobs got on it. Otherwise I was good to go . I guess depending who had what tires on and where you were positioned is how you got hit with mud. I got off easy then.

05-11-2010, 10:26 PM
Phil, I'll let the Captain describe his method of mud deflection/prevention and what he was using to clean his helmet once his tear-offs ran out...

But, one thing I can say about it was his hands and sleeves were caked with mud...

05-11-2010, 10:55 PM
There is no doubt that some drivers are more likely to get mud on face shield than others due to there car, where they run on the track how high they sit . My Mazda is a bad one for getting a face shield of mud. I will most likely see Chuck at the Diamond Sunday.I do not think that any bodies view of track conditions is wrong. I guess i am an old timer at 50 and I learned to race in the wet track conditions. And I still like them.Even though I made a mistake that cost me the lead Sunday. I HAD FUN ! I have wrecked more cars badly due to not being able to see due to dust then to much mud. phil

05-12-2010, 10:53 AM
carry a rag for when the tear offs run out. how do you think they did it before tear offs. the track was perfect. learn to endure the conditions would you all complain if it started to rain and the track was even worse.

05-12-2010, 03:19 PM
my helmet and suit looked like that when i was done ,and man do those rear wheel drives fling the mud lol :D

05-12-2010, 03:21 PM
i bet if it were mountain dew they were slingin, we all would keep our shields up and mouths open...:lol:

05-12-2010, 03:38 PM
u bectha lol

05-12-2010, 04:51 PM
I have wrecked more cars badly due to not being able to see due to dust then to much mud. phil

I always think back to (I think it was the june or july race) last year where it was dusty as hell and you couldn't see a thing out there. Someone broke down in the middle of the track going into 3 and I ran right up to the back of their car not being able to see through the dust cloud. Luckily I saw the rear end of the car just before I got there and was able to swerve to the side and remember it was there for then on. But I would have to agree, you can do SOMETHING to get enough mud off your shield...when in comes to bad dust, your screwed.

Jon Haegele
05-12-2010, 07:55 PM
After reading all of these posts, it seems as though people want to start running on Saturday night like conditions. This is ENDURO racing!!! I understand the times are diferent yada yada yada, but this is what this series was intended to do in the first place, bring back old style enduro racing, no? The days of Nazareth, soaking the track to slop, so that cars actually got stuck in the mud. Flemington, where they put dead cars and styrofoam blocks on the track before the race even started to keep speeds down, in turn, keeps people safer. The speeds the top cars are running at Grandview are fast and with the track being so wet at the start, it sure does separate the patient drivers from the hammers. This is just my opinion. As a fan in the stands, it's VERY exciting with the way the track was prepped on Sunday. Kudos for requiring a roll cage this year too NEETS!!!

05-12-2010, 07:59 PM
Kudos for requiring a roll cage this year too NEETS!!!

Definitely a good change, wet track or not, no one should be out there without a cage.

05-12-2010, 08:34 PM
In the old days did how long did the track stay sloppy? Running 100 cars theoretically would dry the track faster than the 40 cars we run now.

05-12-2010, 08:55 PM
Once at Nazareth, with 300 cars running, they watered the track about 4 or 5 times.................................:eek:
I don't think we ran any faster than 35mph that day, even at the end of the race, with about 40 or 50 car left running............................:disgusted
Thank God those days are gone......................................:help:
UNCLE PETEY..........................:wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:

05-12-2010, 09:26 PM
In an effort to make Neets racing safer, an economy version of the
SAFER barrier will be installed on the outside guardrail.
It will be constructed from Uncle Peteys discarded tires with placement staring in the first turn.
It is expected to have the entire track covered by seasons end. :lol:

05-12-2010, 09:47 PM
Thank you NEETS Spectator, I was wondering what I should do with all these muddy runflat takeoffs..........................:rolleyes:
I don't believe I've had this many flats my entire enduro career................:eek:
Gotta get a video of the last two races, hopefully I can find a reason(other than the last flat was my 13th).........................:help:
UNCLE PETEY....................:wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:

05-12-2010, 10:28 PM
Here is another thought. What if you got seriously hurt due to the track conditions??? How would you provide for your family??? Not many insurances would cover your injuries due to auto racing. I had to sign a waiver for my garage keepers insurance, if i get hurt, i am on my own. Back in the day, insurance companies did not care how you got hurt, they just paid up. Now they are all trying to squeeze through ever loop hole not to pay. We have alot going on just racing in normal conditions, do we really need the added b.s. Of track conditions??? Something to think about!!!
Captain, over & out!!!!

05-13-2010, 04:19 AM
Hey Chuck, I thought everyone was covered under the new racing "obama-care" grandview policy...........................:eek::eek:
Even better, race illegally and you'll be eligable for the "undocumented" emergency room coverage........................:rolleyes:
UNCLE PETEY..........................:wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:

05-13-2010, 11:38 AM
Thinking back to when we raced at Nazareth in the 80's. They would bring out a caution as we were circiling the track, scorers would keep scoring during the caution and they would water the track down as we raced, just to keep the speeds down. Keep in mind, we were doing 60-70 mph. then and the cars were left on the track. Imagine slamming a dead car on the track going that speed, someone was definately going to get hurt!

05-14-2010, 05:49 PM
i like that idea ,maybe my car will last longer

05-14-2010, 10:53 PM
3g where you racing the day they brought a helicopter in to take a driver away from a turn 4 crash? Back in the days of break out the windows tear off some trim dont forget the beer.
Then go racin. Leave the car behind cause it was cheaper to get another car. phil