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06-10-2010, 04:02 PM
Heard a rumor today from another enduro driver that NES next race(june 27) is a 150 lapper. It will include demos and the mud hops. There will be no other classes. Im not sure if they'll segragate the small cars from the big cars. Like i said its a rumor. They have'nt posted it yet. If its true whos game???? Ill be there anyway.:cool:
Car counts last time werent that great and they put outlaw stock in the mix.:(

06-10-2010, 04:09 PM
huh ???????????????????????????????????????

Erin C
06-10-2010, 04:48 PM
Critter, he's talking about New Egypt Speedway...

06-10-2010, 07:41 PM
Thanks Erin..
WOOO HOOO! Head gaskets good in my car! Miss fire in the motor after the race was a vacuum leak. The trans modulator line got melted in half on the exhaust.:):):)
Took out the thermostat and put a baffle with a 5/8 hole in it... Now it runs at 170 degrees! Use to run 185. Now I can focus on other projects.

06-10-2010, 10:20 PM
There is an Enduro on the schedule for the 27th of June. I was looking over the rules but by the looks of things a stock fuel tank is not allowed??? I tried emailing them but have not received a responce back yet. Does anyone know if a stock fuel tank is allowed?

06-10-2010, 10:23 PM
Im not sure. Ill call my friend John who runs up there regularly. Ill let you know.

06-10-2010, 10:29 PM
There will be an enduro race at n e s on june 27th. Right now it is a 100 lap race, if the car count increases, then it will be 150 lap race. I raced the last n e s race and the #2 mike hires won it, it was a 50 laps race. He was disqualified, but then it was over turned by slim who just wanted to go home. The guy got caught cheating and they gave him the win anyways, why would anyone one want to go 2 and a half hours away to get beat by a cheater. I guess we won't have to worry about hires winning this up coming race, i guess what comes around goes around!!! Sorry for your luck mike!!!!

06-11-2010, 09:08 AM
OK thanks Jack.

06-11-2010, 04:25 PM
There will be an enduro race at n e s on june 27th. Right now it is a 100 lap race, if the car count increases, then it will be 150 lap race. I raced the last n e s race and the #2 mike hires won it, it was a 50 laps race. He was disqualified, but then it was over turned by slim who just wanted to go home. The guy got caught cheating and they gave him the win anyways, why would anyone one want to go 2 and a half hours away to get beat by a cheater. I guess we won't have to worry about hires winning this up coming race, i guess what comes around goes around!!! Sorry for your luck mike!!!!
Things can be screwed up there. People running it seem to loose focus on the racers. The fans just want carnage, and if your cheating with an enduro car ,you better be because sometimes they run outlaw stocks with enduros too. Thats real FAIR! The car count was low last time from what I was told.

Jon Haegele
06-11-2010, 05:36 PM
Wasn't the only reason for you wanting Mike Hires to be disqualified was because he had a manual transmission in the car? We watched the whole race there and were VERY entertained even with the low car count.

06-11-2010, 08:10 PM
So a factory manual trans or as long as it was offerd factory is illeagal????So if thats the case,
whoever wrote those rules must be a %$@&!
So If I go there in my 72 cutlass with a GM 4 speed, Im illegal.?? Theres no rule against it in the rule book... I checked. Someone is full of doo doo! Thats whats wrong with this sport, The enduros should have one set of rules.

Steve Haegele
06-12-2010, 01:05 PM
what were you even doing in the tech area at NES. You didnt even finish the race, why would you care who is legal or not. You should worry bout your own sheet b4 you piss and moan bout others. I saw you were the man on gary`s high lite film again on Memorial day madness, What you run out of tear offs again, looks like you should be apoligizing to Mike hires for wiping out his car instead of bashing him.

Jon Haegele
06-12-2010, 01:29 PM
It sure looks like the same car taking 2 different cars out with 1 car being completely DESTROYED in the same turn...Take a look around the 3:05 minute mark and the 3:30 minute mark on Gary's video.


Oh, Joe and Erin, the track was perfect for a typical Sturday night event, not for a 100 lap ENDURO. 39 cars start and 9 finish??? What is the comparison of attrition rates when the track is wet? It seemed like a lot more cars actually finished the race when it stayed wet for 25-30 laps. I am not bashing, we LOVE Enduro racing at Grandview, just trying to submit a little constructive criticism.

06-12-2010, 06:29 PM
It sure looks like the same car taking 2 different cars out with 1 car being completely DESTROYED in the same turn...Take a look around the 3:05 minute mark and the 3:30 minute mark on Gary's video.

At the 3:05 incident, it looks like the 266 turned down on the 70.

06-12-2010, 07:03 PM
At the 3:05 incident, it looks like the 266 turned down on the 70.

You're kiddin rite?
I hate to say it cause i thought Capt. went out and raced hard But the diamond video and Grandview video seem to have him turning over a new leaf.

06-12-2010, 07:46 PM
Like I said "it looks like the 266 turned down on the 70."

I have the first half Gary has the second half.

See for yourself.

06-12-2010, 08:48 PM
Remember everyone, the forums are here to allow everyone to chat and discuss...not to point fingers and bash.

First off.....the track...
The track conditions were perfect for a Saturday night show, or in other words, a 30 lapper.... The next race we will have to have the cars start on a wetter surface....not real soupy, but it has to be wetter. Even our officials had difficulty keeping a watchful eye on the cars after lap 50 or so.... We all know that the top 3-5 cars running take advantage of red flags, so stopping the race with 25 laps to go just to send the truck out there while cars are overheating left and right will be down right unfair to those who will honestly stop swiftly and lose their lead/position because other drivers will claim their brakes are starting to give out....etc, etc... The next event will have to have a slightly more moist start to maintain consistency throughout. Jon, good point! On a sloppy wet track, 40 cars start, 20 + cars finish.... On a very dry tacky track, 40 cars start, roughly 10 finish... This past race had it's fair share of on-track incidents, however this whole season has been moving very smoothly when it comes to the wreck department...more cars have been overheating out there than wrecking...a wetter track allows for slower racing off the start and longer lasting engines....think about it and you will come to a similar solution. Now, the Small Car race....that went well....I believe they had the perfect track for their division.....until the rain came....but apparently I have heard it through the grape vine from MANY people, racing and spectating, that it was one of the best races ever!

Next up...NES.
With all do respect, Slim runs the events at NES. If you have any questions regarding the line-up of events and such, please contact him...this goes for complaints too please! Slim does monitor our forums and does post here often....the last thing I want Slim to think is that we at NEETS are allowing our competitors to publicly bash his series and speedway. I will not delete posts, however if things get out of hand I will step in and resolve the issue. Again....issues at NES should be dealt with at NES....we have our issues too, vent away on our forums about NEETS anytime you would like! :p

Again, the NES tech issue is a NES TECH ISSUE!!!! Discussing it here will get no one anywhere...no one here can give an official ruling or statement of fact regarding and official's call. Anything that is going to be posted here is going to be here-say and be that person's side of the story... As I was always told...there are three sides to every story...your side, my side and the truth. This is why we 'request' privacy in the tech area....if an issue arises, we can handle it between officials and driver only.... The driver has the option to discuss the outcome with other drivers.....our officials will not leave the tech area and start ranting "Yeah, I DQ'd Howie because his XYZ was XX, etc..." If someone is DQ'd, they will tell everyone else...not us. We ask for you to respect the privacy we request in our tech area....I ask you respect other venue's decisions in their tech areas... I was not there, I cannot comment on what was said/happened.

Dave, your video does show the #266 coming out of turn #4 on the high side...however, they get cut-off just as they begin to spin....
Gary's video shows the #266 coming from the high side of Turn #4 and shooting low on to the front stretch....at least that was his intention. Also, if you watch it slowly enough, you can see the #266 getting into a perfect spin situation based on the angle he was aimed... The #70 happened to be the one to hit him as he cut low....but....that was the #266's line! He was running that was for the first 1/3rd of the race. This doesn't mean crucify the Capt. simply because he was the one that got involved. This was the first time they crossed paths in that situation.... It was a racing incident. Bob was running hard....REAL HARD!!! Bob is on top of his game this season, so I think we will be seeing more of him running up front....good luck to you Bob! You are well due for a NEETS win!

I know everyone likes to put the blame on someone else when they get spun...sometimes it is true...sometimes it is their own fault. Before you put any blame on someone else, think about if you have ever spun anyone out... I know it's an enduro....but... I know everyone is out there to win...but.... The "BUT" is that were are all out there together....not to wreck our own friends and family. Officials will use the black flag if needed and it has been needed a few times....but we don't hold the black flag waiting to use it on every driver all the time... If you are spinning out drivers left and right, you are going to get black flagged! If you notoriously spin out certain people each race....we are not going to warn you a warning every race....we're going to remove you from the next event. Like I said, we are all out there together, be respectful to YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY! :angel:

That's all I can come up with for now....sorry, I didn't do one of my famous numbered lists!!! LOL!!!:lol:

06-13-2010, 07:54 AM
Im am commenting on the 266 driving.; He needs to keep that car on a better line. Hes all over the place and thers other races that will tell you that. Ive tried to pass him several times and he ends up cutting down on you or the car is all over the place. It may be the cars handling but whatever, Half the time trying to get around him without goin into the infeild or grandstands without looseing a tire is ridiculus. Maybe the car has a loose problem or something, Im not getting hit or flats or spun out due to "diamond driving" oe whatever you want to call it. He has a good car, its fast, But theres something wrong here. I got no beef with him. Its that I want to finish a race not be wrecked.

06-13-2010, 01:53 PM
I am now officially confused...:confused:

06-13-2010, 07:36 PM
The Captain shows as much class in this forum as he does on the track. Not only did I NOT cut down on him, he hit me at every opportunity that race.

As for my driving, I apologize for being difficult to pass.

06-13-2010, 09:15 PM
" I apologize for being difficult to pass" good word choice...:applause: i like that...but back to the orriganl question...I finally recieved an email back and stock fuel tanks are aloowed as long as theyre inside the frame of the car. I might try running there and hope I dont tear anything up for the neex week and stop me from running at GV

06-13-2010, 10:36 PM
I watched the you tube video and it's in slow motion and it clearly shows the 266 coming down on the 70. Think some people need to get their eyes checked...It was racing get use to it. People aren't going to move for you. Accidents are going to happen. At one point the 266 and the 36 sandwiched the 70, guess what it's racing. There is going to be beating and banging as you're racing. And even more so in the early laps when the track is slippery.

06-14-2010, 10:02 AM
Final Call....

It was a racing incident. It was not a directly intentional spin....

Bob was racing harder than ever and held his line all the way through.
The Captain does know how to use the bumper, but we cannot blame him for a mutual incident.

Remember, it's an enduro, there is a lot happening all at once so please don't blame one person for all the happenings on the track.

06-14-2010, 10:11 AM
im 10 mph off everyone elses pace in the small car division. I run my line and I dont move for anyone. booooooyah! :lol:

oh, back to the subject. I watched both videos for about 15 minutes straight. it appears that the 70 slid up into the 266. But it also appears the 266 came slightly down into the 70. Seems like half and half to me, racing incident...lets get over it and worry about the next event.

06-14-2010, 10:37 AM
Joe is right, It was a racing incident.

Time to move on and get back to our favorite thing.
Picking on Critter :lol:

06-14-2010, 12:48 PM
Joe is right, It was a racing incident.

Time to move on and get back to our favorite thing.
Picking on Critter :lol:

Sounds good to me.

06-14-2010, 04:15 PM
Amen to that....HERE CRITTER CRITTER!:lol:

06-14-2010, 04:57 PM
:lol:Yea, what's up with that? It's after 5:00 and no word from Critter!:confused:

06-14-2010, 05:16 PM
:lol:Yea, what's up with that? It's after 5:00 and no word from Critter!:confused:

Probably working O.T. so he can buy another enduro car.

Hey Critter, I watched the video that I took from the 4th turn and you couldn't see any steam coming out from your car until the very last lap right before you turned off.

Maybe if you had a rear view mirror you would have seen something.

06-14-2010, 09:13 PM
Critters got marrage on his mind.:lol:

06-14-2010, 09:25 PM
Critters got marrage on his mind.:lol:

You hit the nail right on the head!
That's why he didn't notice his Zoom Zoom overheating.

06-16-2010, 11:39 PM
I found out today that there will be a 150 lap enduro race at nes. 1,000 to win if the car count gets over 40 car, then the payout will be 1,250.00 for first. 25.00 pit fee, 30.00 entry fee. Good luck to all that are going!!! Captain

06-17-2010, 05:49 AM
Hopefully there'll be NO outlaw stocks involved in this race.

06-17-2010, 10:40 AM
Hey Jack, buddy...Do you recall where and who you got that car off of and which division that car was ran in??:lol:

06-17-2010, 03:52 PM
Vern M. Can 't spell his last name. It was a enduro car(ran in last years last enduro) and a outlaw stock at NES. I dont no how, it was too slow for a O.S. It had a stock motor. He rented out this car.Hes out of Whitehouse NJ. The motor ended up being cooked. Thats ok....its much better now!:)
What are you trying to say????

06-17-2010, 07:24 PM
Nothing really...its just u said NO outlaw stocks. I just figured you were going to run with the car you are racing now with. Which used to be an Outlaw Stock there. and I believe it ran at BP too. and Wall in the Fatcory Stock class... It was kinda a joke...I guess I could of worded it alittle more Jokeier...if thats a word. Nothing personal Jack...:cool:

06-17-2010, 09:11 PM
I know you were joking! I am running that car there. That car was FAR from a outlaw stock. It had a stock motor, 2.73 gears, and hard a$$ springs that belong in a truck! It was a rental car and I heard got wrecked a few times. You had to run the car in first gear and then it ran out of motor. I changed the motor,gears and rear springs. Now it runs!

06-18-2010, 10:48 AM
you guys crack me up ,yeah im a little busy ,update on the car thing , i got two cars one for me and one for the future wife ,and im tryin to come up with the money to go racin ,i will try to be back on the track in aug ,so u guys can keep on pickin on me ,i like it lol

06-18-2010, 12:14 PM
:wave:Critter, are you going to be at the track on the 4th?

06-20-2010, 12:04 PM
if im at the track on the 4th i will be in the pits with no car

06-20-2010, 12:24 PM
:)I was just asking because I won't have a lady driver for that day and if the car will still run you might know a lady that might be in the pits that day and would like to drive the 47. Do you know anybody?:lol:
