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View Full Version : MMES Points Standings - As of Race No. 4

06-16-2010, 06:03 PM
4-cylinders: http://poconothunder.net/division.php?trackId=17&regionId=7&divisionId=176&method=getStandings

6-cylinder Cars and Trucks: http://poconothunder.net/division.php?trackId=17&regionId=7&divisionId=178&method=getStandings

Full-Size: http://poconothunder.net/division.php?trackId=17&regionId=7&divisionId=177&method=getStandings

Please note: The Full-Size standings were adjusted to include the 6-cylinders in their points standings. Since Ed Brown was the official winner for Race No. 3, he was awarded the 6/8-cyl. win, while McCormick was placed as second to compensate for our automated system. However, McCormick was given first place points, Brown second place points and so on.