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View Full Version : Practice and Qualifying from NHMS Thursday, June24th, 2010

06-24-2010, 11:44 AM
Here is the schedule for today:
NWMT New Hampshire 6/26/10 Race Day Schedule
Thursday, June 24:
11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Practice for K&N Series
1:15 p.m. Qualifying Inspection begins for K&N Series
1:15-2:45 p.m. Practice for NWMT
3:15 p.m. Qualifying for K&N Series
3:15 p.m. Qualifying Inspection begins for NWMT
4:45 p.m. Qualifying for NWMT
5:00 p.m. FanFest Begins in Broadway Midway
7 p.m. Garage closes.

06-24-2010, 11:45 AM
K&N Series cars are now on track for practice

06-24-2010, 11:58 AM
Here is the Entry List for the NWMT Division:
Doug Coby 0
Rob Summers 1
Todd Szegedy 2
Ryan Preece 3
Bobby Santos 4
Joe Hartmann 05
Ron Silk 6
Ryan Newman 7
Glenn Tyler 8
LW Miller 9
Eddie Flemke Jr. 10
Jimmy Blewett 14
Danny Knoll, Jr 15
Mike Stefanik 16
Glen Reen 17
Ken Heagy 18
Woody Pitkat 28
Wade Cole 33
Ted Christopher 36
Jake Marosz 38
Richie Pallai, Jr.G36 39
George Brunnhoelzl, III 46
Justin Bonsignore 51
Eric Goodale 58
Chuck Hossfeld 59
Johnny Bush 68
Andy Seuss 70
Rob Fuller 71
Eric Beers 76
James Civali 79
Mike Christopher 82
Renee Dupuis 90
Richard Savary 91
Rowan Pennink 93
Erick Rudolph 98
Jamie Tomaino 99

06-24-2010, 12:16 PM
K&N Pro Series East Entry List:
Ryan Truex 00
Joey Polewarczyk 1
Ryan Gifford 2
Ty Dillion 3
Sergio Pena 4
Darrell Wallace, Jr 6
Corey LaJoie 07
Ryan Duff 7
MacKena Bell 8
Steve Park 08
Kevin Swindell 9
Ruben Rovelo 12
Jonathan Smith 16
Jason Patison 17
Max Gresham 18
Brett Moffitt 20
Zach Germaine 24
Scott Bouley 26
Ryan Gifford 29
Jeff Anton 30
Matt Frahm 33
Andrew Ranger 35
Andrew Smith 37
Alan Tardiff 38
Dustin Delaney 39
Matt Kobyluck 40
Chase Mattioli 46
Drew Brannon 52
Brad Leighton 55
DJ Shaw 60
John Salemi 63
Eddie MacDonald 71
Miguel Paludo 77
Cole Whitt 84
Jody Lavender 88
Mike Johnson 96

06-24-2010, 12:28 PM
Here is the NWMT Qualifying Order:
CAR # Driver
26 Gary MacDonald
59 Chuck Hossfeld
3 Ryan Preece
90 Renee Dupuis
1 Rob Summers
8 Glenn Tyler
6 Ron Silk
28 Woody Pitkat
16 Mike Stefanik
82 Mike Christopher
05 Joe Hartmann
0 Doug Coby
46 George Brunnhoelzl, III
10 Eddie Flemke Jr.
18 Ken Heagy
68 Johnny Bush
36 Ted Christopher
93 Rowan Pennink
14 Jimmy Blewett
58 Eric Goodale
70 Andy Seuss
91 Richard Savary
17 Glen Reen
76 Eric Beers
79 James Civali
38 Jake Marosz
2 Todd Szegedy
71 Rob Fuller
7 Ryan Newman
9 LW Miller
98 Erick Rudolph
33 Wade Cole
15 Danny Knoll, Jr
39 Richie Pallai
51 Justin Bonsignore
4 Bobby Santos
99 Jamie Tomaino

06-24-2010, 12:35 PM
Qualifying order for the K&N Pro Series:
John Salemi 63
Drew Brannon 52
Darrell Wallace, Jr 6
Steve Park 08
Miguel Paludo 77
Zach Germaine 24
Jason Patison 17
Cole Whitt 84
Ryan Duff 7
DJ Shaw 60
Andrew Smith 37
Kevin Swindell 9
Max Gresham 18
Ty Dillion 3
Sergio Pena 4
Eddie MacDonald 71
Corey LaJoie 07
Ruben Rovelo 12
Joey Polewarczyk 1
Jody Lavender 88
Alan Tardiff 38
Jeff Anton 30
Scott Bouley 26
Ryan Truex 00
Dustin Delaney 39
Matt Kobyluck 40
MacKena Bell 8
Andrew Ranger 35
Brett Moffitt 20
Jonathan Smith 16
Ryan Gifford 2
Matt Frahm 33
Ryan Gifford 29
Chase Mattioli 46
Brad Leighton 55
Mike Johnson 96

06-24-2010, 12:51 PM
Top Five cars for the K&N Pro Series Practice at the current time:
1. Kevin Swindell 124.981
2. Ryan Gifford 123.980
3. Alan Tardiff 123.626
4.Corey LaJoie 123.111
5. Ryan Truex 123.015

06-24-2010, 12:58 PM
NWMT practice is scheduled to start at 1:15 PM

06-24-2010, 01:08 PM
NWMT cars are now on the track for practice

06-24-2010, 01:20 PM
Ten minutes into practice here are the top five cars in time for the NWMT:
1. Todd Szegedy 127.385
2. Bobby Santos 126.833
3. Ryan Newman 126.023
4. Erick Rudolph 125.927
5. Ryan Preece 125.765

Under caution as Todd Szegedy was just pushed onto pit road

06-24-2010, 01:21 PM
Green flag as practice continues

06-24-2010, 01:39 PM
30 minutes into practice here are the top six cars in time for the NWMT:
1. Bobby Santos 126.786
2. Todd Szegedy 127.718
3. Chuck Hossfeld 127.380
4. Richard Savary 127.304
5. Glen Reen 127.278
6. Rob Summers 127.079

06-24-2010, 01:44 PM
Cars covers are coming out and practice has stopped - rain on the track

06-24-2010, 01:47 PM
It is currently a torrential downpour out there

MaKiN Em SiCk
06-24-2010, 01:51 PM
Do you have a run down of all the times for practice?

06-24-2010, 01:52 PM
Just before the rain started - practice had been red flagged as the #90 Rene DuPuis hit the wall in turn two.

06-24-2010, 01:55 PM
As fast as the rain came, it has slowed. Now to clear the track

06-24-2010, 02:50 PM
Modified cars are getting ready to head back out for practice. They will have practice time until 3:45 PM.

At 4:00 PM the K&N Pro Series will qualify followed by NWMT qualifying.

06-24-2010, 02:52 PM
Notes from the pits:
Andy Seuss“There were a lot of unknowns going into this race with a car that has not been really run in a while and a motor that has not been run at this level in a while. We had our fingers crossed and so far we are happy with it. The car is a little bit free but we are waiting for the rubber to get down and hopefully it will tighten it up. We do not want to get ahead of ourselves and tighten it up too much and then start back peddling. This rain will probably show that it is going to be free again. It does not give us a good chance to get the rubber down.”

“We are really excited that things have gone as well as they have so far with us kind of regrouping over the last few weeks and coming back with our own old car. With an old motor that has been touched by everybody. We are pretty exited with the results so far.”

Why type of motor is it?
“Motor was built by Joey Caraccia originally then Billy the Kid and then a man refreshed it in a Quonset Hut for $1,500 last time. Hopefully we will get him some success up in Loudon. It is a Chevy Motor, but when Billy had his hands on it, it had really good pieces. It has not been run in a while. We are happy that it is running as good as it is. It should not be really a surprise because those two guys build really good motors.”

06-24-2010, 02:52 PM
Todd Szegedy “The car feels good. I wish that we could come here five times a year. Maybe that will change in the future.”

06-24-2010, 02:56 PM
First of the NWMT cars are back out on the track for practice. I just saw Rowan Pennink Ryan Preece and Erick Goodale go by

06-24-2010, 02:57 PM
Actually it was Rowan Pennink, Ryan Preece and Mike Stefanik and they are out there having fun drafting on the track

06-24-2010, 03:11 PM
Caution during practice - Kevin Goodale (58) spun in turn four no damage.

06-24-2010, 03:26 PM
With 15 more minutes left in practice
Here are the top five cars in this practice: Todd Szegedy, Ryan Newman, James Civali, Rob Summers, Bobby Santos.

06-24-2010, 03:27 PM
Jimmy Blewett and Eric Beers are drafting head to tow all the way around the track

06-24-2010, 03:40 PM
The top five cars in NWMT Division:
1. Todd Szegedy 128.467
2. Ryan Newman 128.303
3. James Civali 128.204
4. Rob Summers 128.184
5. Bobby Summers 127.786

06-24-2010, 03:42 PM
Qualifying for K&N Pro Series at 4:00 PM
Right now qualifying for NWMT is schedule fo r5:00 PM

06-24-2010, 03:58 PM
Time so far for K&N Pro Series:
63 John Salemi 33.267
52 Drew Brannon 31.172
08 Steve Park 31.603
77 Miguel Paludo 30.761

06-24-2010, 04:04 PM
24 Zach Germaine 31.020
17 Jason Patison 31.264
84 Cole Whitt 30.632
So far Cole Whitt has the fast time

06-24-2010, 04:06 PM
More Notes from Pit Road for the NWMT Driver's while they wait for qualifying:
Woody Pitkat
The car felt good. It was fun to get back out here. It is one of the places that I like to race. I do not think that I always have done good here, but I like it here. I have to work on figuring the line a little bit better and what I can race with. It was fun out there I tried to help Richie Pallai a little bit. During the last practice he got out there behind me. It is nice to be able to help somebody and the guy appreciates your are out there helping him.

Helping others does it help you?
Maybe in the long run it does. Obviously you have to look at it this way - you never know during any part of the race if you are going to be racing with him. He is a rookie and you would not think that he would be up there. He is going to run good, both he and Justin (Bonsignore). You never know if you are in a predicament during the race and you might need a guy to help you out. You might need that guy to lift for you if you get in a bad situation or something. And he probably will think, “He helped me earlier in the day or weeks down the road. I should repay him the favor.” So if you look at it that way, one hand helps the other. It might help or it might not. For some reason I just like to help everybody, even if it is a person that I do not really like and I have the part that they need. I want to be able to beat them on the track not because they are sitting in the infield.”

Will Woody Pitkat head back to Thompson Speedway for racing tonight?
“Yes, we are already qualified so I will go down and run the SK car and I am going to run Bobby Santos regular modified car the black #98. I am kind of excited to get in that. That is my first time in a Troyer car. So I will get 40 or 50 laps in a Troyer car under my belt and see how it goes.”

06-24-2010, 04:07 PM
Richie Pallai“It is awesome. It really is. Woody definitely helped here. We talked about it before practice. We were near each other and he helped us with the draft. He thought that would be one of the toughest things. We went out there for about five laps switching back and forth. When you have people like that helping you it makes it a lot easier”

“The draft is cool. You pick up about 5 or 6 more miles per hour. The car feels a little loose on you. It feels almost like you are flying. It was not as bad as everybody said it would be. Once we get use to it, it will be good.

Decision to drive in the NWMT versus local tracks?
“Everyone that we talked to said that we would be good as a distance racer. We were just tired of going week in and week out we were trying to survive rather than just racing. At the local race we were surviving week to week with all the wrecks and stuff. Stafford is a great facility but the guys who run the SKs like to bang them up a lot.”

“We got a good crew chief and we have some sponsor help so we decided to run the tour.”

06-24-2010, 04:08 PM
Bobby Santos“It is real tight but I can not complain because it is a brand new car. The guys did a good job getting it ready for this. It is pretty comfortable after that (practice) so I am happy.
They sold the old car and they figured this was a good place to shake the new car out.
The old car is the modified car that Keith Rocco has been running at Thompson.”

06-24-2010, 04:09 PM
More Times for the K&N Pro Series:
6 Darrell Wallace, Jr 30.852
7 Ryan Duff 31.682
60 DJ Shaw 30.430

DJ Shaw now has the fast time fo rthe cars that have qualified so far

06-24-2010, 04:17 PM
More times for the K&N Pros Series:
37 Andrew Smith 31.392
9 Kevin Swindell 31.106
18 Max Gresham 30.438
3 Ty Dillion 30.526

06-24-2010, 04:21 PM
More times for K&N Pro Series:
4 Sergio Pena 30.874
71 Eddie MacDonald 31.076
07 Corey LaJoie 30.874

06-24-2010, 04:26 PM
More Notes from The NWMT driover's as they wait patiently on Pit Road:
Johnny Bush“The car feels great. It is a little tight off the corner, which is costing us a little speed. But we are working on that right now.”

The #68 NWMT car has a bright new paint scheme to add some pizzazz to the car.
“The other car had no zap to it at all. My cars always have been blue and white with a little with yellow and orange in it. So we thought we would go back to that and maybe have a little better luck.”

06-24-2010, 04:29 PM
Do you hear the roar? The Mods are lining up for their time trial qualifying on pit road

06-24-2010, 04:31 PM
More times for K&N Pro Series:
12 Ruben Rovelo 31.109
1 Joey Polewarczyk 31.041
88 Jody Lavender 30.984
38 Alan Tardiff 30.668
30 Jeff Anton 31.031

06-24-2010, 04:40 PM
More times for K&N Pro Series:
26 Scott Bouley 33.315
00 Ryan Truex 30.559
39 Dustin Delaney 30.932
40 Matt Kobyluck 31.099
8 MacKena Bell 31.214

06-24-2010, 04:43 PM
Word form the pits is that Ryan Preece will be heading to Thompson tonight for the open Modified race. He will be taking the #40 Modified car there.

Last week at Stafford Ryan Preece was in a wreck with the #40 car and it had a lot of damage.

06-24-2010, 04:44 PM
More times for K&N Pro Series:
35 Andrew Ranger 30.948
20 Brett Moffitt 30.356

Brett Moffitt now has the fast time in the Joe Gibbs #20 car fo rthe K&N Pro Series

06-24-2010, 04:51 PM
More times for K&N Pro Series:
16 Jonathan Smith 30.764
2 Ryan Gifford 30.483
33 Matt Frahm 31.458

Qualifying has completred for the K&N Pro Series.

Car #20 for 20 Brett Moffitt has fast time of 30.356
for a speed of 125.471.
Second fastest is DJ Shaw with a time of 30.430 for a speed of 125.166

06-24-2010, 04:53 PM
Unofficial Times from Qualifying for the K&N Pro Series:
20 Brett Moffitt 30.356
60 DJ Shaw 30.430
18 Max Gresham 30.438
2 Ryan Gifford 30.483
3 Ty Dillion 30.526
00 Ryan Truex 30.559
84 Cole Whitt 30.632
38 Alan Tardiff 30.668
77 Miguel Paludo 30.761
16 Jonathan Smith 30.764
6 Darrell Wallace, Jr 30.852
4 Sergio Pena 30.874
07 Corey LaJoie 30.874
39 Dustin Delaney 30.932
35 Andrew Ranger 30.948
88 Jody Lavender 30.984
24 Zach Germaine 31.020
30 Jeff Anton 31.031
1 Joey Polewarczyk 31.041
71 Eddie MacDonald 31.076
40 Matt Kobyluck 31.099
9 Kevin Swindell 31.106
12 Ruben Rovelo 31.109
52 Drew Brannon 31.172
8 MacKena Bell 31.214
17 Jason Patison 31.264
37 Andrew Smith 31.392
33 Matt Frahm 31.458
08 Steve Park 31.603
7 Ryan Duff 31.682
63 John Salemi 33.267
26 Scott Bouley 33.315

06-24-2010, 04:54 PM
The NWMT cars are finishing lining up on pit road and are up next.

chrome horn
06-24-2010, 05:01 PM
Word form the pits is that Ryan Preece will be heading to Thompson tonight for the open Modified race. He will be taking the #40 Modified car there.

Last week at Stafford Preece was in a wreck with the #40 car and it had a lot of damage.

I believe the 40 at Stafford is a CD car...The 40 mod is a troyer, the one he ran at the shootout

06-24-2010, 05:11 PM
The screen is set for car speed versus times so fo rthe NWMT qualifying I will post the speed until we can get the times.

06-24-2010, 05:13 PM
NWMT Times so far:
31.606 Gary MacDonald 26
30.278 Chuck Hossfeld 59
30.252 Ryan Preece 3
29.997 Rob Summers 1
30.580 Glenn Tyler 8
30.053 Ron Silk 6
30.583 Woody Pitkat 28
30.255 Mike Stefanik 16
31.698 Joe Hartmann 05
30.032 Doug Coby 0

06-24-2010, 05:16 PM
Fast time so far is Rob Summers for a time of 29.997 for a speed of 126.973

06-24-2010, 05:17 PM
More times for NWMT cars:
30.387 George Brunnhoelzl, III 46
30.291 Eddie Flemke Jr. 10
31.010 Ken Heagy 18

06-24-2010, 05:19 PM
More times for NWMT cars:
31.197 Johnny Bush 68
30.131 Ted Christopher 36

06-24-2010, 05:25 PM
More times for NWMT cars:
30.295 Rowan Pennink 93
30.183 Jimmy Blewett 14
30.428 Eric Goodale 58
30.335 Andy Seuss 70

06-24-2010, 05:29 PM
More times for NWMT cars:
30.264 Richard Savary 91
30.354 Glen Reen 17
30.453 Eric Beers 76
30.186 James Civali 79

06-24-2010, 05:33 PM
More times for NWMT cars:
31.716 Jake Marosz 38
29.867 Todd Szegedy 2

Fast time is now Todd Szegedy for a time of 29.867 which is a speed of 127.525

06-24-2010, 05:35 PM
More times for NWMT cars:
29.663 Ryan Newman 7

Ryan Newman now has the fast time so far in the NWMT qualifying for a time of 29.663 which is a speed of 128.402

06-24-2010, 05:37 PM
More times for NWMT cars:
30.526 LW Miller 9
29.896 Erick Rudolph 98

06-24-2010, 05:39 PM
More times for NWMT cars:
31.622 Danny Knoll, Jr. 33
31.025 Richie Pallai 39

06-24-2010, 05:40 PM
Three cars left for qualifying

06-24-2010, 05:42 PM
More times for NWMT cars:
30.269 Justin Bonsignore 51
29.778 Bobby Santos 4

Santos has second fastest time

06-24-2010, 05:43 PM
Last Car to qualify:
30.515 Jamie Tomaino 99

06-24-2010, 05:44 PM
Ryan Newman has the Pole. This is his second career pole in the NWMT. His last pole was 9/13/2008 here at NHMS

06-24-2010, 05:52 PM
Here are the qualifying times:
29.663 Ryan Newman 7
29.778 Bobby Santos 4
29.867 Todd Szegedy 2
29.896 Erick Rudolph 98
29.997 Rob Summers 1
30.032 Doug Coby 0
30.053 Ron Silk 6
30.131 Ted Christopher 36
30.182 Rob Fuller 71
30.183 Jimmy Blewett 14
30.186 James Civali 79
30.252 Ryan Preece 3
30.255 Mike Stefanik 16
30.264 Richard Savary 91
30.269 Justin Bonsignore 51
30.278 Chuck Hossfeld 59
30.291 Eddie Flemke Jr. 10
30.295 Rowan Pennink 93
30.335 Andy Seuss 70
30.354 Glen Reen 17
30.387 George Brunnhoelzl, III 46
30.428 Eric Goodale 58
30.453 Eric Beers 76
30.515 Jamie Tomaino 99
30.526 LW Miller 9
30.580 Glenn Tyler 8
30.583 Woody Pitkat 28
31.010 Ken Heagy 18
31.025 Richie Pallai 39
31.197 Johnny Bush 68
31.606 Gary MacDonald 26
31.622 Danny Knoll, Jr 15
31.698 Joe Hartmann 05
31.716 Jake Marosz 38

Wade Cole did not qualify

06-24-2010, 05:53 PM
I will post the official times if there are any changes and the starting line up shortly

MaKiN Em SiCk
06-24-2010, 05:55 PM
Thanks for the updates!!!

06-24-2010, 05:56 PM
The rain is more torrential coming down so hopefully the teams got to their haulers before the skies opened up

06-24-2010, 06:03 PM
Here are the official results for the NWMT:
29.663 Ryan Newman 7
29.778 Bobby Santos 4
29.867 Todd Szegedy 2
29.896 Erick Rudolph 98
29.997 Rob Summers 1
30.032 Doug Coby 0
30.053 Ron Silk 6
30.131 Ted Christopher 36
30.182 Rob Fuller 71
30.183 Jimmy Blewett 14
30.186 James Civali 79
30.252 Ryan Preece 3
30.255 Mike Stefanik 16
30.264 Richard Savary 91
30.269 Justin Bonsignore 51
30.278 Chuck Hossfeld 59
30.291 Eddie Flemke Jr. 10
30.295 Rowan Pennink 93
30.335 Andy Seuss 70
30.354 Glen Reen 17
30.387 George Brunnhoelzl, III 46
30.428 Eric Goodale 58
30.453 Eric Beers 76
30.515 Jamie Tomaino 99
30.526 LW Miller 9
30.580 Glenn Tyler 8
30.583 Woody Pitkat 28
31.010 Ken Heagy 18
31.025 Richie Pallai 39
31.197 Johnny Bush 68
31.606 Gary MacDonald 26
31.622 Danny Knoll, Jr 15
31.698 Joe Hartmann 05
31.716 Jake Marosz 38
no time Wade Cole 33
no time Renee Dupuis 90

06-24-2010, 06:05 PM
Thunder is all around us as lightening is striking real close
Rain still very hard
Someone certainly was there for the Mods to allow them just to get their qualifying in before the heavy rain started.

06-24-2010, 06:17 PM
All scheduled activity has completed for the day.
Waiting fo rthe official starting line up

Car #82 for Mike Christopher has withdrawn. The #82 car will still get owner points.

Car #90 will return to race on Saturday. Car was damaged during practice and did not qualify.

06-24-2010, 06:21 PM
Official Starting Line Up for the New England 100 NWMT
1 Ryan Newman 7
2 Bobby Santos 4
3 Todd Szegedy 2
4 Erick Rudolph 98
5 Rob Summers 1
6 Doug Coby 0
7 Ron Silk 6
8 Ted Christopher 36
9 Rob Fuller 71
10 Jimmy Blewett 14
11 James Civali 79
12 Ryan Preece 3
13 Mike Stefanik 16
14 Richard Savary 91
15 Justin Bonsignore 51
16 Chuck Hossfeld 59
17 Eddie Flemke Jr. 10
18 Rowan Pennink 93
19 Andy Seuss 70
20 Glen Reen 17
21 George Brunnhoelzl, III 46
22 Eric Goodale 58
23 Eric Beers 76
24 Jamie Tomaino 99
25 LW Miller 9
26 Glenn Tyler 8
27 Woody Pitkat 28
28 Ken Heagy 18
29 Richie Pallai 39
30 Johnny Bush 68
31 Gary MacDonald 26
32 Danny Knoll, Jr 15
33 Joe Hartmann 05
34 Wade Cole 33
35 Renee Dupuis 90
36 Jake Marosz 38

06-24-2010, 06:22 PM
Have a good night everyone. Back tomorrow and the rest of the weekend with more tidbits and racing from NHMS

06-24-2010, 06:53 PM
Thanks Jim.