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View Full Version : Lime Rock 100 entry list

06-29-2010, 05:49 PM
Please click HERE (http://hometracks.nascar.com/node/4836) for the Lime Rock 100 entry list, as of June 29.

06-29-2010, 07:02 PM
Don't want to sound stupid but how many laps is the race?

06-29-2010, 07:06 PM
66 laps, mandatory pit at about lap 15-20
roughly 101 miles.... hence the "100"

06-29-2010, 07:13 PM
and where is the best place to watch this race from

06-29-2010, 07:59 PM
Best Place to see the race ....Stay home do not support this mistake......This race does nothing to support the future of the tour.

06-29-2010, 08:06 PM
Jim you can go just about anywhere. The 2 most popular places are the hillside outside the front stretch. From there you can see a lot of the front stretch, big bend and the esses. The hillside inside near the esses, you can see very little of the front stretch, the esses and a little of no name straight. The third option is the chicane and uphill. You could start on the outside, cross the bridge and follow the fence inside around Big Bend to the esses, along no name straight to the chicane and up the hill to the auto bridge. It is a long walk (for me anyway). From what I saw today, I'm thinking the first turn (Big Bend) and the chicane are going to see a lot of action.

06-29-2010, 08:26 PM
Agreed Howard - I went up late today to scope out the grounds - I noticed options, just as you mention - pretty neat place, in some beatuiful country.. I was able to see Teddy, Woody, Chuck and Wade still turning some laps..

As for (GLC050) - sorry Bob, but we all know by now this race isn't the end all be all - nor is this a great situation for car owners like yourself.. but neither is the Mad Dog show that's around the corner - you can win that show and still loose money.... I wonder if you endorse that one?

At any rate - it will be great weather - so no complaining about that..

06-29-2010, 08:37 PM
No I will not support a "Mad Dog" race, and thats exactly why you do not see my car any more. I never raced to make money, but I did expect to get respect,and when NASCAR makes decisions that bankrupt racers I can not support it, and neither should a true fan.

06-29-2010, 08:51 PM
Fair enough and a vaild point.. I tend to agree.. but just like some of those Flash races that some attened, while others did not - I'm going to check this one out more as an excursion and an excuse to go camping, plus - I've never been there so I thought it would be different... I totally understand your opinion.. but I'd still like to think I'm still a true fan though..

06-29-2010, 09:01 PM
I heard Lime Rock is beautiful, a perfect place for a SCCA event. I can tell you that the Fireworks in NYC are spectacular.

06-29-2010, 11:57 PM
I will support all races, if fans and cars support the race maybe the money goes up next year.

Not going only does 1 thing, gives us less races anywhere the next year.

Add the NJ road race next year and that will be 2.

See you all there.

night gent
06-30-2010, 01:06 AM
Not supporting the series does no one any good. I believe the old cliche "two wrongs don't make a right" applies here. I cannot make the lime rock event (family obligations), but I will be at the "Head" for the "flash" race or whatever they now call it!

06-30-2010, 08:23 AM
three right makes a left though... :)

I think i may get crazy and head up to Lime Rock real early for the mod race and then split. It's time for some pork roll.

06-30-2010, 09:08 AM
Not supporting the series does no one any good. I believe the old cliche "two wrongs don't make a right" applies here. I cannot make the lime rock event (family obligations), but I will be at the "Head" for the "flash" race or whatever they now call it!

I sure do hope you come to Riverhead for the tour race. There's about ten of us fans who are actually trying to be pro active and do something about it. It may not be much, and some may say it's not even our job to do.

However, instead of complaining we are trying to do something. And it's been a lot of fun putting it all together. So please come to Riverhead and bring your friends. I think I've got about 75 people coming to this race who wouldn't normally be there.
Staying home will only lead to another track not having a race next year.

06-30-2010, 03:50 PM
No I will not support a "Mad Dog" race, and thats exactly why you do not see my car any more. I never raced to make money, but I did expect to get respect,and when NASCAR makes decisions that bankrupt racers I can not support it, and neither should a true fan.Not to sound dumb. But what car do you own, and what is involved in getting a modified to run on a road course?

06-30-2010, 04:16 PM
Not dumb at all - just look at his profile... like I did..

Bob owns the 48 car that Tony Hirschman drove to 2championships - I think we all miss Tony as well as the 48 car on the tour..

Costs.. I'm sure Bob or others could help fill in the blanks.. but..

Possible engine change/refresh,Tranny, Rear End.. supession..

I'm sure the testing sessions while useful to the teams that took advantage of it - did not come cheap either.. getting there, tires, fuel, laps on the motor.. and so on.. it all adds up and doesn't come back by way of the purse payout..

06-30-2010, 09:42 PM
OK Fans

1- Supporting LimeRock is wrong, the driver,car owners and, you the fan will not enjoy this race.

2- Go to Mandnock, Go to Riverhead , go to Holland (Oh! we don't race there because NASCAR takes to much purse for themselfs) support the places that made Mod racing. Limerock NOT!

3- For you long time fans a road race car prepared to win not just show up needs, a Special Oiling System for balanced engine oiling for left and right turns,Special Transmission, Special Brakes, Total lead balance reposition, Total diffrent front end geomety, Fuel Tank Pick Up Position, Drivers Seat Position, Air Cleaner Position for vision, Steering Speed Ratio's.... should I go on....

4- I have raced for over 21 years, and you saw my cars. I can not support a dictatorship, support the ROC, a better race more balanced compition. Jaws you have supported almost every race and we are now down to 14 tour events,in 2001 there was 73 cars NH -Sat there was 34 not even a full field, when will you see NASCAR has No Respect for the Mod Tour. If you think you can respect a tour that is only 14 racing long and expect the BEST racing compition you can find, your wrong. Just ask the tour owners.

07-01-2010, 07:00 AM
so true,everything he said is right on the money

07-01-2010, 07:15 PM
I guess I am an eternal optomist that it will be a good race. (I can hope can't I?)

I enjoy every minute of every race and after Martinsville I don't think I could see a much worse race.

Good race or bad, I will have a great time hanging out with some great friends and my boys.

GLC050 you have spent a lot of your money supporting the tour and I am sorry you feel like you do, but its your money and your time you are entiltled to spend it as you please.

See you all Sat.

07-02-2010, 08:54 AM
"Rubbin is Racing" Enjoy :wave:

07-02-2010, 10:55 AM
Wow 25 cars! I didn't think they'd get that many. TC should lap all but about 5 cars enjoy!

07-04-2010, 04:13 PM
I can't understand why any teams support the NASCAR WMT at all considering NASCAR themselves treat them like dirt. The owners/drivers should go to Andy Harpell or MRS and get a better schedule with more track diversity. Half the "tour" races are at Stafford or Thompson. But everything else aside, were the fans satisfied with the show they got on Saturday?

07-04-2010, 07:36 PM
I can't understand why any teams support the NASCAR WMT at all considering NASCAR themselves treat them like dirt. The owners/drivers should go to Andy Harpell or MRS and get a better schedule with more track diversity. Half the "tour" races are at Stafford or Thompson. But everything else aside, were the fans satisfied with the show they got on Saturday?

How many races on RoC and how many on WMT? I see 2 Spencer, 2 Oswego, 2 Dunn and 2 Shangri-La... That's 8 races on 4 tracks. Track diversity???? Gimme the 3 top paying races totalled in dollars in 2010 for the WMT, RoC and MRS for comparison. Each series has it's issues. I see MRS as the most versatile series on track diversity.

07-04-2010, 10:40 PM
I guess I wasn't clear. I didn't mean just jump ship and go run another series. I was suggesting everybody from the northeast get together and start a series that can have 25 dates or more. For as large as NASCAR is, they aren't doing very much for the modifieds. Can you really argue any different? There are local sprint car races in PA that pay $10,000 to win. What's the highest paying WMT race on the schedule?

07-04-2010, 10:53 PM

07-04-2010, 11:01 PM
Cool thanks. Do you happen to have the payouts for the rest of the races or are they not posted until the race results are posted?

07-04-2010, 11:11 PM
when i see nascar mod tour teams complain about what they have and then watch how about 75-80% of the nascar teams are nearly 100% whelen tour and nothing else to support modified racing, it makes me shake my head. you guys whine about everything and barely support anything outside nascar. it's your own fault. maybe support tracks like mountain speedway, mahoning, wall, chemung, shangri-la 2 when they have events for the modifieds. instead, maybe 3 or 4 who live 5 minutes away or raced there for 10 years before running the tour support the race.

take a look at dirt. there's a lot of guys who go everywhere and hit all sorts of races. where is that on asphalt? the whelen mods married themselves to nascar and they have no one to blame but themselves. about the only guys i know of who really travel anymore on asphalt are ted christopher, matt hirschman, and rowan pennink. not 3 races and that's it. i mean running more than one series, hitting other tracks not under nascar, etc.

07-05-2010, 05:13 PM
I think part of that problem is that most tracks gave tour-type mods the boot years ago, no?

Teds Race Tours
07-05-2010, 05:52 PM
I think part of that problem is that most tracks gave tour-type mods the boot years ago, no?

specifically, what tracks are you speaking of?

07-05-2010, 06:17 PM
Are you seriously asking that Ted?
You really don't remember ANY tracks dropping full mods to make Late Models, SK's or SST mods their top divisions?

07-05-2010, 09:50 PM
Any comments on this race?

07-05-2010, 10:07 PM
I thought the race was awesome, and can not wait to go back next year. The Facility was beautiful, the track crew was very helpful, and the racing was entertaining with 1/4rly coming from the back twice to win the race

chrome horn
07-05-2010, 10:29 PM
GLC050, I understand your position, and I'm not naive to the costs involved, but I think it was a great weekend of racing and a positive for the tour. I hope we go back and maybe add NJMP to the schedule. A tip of the hat to all the drivers, crews, owners and everyone else involved:cheers:

07-05-2010, 10:34 PM
Any comments on this race?

As a fan, me and my kids had a great day, lots and see and do on and off the track.

The racing was good with the ability to be in the pits was such a great added bonus.

Get a couple of more road corse races under the teams belts (I believe there will be at least 2 maybe more next year, doesn't Watkins Glen have a cup race? hmmm.) and the racing will only get better.

It was also great to see Alex, Goldy and others at the track.

I look forward to returning.

07-05-2010, 10:54 PM
Any comments on this race?

I thought for a first time being on the course the cars did extremely well. I spend a lot of time at Limerock (wife and I were married up there during a Busch North race) and I think LR is one of the nicest tracks to see a race at. I also see it as bringing the modifieds to people who would not have normally gone to see them and could bring some more to the local ovals...

There was a broken half shaft that sat on the track in front of where I was shooting for a bit before someone finally noticed it... I stayed down in turns 1&2 and the S turn so I don't really know what was happening on the rest of the track, just knew I wasn't going to run to the winners circle from the uphill at the end of the race with my camera gear on me...

Just my 2 cents...

07-06-2010, 01:59 PM
Get a couple of more road corse races under the teams belts (I believe there will be at least 2 maybe more next year, doesn't Watkins Glen have a cup race? hmmm.) and the racing will only get better.

Not to burst your bubble but the K&N cars used to run Watkins Glen on CUP weekend but ever since the Nationwide cars started running The Glen on CUP weekend a couple of years ago they (K&N) lost the CUP weekend. So I highly doubt that they'll put the Mods out there that weekend as well. K&N East was there with a sports car division for the last couple of years but are not heading there this year. Maybe next year it will be a WMT/K&N double header.

07-06-2010, 03:08 PM
Not to burst your bubble but the K&N cars used to run Watkins Glen on CUP weekend but ever since the Nationwide cars started running The Glen on CUP weekend a couple of years ago they (K&N) lost the CUP weekend. So I highly doubt that they'll put the Mods out there that weekend as well. K&N East was there with a sports car division for the last couple of years but are not heading there this year. Maybe next year it will be a WMT/K&N double header.

No bursting bubbles, just throwing it out there and that would be a good double header too.

Teds Race Tours
07-06-2010, 05:02 PM
What would make sense, is running 2 or more road course races back to back, to eliminate mulitple changes. Short field of cars, but thats ok, the racing was fairly good, and much better than the cautionfest at martinsville. I hope it stays on the schedule.

07-06-2010, 08:12 PM
I hope the tour does return to Lime Rock in 2011. It was a great race

07-07-2010, 07:20 AM
No bursting bubbles, just throwing it out there and that would be a good double header too.

I think Watkins Glen would be a great addition. However, the fact that the Watkins Glen Cup weekend is in August would probably entail blowing up the schedule as we have known it in years past. Add a proposed new date in NH for Indy weekend and the 2011 schedule could have a dramatic new look to it. I'm of the thought that the more Cup weekend dates they get the better. That 7NY car would look pretty good turning right at The Glen.

07-07-2010, 12:06 PM
in addition to watkins glen and a 3rd NH date, how about get RICHMOND back on the schedule!!!

07-07-2010, 12:51 PM
Richmond is the big missing piece isn't it. A Dover date would be icing on the cake.

07-07-2010, 01:16 PM
Richmond is the big missing piece isn't it. A Dover date would be icing on the cake.

I know we said Bristol will never happen, but Dover will really never happen, way too fast.

07-07-2010, 01:51 PM
I know we said Bristol will never happen, but Dover will really never happen, way too fast.

just do what they do at loudon and put the resrictor plates on them

07-07-2010, 02:48 PM
just do what they do at loudon and put the resrictor plates on them

Dover and NH are 2 completly different animals.

07-07-2010, 02:51 PM
Dover and NH are 2 completly different animals.

oh i know that, but still they can do what they would have to do to run there...it'd be pretty sweet bring back the 1970's!! LOL

07-07-2010, 11:30 PM
Expect only one race at Louden in 2011 IRL doesnt want to run on the mod rubber (i.e. Richmond) Only one cup race there in 2011 and scratch Mville. I predict North and south combined next year or just enough of a split sched to keep taking Phil's money.

Teds Race Tours
07-10-2010, 11:03 AM
Are you seriously asking that Ted?
You really don't remember ANY tracks dropping full mods to make Late Models, SK's or SST mods their top divisions?

I'm asking him "SPECIFICALLY, WHAT TRACKS HE IS TALKING ABOUT" I hope that cleared it up for ya.

Teds Race Tours
07-10-2010, 11:09 AM
I remember every track that used to run modifieds. One of my favorite parts of going to Islip, was going to the big chalk board by the pits, and getting the latest results from all the Modified Tracks.

I am asking this question, so I can specifically respond to the tracks he is refering too.

07-10-2010, 10:53 PM
I think part of that problem is that most tracks gave tour-type mods the boot years ago, no?

ummm....mahoning and mountain both run modifieds weekly. wall brings the tour mods in several times a year, including turkey derby. chemung has roc races and i think shangri-la 2 as well. same guys show every time.

07-11-2010, 11:31 AM
My point is that a lot of tracks run SK modifieds now. I just don't think there's enough weekly support to get the car counts some people want. It's not like NASCARs top divisions where they can go to any track and have 45 cars. Most of the modified guys are weekend warriors. The closest comparison would be the WoO. They get 40+ cars when they go to PA but barely a full field when they race in NY.

07-11-2010, 01:04 PM
My point is that a lot of tracks run SK modifieds now. I just don't think there's enough weekly support to get the car counts some people want. It's not like NASCARs top divisions where they can go to any track and have 45 cars. Most of the modified guys are weekend warriors. The closest comparison would be the WoO. They get 40+ cars when they go to PA but barely a full field when they race in NY.

understood, but not really what i'm talking about. the mods on the whelen tour complain about the support nascar gives them with purses, good tracks to go to, and variety in the schedule. my contention is the drivers on the tour do not support modified racing outside nascar unless the track is a block away from their house. how can they complain about support when they do not support modified racing the way they want nascar to support them. they're married to nascar.

as far as whelen drivers go, tc, matt hirschman, and rowan pennink show up at a lot of places. they'll run the whelen tour, some roc races, some mrs races, and some big races not under a tour. i tend to see complaints coming from teams that do not travel, support other tours or tracks except what nascar gives them in their paltry 14 race schedule.

this doesn't mean i think every other team sucks or anything. just that teams that complain a lot and park the car a lot make me tune out their gripes. to me it's like complaining about who was voted president, but you refuse to vote.

07-11-2010, 01:39 PM
Its really simple you can have full fields everwhere if it makes sense. It does not make sense right now.