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08-08-2010, 06:26 AM
what did roger get dqed for

08-08-2010, 07:42 AM
i think and this is only my thought. but when he spun the 13 out in 1 & 2 on the 8 course right after the checkers came out. but i dont know for sure but thats the only thing i could see.

08-08-2010, 09:56 AM
damm if your the points leader looks like the clowns out to screw you

08-08-2010, 07:01 PM
It's unreal that Maynor was penalized, but the guy that spun him out during the race got nothing. There goes that consistency word again....not last night in the figure 8s.

08-08-2010, 11:24 PM
they DQ'ed Rommeny in the Blunderbust race for post race contact so at least they were being consistent for the day.

08-09-2010, 12:48 AM
they DQ'ed Rommeny in the Blunderbust race for post race contact so at least they were being consistent for the day.

Rommeney got out of his car and went after the 77...Maynor did not exit his car but the calls were both made on the post-race contact i'm sure. They were both good calls because post-race contact is unnecessary.

08-09-2010, 02:18 PM
being dumped 2x in one race is unnecessary....and how nothing is done about that is bull.

08-09-2010, 02:31 PM
being dumped 2x in one race is unnecessary....and how nothing is done about that is bull.

yea, they should have put him to the back for aggressive driving.

08-09-2010, 03:28 PM
If they DQ'd the 28 for post race contact with the 13 - which we all saw in turn 3 -- then why wasn't the 14 given the same penalty. After the 28 spun the 13 the 14 came from behind and hit the 28.

08-09-2010, 04:36 PM
what the off. told me (I drive the 14) was, "they know i did not hit the 28 in aggression." i was just following the 28 and 13 and got caught up in the mess roger normally does not go after any one thought the 13 was spinning and was following roger i did not know the race was over (i don't have radios) and backed up and started going down to straight when i saw everyone going the pitts is when i knew the race was over. i went up to the off. afterwards i said what you guys do w/ me i understand what it looked like and they told me i had nothing to worry about. they knew roger was going after the 13.

Then i saw all rogers guys coming down to the 13 thought they coming after me for hitting him and i started going back at them when one of my crew members told me they were going after mike just stay out of it. so sorry kevin for yelling at you i did not know.

08-09-2010, 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by leah28racing
being dumped 2x in one race is unnecessary....and how nothing is done about that is bull.
yea, they should have put him to the back for aggressive driving.
This is the same PROBLEM every division has Every Week!! First of all the Officials ASSUME things, like something is going to happen and if someone does do something they think everything was done on intentional, maybe it was be maybe it wasn't. But the officials need to STOP ASSUMING!!
Then they should start BLACK FLAGING anyone who does dump anyone, NOT putting them to the back of the last place car still running!! Off The Track!!!
This is Exactly why we weren't there last week and from the sound of it Glad we weren't there!!

08-09-2010, 05:35 PM
dad had also said to jim shmuck head if he dont do something bout he was going too....and guess what once again maggio didnt do crap! my dad had enough between last week and this week no penalty for 13.

Like Tom says my dad isn't known for doing what he did...he gave the officials a chance to do the right thing and they didn't.

Tom, dad knows that you didnt do that on purpose.

08-09-2010, 06:51 PM
what the off. told me (I drive the 14) was, "they know i did not hit the 28 in aggression." i was just following the 28 and 13 and got caught up in the mess roger normally does not go after any one thought the 13 was spinning and was following roger i did not know the race was over (i don't have radios) and backed up and started going down to straight when i saw everyone going the pitts is when i knew the race was over. i went up to the off. afterwards i said what you guys do w/ me i understand what it looked like and they told me i had nothing to worry about. they knew roger was going after the 13.

Then i saw all rogers guys coming down to the 13 thought they coming after me for hitting him and i started going back at them when one of my crew members told me they were going after mike just stay out of it. so sorry kevin for yelling at you i did not know.

Thanks for the explanation - I guess you ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time. No harm no foul and your explanation helps clarify some of the fan's questions on what happened. From some of the stuff we see in some of the other races I'm sure you can understand why we sometimes think this stuff is intentional. Thanks for the honesty !!!

08-09-2010, 08:02 PM
wow somebody should smack jm around some lol:lol::lol:

08-09-2010, 09:28 PM
I know where your coming from Leah, and when Jim makes a decision THAT'S IT!! He must thinks he would make an ass out of himself if he was to ask the other officals and/or track crews what they saw, (he'll tell you that he asked but he must have asked the ones who are in the parking lot) or admit he was wrong!!

08-09-2010, 09:40 PM
Aren't there two Race Directors and another official up in the tower. They all confer. Why is it only Jim you blame.

08-10-2010, 05:53 AM
If the correct call was made in the first place, Roger should not have bee put to the rear the first time the 13 dumped him.
In the intersection Roger went around, never stopped . Then the pileup happened in our 1and 2 that brought out the caution.

08-10-2010, 02:41 PM
He did keep going but being that they wrecked in 1-2 that lap was completed with Roger in last therefore thats why he was back there for the restart i would guess. I do believe the officials are being consistent with their calls on post race activity. I understand he was mad, its just not safe to make contact with someone after the race. The BB race someone was set down, few weeks back the 81 charger was penalized. You never know when their belts could be undone, or helmets off. And to be perfectly honest, Ive seen the 13 deliberately take people out, and neither time he got into the 28 looked deliberate to me.

The first wreck Roger enters one (fig8 turn3) on the outside of the 16 and gets held up and when he tries to cross back under the 16, the 13's nose is there and they make contact. The second wreck Roger makes it 3 wide coming out of fig8 turn 2 and they get stacked up into 3 the 00 loses it, mike gets into the back of the 27 and to avoid the spinning 27 clips the 28 in the left rear, cutting the tire and sending him around. By no means am I saying the 13 is some kind of saint out there, but you guys all make it sound like he just drove through the back of the 28 every chance he got. Maybe im wrong but it just looked like hard racing to me, and unfortunately turned out bad for the same person everytime.

08-10-2010, 04:06 PM
If Roger is not at the start finish line when the wreck in 1and 2 brings out the caution, does that mean that you go back to the LAST completed lap?

08-10-2010, 04:36 PM
until they get rid of jm the racing honcho will screw who ever he wants jm has a power ego trip lol

08-10-2010, 06:09 PM
I dunno maybe a scorer, past or present could help clarify this, but I always thought if a Majority of the field ( 9 out of 10 cars in this case) cross the line. That lap was considered completed. I could be wrong, not looking to cause any commotion here, was just stating my opinion on why he was not given his spot back.

KnK Racing
08-10-2010, 08:41 PM
I dunno maybe a scorer, past or present could help clarify this, but I always thought if a Majority of the field ( 9 out of 10 cars in this case) cross the line. That lap was considered completed. I could be wrong, not looking to cause any commotion here, was just stating my opinion on why he was not given his spot back.
as far as i know once half the field crosses the line that lap is complete.

08-11-2010, 12:50 PM
When I scored...it was one of the reasons I quit. 5 scorers all having the same
lineup on paper and because jim saw or thought different. That's how it would

So what was the point of us being there scoring ?. It was whatever Jim
said and scorers would get the blame which wasn't right. And I was not gonna get
the blame or hear it from drivers going to the pits after the races any longer.
Wasn't worth it when we did nothing wrong. Was not gonna hear crap for jims

08-11-2010, 11:27 PM
roger sure did get screwed on that deal, the 13 spun him out twice and also spun the 27, mujsce should have been black flagged , whether they were intentional or not, then roger spins the 13 afer the race and gets dq ed. what rommeny did in the blunderbust after the race was completely different, that did call for a dq but not a little spin after the race

08-12-2010, 12:52 AM
mujsce should have been black flagged , whether they were intentional or not

I'd love to hear you justify that sentence. Why would anyone be black flagged for unintentionally spinning someone?

Anyway, have you watched the video? The first spin seemed like a complete racing deal. Roger looked to jump outside the 16 and Mujsce was coming off and moving up, it happens. The second one was even less malicious, the 27 spun and the 13 made an evasive maneuver to avoid him and in doing so got into the 28. I don't think the 13 could have done that intentionally if he tried.

08-12-2010, 01:20 PM
a driver is responsible for causing accidents out on the track whether they are intentional or not, that is how i justify saying a driver can be black flagged for spinning a car out unintentional ( if it was unintentioal ) and being involved in 3 different spins and the same driver twice is a deffinate reason to be black flagged

08-13-2010, 12:21 PM
I know tempers flare and stuff happens on the track.Trust me i know. Instead of taking away points from the guy give him a fine and a warning.We need cars out there in every division and suspending them and DQing them is not the answer unless its in tech. Really is Roger a guy who wrecks people on the track or hits people after the race NO. To take away a nights points because he lost his cool is ridiculous. Boman Gray pays people to fight on the track.LOL the fans love to see tempers flaring even if it isnt right. Its entertainment. Why do you think there are so many post when theres an alltercation and when someone wins there are like 4 posts lol. We all are going for a championship thats pays us nothing.Tell me that isnt dedication to the races. Wish the people who make all the decisons would really think things out before they make harsh decisions. This guy is our champion and winner of over a hundred races he deserves more.

08-13-2010, 03:07 PM
I agree with Chris, and a few others here. Roger, of all people, is never one to do anything about something that happened on the track. I've known Roger and Artie for many years and it's very rare to even see either one of them raise their voice at someone. A DQ for Roger should never have been an option, the only thing that should have been thought about was if anything Mike did was intentional or just racing.

Golf Guy
08-13-2010, 04:30 PM
I am not going to debate the racing/spinning issue as I always felt that only the drivers really know what happened and even then they only have their half of the incident.
But, all season most members posting on this board have been crying out for call consistency, here we have it. Contact after a race and you get dq’d. If Roger is allowed to do this because he is a great guy and you all feel the #13 deserves what he got, then how are we to achieve a non-biased call? You cannot have it both ways, you want consistent black and white calls and here is one.
Just like in basketball when a hard foul starts a fight and the team that gets fouled leaves the bench, 1 game suspension. No but they were wrong first. In sports we have to do everything we can to hold our temper/anger. Sometimes we cannot and then we have to deal with the consequences. Just my opinion.

08-13-2010, 11:40 PM
That's true but this also makes it obvious the officials have no clue about what is happening on the track. They can't decide what's intentional and what is racing, or who is right and who is wrong, but when something happens after the race has ended it's very easy to tell who is wrong so there you see consistency. I kinda thought things would be better this year with Steve watching from the press box but I guess it's not. I don't know, I would film Tom every week and even while filming I would see things going on all over the track where I knew they were hard racing or someone pushing their luck. You would think people whose job is to be watching for these things could do a better job of it. Everyone makes mistakes. And also, I know often it is just hard racing, but when you have it where the same person is involved in a few hard racing incidents at some point that hard racing becomes over driving.
