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11-13-2010, 11:23 PM
Banquet was cool, the trophies were awesome. The top 10 plaques turned out to be medals, we were kind of disappointed at that but its ok, the trophy for 5th place in points is sweet! Joe is a good talker, the awards ceremony went very smoothly. Every other word out of Joe's mouth was skook. haha

I just want to say thank you to Joe and Erin, you guys do a wonderful job and you make the sport a lot of fun. Your time and devotion to the Neets Series really shows and we are all grateful. Also want to say thanks to the other drivers for not running over my slow arse on the track and poppop and his wife for keeping me company before the races, and for allowing me to occasionally use your tools. All the tech guys and neets crew, you guys are awesome. Jamie with the photos, awesome photos, dave with the vids and gary as well. this was a great season and I hope to return next season.

Believe it or not I would like to thank kenny rogers for your massive amounts of water. it made for some exciting times out there!

Congrats to all top 10 in points, champions tim pauch and phil levering. (I felt weird being up there with all of you older fellas, was I the youngest top 10 guy?) :lol::lol::lol:

11-14-2010, 10:35 AM
:wave:Thanks Mike, we're glad to have you in our circle of friends.:cheers:


Erin C
11-14-2010, 12:22 PM
I had a blast!! I think that was the most fun I have ever had at one of our banquets...the lead up was so crazy I couldn't wait until 5 o'clock hit and I could relax and enjoy the evening!!!

I didn't know Rick Latza could dance like that!!! Holy Cow! He did a FANTASTIC job I was really impressed!

Thanks to everyone for making the evening so much fun!! You're all great!

11-14-2010, 07:56 PM
This was my first banquet with neets. Everything ran smooth even though we were a little late. The wife and I enjoyed the night a lot. Can't wait to start the new season!! Only complaint...please next year have a little captain morgan behind the bar!! PLEASE lol.

11-15-2010, 08:44 AM

MR. Cutri doesn't drink...just buys the booze....you have to talk to MRS. Cutri! LOL!!!

Glad you guys had a blast! It was a great night with some memorable moments....like the fact that we will never get jelly balls again for center pieces! :rolleyes:

So everyone know what they were...

11-15-2010, 09:01 AM
Note to self Joe! Do not get them for our party! So how was cleaning them up? Gotta admit it was pretty funny though!:lol:

Erin C
11-15-2010, 09:10 AM
Clean up wasn't too bad...they swept right up!

11-15-2010, 09:19 AM
Good to know Erin, they were not very easy to walk on with dress shoes for sure! Seemed everyone had a great time, cant wait to see the picts!