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View Full Version : SAD SHOWING AT SAFER meeting for like the 6th month in a row

11-17-2010, 08:14 AM
I know I am not an angel when going to safer meeting and all that stuff but every time I go there are only 2 to 3 drivers and a crew guy or 2.
There is no meeting in Dec. but I hope the start of 2011 the Jan. meeting there will be more support by the members including myself.

11-19-2010, 05:14 AM
I know I am not an angel when going to safer meeting and all that stuff but every time I go there are only 2 to 3 drivers and a crew guy or 2.
There is no meeting in Dec. but I hope the start of 2011 the Jan. meeting there will be more support by the members including myself.

hey tommy what you expect you don,t have 20 cars anymore:(

KnK Racing
11-19-2010, 03:03 PM
yea but we have 14 15 at the end of the season and we should have at least 9 10 drivers there every meeting

11-19-2010, 04:15 PM
your right ken & fisherman but we need more than 3 or 4 people at every meeting we should have every driver or a crew rep. at every meeting and we would have 12 to 15 people and the club can stay afloat. SAFER is at a cross roads we need everyone to put in 100% into the club before we don't have a club anymore. I know Joe S. is sending out a letter to every member for the Jan. meeting stating that this meeting is going to be a regrouping of the club I hope alot of people attend.

11-21-2010, 08:50 AM
tommy you haven,t had 20 people at a meeting since it was in smithtown 15yrs ago probbably lol

Tower Man
11-22-2010, 10:10 AM
The way I see it is SAFER allowed a member, who thought they were doing the right thing, expand what we did figuring it would bring in additional revenues. The person tried, but it just did not work costing the club money.

Joe Saraceno and I are going to sit down prior to the January 18th meeting, regroup, reorganize and set some parameters for a new and improved SAFER.

We also plan to work closely with the track officials to open up the lines of comminication.

Any ideas you may have can be e-mailed to me at jtl4858@aol.com. Serious ideas only. I am way too busy for sarcasm.

Joe Larsen
President JTL Enterprises Motorsports LLC
Board of Directors - SAFER

11-23-2010, 09:38 AM
i wonder why...........

I tried to make it better.... raise money. The first year it was just for safer and maybe 30 percent participated. So after trying and trying it gets a little old after a while when noone comes.:(. frustrating as hell. Just makes you not wanna do it anymore. Why care if most drivers that are benefiting from the money raised dont show up and its always some poor ass excuse why they didnt make it.

My father,Tom Kraft are the only ones that participated in everything i did. most didnt show to any fundraisers.

2 of the most well known drivers of the division not attending meetings hmmmmmmmmm i wonder why that is.

11-24-2010, 09:35 AM
Leah,I feel your pain.I've been involved with a number of clubs and have found almost without exception that @ 10 percent of the members do most of the work,@ 10 percent complain about most everything,the rest are divided between those that will help from time to time,those that will help if forced,and those that spend there time keeping a low profile so as not to be noticed.Please don't feel like your effort has gone unnoticed.There are lots of people that appreciate the effort you have made.

Tower Man
11-26-2010, 06:41 PM
I'll agree, Leah worked very hard and there were times I saw the frustration in her face. The only events I missed were due to my NASCAR obligations. Cannot be in two places at once.

Can't say why one of the most popular drivers doesn't go to meetings. But the other one can't race anymore due to health reasons. Tough to sit there when ya can't play.

Most organizations today have the same issue with appathetic members.

But with all issues, this to shall pass and hopefully a new and improved SAFER, which rewards club particapation more than it recoconizes on track accomplishments.