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View Full Version : What did everyone think of the first race.

03-15-2011, 07:19 PM
First glad to see the crowd especially when Duke and Carolina were playing at the same time. One thing that puzzled me and I guess Burt Myers is that you can not swap tires anymore. This had been done by Burt and Jason and LW last year. Second what a great job done by Thomas Stimpson gives hope to small funded teams. Third I think Sunday a race car driver was born and that driver is Austin Pack he kept his nose clean raced hard for positions and showed signs of a promising future in this series. Fourth where did that wreck come from? Most people are or still puzzled on how LW and Loftin wrecked I heard Gorgies take can someone please interview LW or Brian please, and Fifth congrates to the 09 team just Gorgie being Gorgie winning in the south. Ready for round 2.

03-15-2011, 08:30 PM
I loved it, very competitive, a lot of passing, a great crowd and the sun sure felt good on this body. The #7 and the #8 had great runs with the #7 finishing 3rd.

03-15-2011, 08:39 PM
Well, it's an 11 hour drive for me, but I wouldn't hesitate to head down !

Hey, TourfanEd.... when did you get there? Saw your car in the parking lot!!!

TourFan Ed
03-18-2011, 10:31 PM
Took a needed day off on Friday. Drove most of the way. Went to track Saturday. Got there around 11 Sunday. Enjoyed a good day at the track with beautiful weather. Hopefully that will be an indication of things to come for the season.Looking forward to a return trip next weekend.

03-19-2011, 08:04 AM
Are you going to try the Hickory to Waterford run?

TourFan Ed
03-19-2011, 01:25 PM
You know I am thinking about it. Like everything else we do it depends on the weather. Went to Hickory about four years ago far an ASA race enjoyed it. Reminded me of a smaller Jennerstown. Would like to see a race with better competition. Hope to catch up with you at Caraway.