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View Full Version : Video on Waterford Speedbowl circa 1950's

03-16-2011, 08:26 PM
I just wanted to share a link for a new video we just finished about the Waterford Speedbowl in the 1950's. We've been doing research about the track since 2005 and started filming in late 2008 for a much larger scale documentary about the track's entire history. We're a long way from having that completed, but we had enough to share some of the things we learned so far. This clip is about 13 mins long and focuses on the track's first decade as told by former track operator Don Benvenuti, former track handicapper & historian John Brouwer and long-time auto racing journalist Pete Zanardi.

link to video on youtube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTzZ-_Wy3yQ
link to our site about documentary: www.vault-productions.com

Hope you enjoy

03-17-2011, 12:18 AM
Excellent Sid!! I'm enjoying the old stories more all the time. Thanks for keeping the history alive.

03-17-2011, 01:09 AM
Loved it!!! Brought back many good memories of going there with my dad and kid brother. The payoff line was where I got my Red Foote autograph! Back int hose days they boiled the hot dogs and made the coffee in the booth behind turn four near the payoff booth. The Bowl was famous for its warm beer and cold hot dogs and cold coffee!!! I seem to remember some of the equipment from the first picture being in back of our house when we lived on Tiffany Avenue in Waterford.


ps: I remember a 'cut down' being on display just about every time I've gone to Seekonk in the past few years.

03-17-2011, 07:00 PM
Thanks guys! We're definitely having fun and learning a ton about the place!