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View Full Version : Riverhead Tour Race / Riverhead 100

05-04-2011, 06:28 PM
What drivers will come to Riverhead for the 100 lapper? Some extra money and extra track time to prepare for the Whelen Tour race later in the year.

Thanks to the following for putting up money towards building the purse:

Debra Gabrielle
JW for 8x ( JW Buckley)
Chris Buchman
David Wesolowski
Ruthann LaGrega
Rich McCoy
Spencer and Russ Perry
Steve Hudson
Mod Chaser
Teddy Baxter ( TedsRaceTours.com)
Tour Fan Ed
Missy Haupt
Joe Malave
Mod 11 Racer
In memory of Fred Harbach

05-06-2011, 07:18 PM

05-08-2011, 01:12 PM
"In all our years in racing we've never met anyone with the love and passion for NASCAR Modified racing as Jim Schaefer, he really is one of a kind". Barbara & Jim Cromarty noted.

05-08-2011, 10:05 PM
A damn shame NO tour guys outside of the regular LI guys could show for Jim's extra cash. Maybe 2K is nothing to them. Sad I think.

05-09-2011, 12:02 PM
wish i could be there for this race. Keep up the great work supporting what we love.

05-09-2011, 12:13 PM
A damn shame NO tour guys outside of the regular LI guys could show for Jim's extra cash. Maybe 2K is nothing to them. Sad I think.

Thats not 100% true, its not confirmed but a couple of non LI tour regulars will be there. As it gets closer to the race we will know for sure.

05-09-2011, 04:08 PM
In reality, 2000 is nothing. It probably isn't enough to get drivers to show up. Afterall, they have to win to actually collect it. That being said, drivers who aren't from LI and have told me that they will be there include Ryan Preece, George Brunnhoelzl, Richie Pallai, Rowan Pennink, and Ron Silk.

We also plan to give 200- 300 to the top Riverhead regular, as extra donations have come in to help.

Please feel free to donate any small amount to what we are trying to do. If nothing else, one driver will be very happy after the evening. Wish we could do more.

I will be by the 8x Saturday after the races, and by the 60 after the ROC race. Just ask for me or give the money to Eddie B or Matt H. and they will give it to me.

05-09-2011, 04:21 PM
Just over a week to the 100 lapper. Here's your chance to help us build the payout.


05-09-2011, 06:05 PM
will there be a consi this year? or is it just from time trials again

05-09-2011, 06:25 PM
I don't know. If I had my wish, there sure would be. Also, I would love to see the WHOLE race go double file. Or at least half way double file. Single file restarts are boring.

05-09-2011, 10:39 PM
Thats not 100% true, its not confirmed but a couple of non LI tour regulars will be there. As it gets closer to the race we will know for sure.

My bad Jaws, dummy me thought the race was last Saturday. Be nice if I actually

paid attention once in awhile. Sorry, Jim. Hope I didn't put the whammy on your

effort. Someday I'm going to venture down to Riverhead to take in a show.

(if i don't get lost on the way) :help:

05-09-2011, 11:18 PM

No problem , the 21st for the HOF race and the last 2 weeks in July are all good nights to show up. You are more than welcome to come down. I'll give you directions :)