View Full Version : Predicted Weather for Saturdays Richie Evans 61

08-25-2011, 02:07 PM
Is Riverhead going to make a proactive call and cancel the Richie Evans 61 due to the forecast as Mountain did? As of now the weather for Sat. does not good to be too good. Weather.com has it predicted to be 70% chance of showers. I for one can't make it however I am sure fans and drivers alike would like it if its going to be cancelled to cancel early saving everyone the trouble of trailering for no reason and save fans the trouble of unnecessary travel. JMO As for me if cancelled and rescheduled I might be able to make it.;)

08-25-2011, 03:49 PM
the forecast is for rain later on sat. lets move the show up an hour or two???

08-25-2011, 03:55 PM
Riche evans would have said there is 30% chance of sun!!! LoL

Golf Guy
08-25-2011, 04:06 PM
Rain is predicted to start late Sat. into Sun. morning. Mountain canceled because I believe their show is scheduled for Sun. I don't see how Riverhead canceling now is considered pro-active? Oh and I agree with TBone.

08-25-2011, 07:04 PM
60% chance at 4pm saturday. But weather changes every hour.

08-25-2011, 07:14 PM
With a major hurricane for Sunday....I wouldn't expect too many casual fans to show up. I'm sure the die hards will go until they hear it's a rain out, but you have to figure that the stands will be mostly empty.

08-25-2011, 10:03 PM
The Jets Giants game has been moved up and NYC is shutting down the subways on sunday, so geez, maybe this is gonna $uck up the weekend?????

08-25-2011, 10:46 PM
T bone i hope you get to hear the national anthem saturday

08-25-2011, 10:47 PM
Yes, It is definately going to put a damper on many peoples plans for the weekend. I agree that many casual fans will probably be dealing with other issues concerning the storm and opt to stay home. I for one wouldn't want to cancel the show and then get bit in the a$$, however lets look at reality here. If this thing keeps on coarse the last thing I am going to worry about as a fan or a racer would be going to the track. If you look at the projected track of this storm, if it stays on track, i think rain will be here before Sat night. JMO. Keep your fingers crossed. Maybe Richie himself has a different plan and will change mother natures plans. As someone said, he would have said theres a 30% chance of sun.

08-25-2011, 11:26 PM
Let's race

08-26-2011, 11:34 AM
Finan just posted on the Facebook page, a decision will be made sometime tomorrow morning on whether or not the show will be cancelled. I had been planning on coming back from school in Virginia to run the Grand Enduro, but thanks to the possibility of being marooned in NY for the weekend that probably won't happen.

08-26-2011, 01:41 PM
All racing at Riverhead raceway this weekend has been washed out, see you all Labor Day weekend.

08-26-2011, 01:45 PM
Gee, Now that Bob Finan has stated they will make a decision Sat. I guess they are thinking. I think its fair to everyone to make the right decision early. It is not worth it money wise, safety wise etc to try and get the show in if this thing really happens as they say it will. Now that being said, those like Roger Oxee that says lets race, I would agree under different circumstances. I understand from a racers point of view that it is fustrating because it is another night of no racing, especially to those like the late models that haven't had a full slate anyway. Unfortunately mother nature is in control. I just heard that the L.I. Ducks cancelled there game for tomorrow night as well. Trust me I would love to see everyone race especially those who have not raced alot and for those in the hunt of a championship, however is it really worth it. As was posted earlier, does anyone really think that the stands will have many people, I am a big fan, have not been to the track but once this year due to work and other issues and tomorrow I am free unless I get called to work (i am in the emergency response field) and i love the mods and i for one am not going to go, not worth the hour drive to get rained out and have to drive all the way home. Last year the track told me they were racing, i drove all the way to exit 68 from Merrick to see haulers headed home. Don't want to do that again. Sorry but JMO that under the predicted conditions I think if I were in command i would cancel and reshuffle the schedule and double up some racing on the nights remaining, remember theres no qualifying anymore so if you started the show a little early everyone could get to race. Add divisions, run a double mod show, ie. reg 35 lapper first, legends, trucks, chargers, lm, fig 8 or whatever order would work and then headline the night with the 61. Just an idea as i really don't want anyone to get cheated out of racing. I am a true fan just looking out in the best interest of everyone involved.

08-26-2011, 02:24 PM
Its official, just got a call from the office they've cancelled the events for tomorrow. They said they're are going to explore the options of re-scheduling so we'll see what happens. It's a good decision, this way those of us with plans can move on. Like Lugnuts said, the Ducks are cancelling, even the MTA and LIRR are shutting down.

08-26-2011, 04:46 PM
Im with oxee lets go raceing!! To lugnut, i have driven 800 miles to see the mods go100 miles, merrick is not that far.

08-26-2011, 08:20 PM
T-Bone your right, Its not really that far. I have driven many miles to see mods as well, New Smyrna and the shootout many times. I just didn't feel under these conditions it made sense when the outlook was pretty dismal. Thats all, trust me I like to watch racing period. Hope everyone fares well in the storm. BE SAFE.