View Full Version : A new Riverhead Raceway record....

Jeff T
09-18-2011, 11:33 AM
Well, I think we had a new Riverhead Raceway record last night for the number of police cars in attendance. Two NYS Troopers and three Riverhead Town Police. I would love it if just once we could get through a championship night without the boys in blue having to make their annual appearance at the track. All this does is put the raceway and the people who attend it as fans, crew members and drivers in a very bad light with the surrounding community. Unfortunately, those who are usually the reason for needing a police presence all the time are the same ones who continue to screw it up for the rest of us.

09-18-2011, 11:48 AM
hey jeff maybe the cops should be there every week then bs would stop

09-18-2011, 12:58 PM
The officials need to step it up and stop the BS on the track! Too many drivers wrecking other peoples equipment over stupid sh!+ in "ALL DIVISIONS" ! Really getting tired of spending night after night fixing busted up equipment !

09-18-2011, 01:10 PM
What a shock. All the same names involved time after time. Who cares how many cars they bring, stop the chaos and provide a safe pit area for everyone else to enjoy.
Pretty soon there should be the usual posts saying we are being picked on.

09-18-2011, 01:15 PM
so lets post the list whos not allowed in lol

Jeff T
09-18-2011, 01:17 PM
Maybe you are right Fisherman. Tracks in Connecticut and New Jersey have Police at each event due state law, but you don't see nearly as much BS there. That could be the answer.

part timer
09-18-2011, 01:49 PM
The reason you will never see that at Riverhead Jeff is that Police Details cost money. I guess I left too early to catch all the excitement.

09-18-2011, 01:50 PM
A friend of mine had the misfortune of standing near one of the fights and when he suggested everyone should calm down he got sucker punch by some coward! He ended up with a broken nose. He did learn a lesson,stay far away from cowards,idiots,and drama queens thats a job for the cops!!

09-18-2011, 01:50 PM
so whos the problem jeff

09-18-2011, 01:58 PM
So the Demo was in the pits???

Jeff T
09-18-2011, 05:29 PM
Sorry fisherman, not naming names. Don't think it's right to say online. It's not just one party, but several parties. I'll leave it at that.

09-18-2011, 07:07 PM
Drinkin makes stupid people retarded, imo, stop the drinkin & there will be a lot less problems..

09-18-2011, 08:15 PM
The officials need to step it up and stop the BS on the track! Too many drivers wrecking other peoples equipment over stupid sh!+ in "ALL DIVISIONS" ! Really getting tired of spending night after night fixing busted up equipment !

This really hits the nail on the head. If issues were taken care of on the track first, people would have less reason to go at it in the pits. Besides having the cops show up to Riverhead really isn't the biggest problem we have. Maybe a constant 1 or 2 man constant police presence would actually be better, although I'm not sure how that would work out with the town. I don't know who the guilty parties were, I wasn't there, but knowing how people love to take sides I'm sure there's more to it.

09-18-2011, 08:58 PM
I'd rather see the track get better lighting so the people in the stands can actually see the track, then maybe pay for police enforcement.
Am I the only one who see's nothing but BROWN???

09-18-2011, 11:54 PM
More fights broke out WHILE the cops were there than without them. Clearly having a police presence doesn't change much. Also, I don't see what drinking has to do with it as majority of the people involved were drivers who I'm fairly certain weren't drinking.

The key is having security guards who will monitor a situation before it develops rather than wait for a fight to start and try to break it up.

09-19-2011, 08:27 AM
More fights broke out WHILE the cops were there than without them. Clearly having a police presence doesn't change much. Also, I don't see what drinking has to do with it as majority of the people involved were drivers who I'm fairly certain weren't drinking.

The key is having security guards who will monitor a situation before it develops rather than wait for a fight to start and try to break it up.

If u think the drivers aren't drinkin, then u walk around the track with blinders on, the fight I seen on sat ( which happened 2ft from me) was 100% fueled by beer.. it wasn't what started the fight but it escalated it..jmo..

09-19-2011, 09:05 AM
Issues should be handled by the officials on the track and if someone gets sent off the track then maybe security should be waiting on the ramp to escort them to their pit to prevent outbursts. I also think half the problem is that everyone in the pits and stands goes running to see each altercation. Why can't people stay away from the commotion? It just adds fuel to the fire.

09-19-2011, 11:44 AM
Security??? What security? There is none. That costs money.

Scotty Wolf
09-19-2011, 12:17 PM
Phew.......glad I dont race there anymore!

09-19-2011, 03:17 PM
I'd rather see the track get better lighting so the people in the stands can actually see the track, then maybe pay for police enforcement.
Am I the only one who see's nothing but BROWN???

Very true...lets add a working PA system, smoother paths (how many times do you see fans tripping walking around the track), better payouts, I could go on, there are a lot of things the track needs. Makes you wonder how great the place could be if a little money was put into it.

09-19-2011, 03:22 PM
Issues should be handled by the officials on the track

The fight Killa54 is reffering to had nothing to do with racing and im not sure drinking really influenced that one i think it was a temper tantrum that went WAAYY tooo far

09-19-2011, 03:42 PM
I think we should have a fan zone like daytona. Build a overhead walkway down the center of the pits (covered by chainlink) that the fans and their kids can see how some people who think they are adults act! Charge an extra twenty bucks it would be worth it. You would have to make it high so the spit and dung dont hit you,but it would be a money maker!!!!

maestri fan 1
09-20-2011, 12:34 PM
Just want to thank you guys for reminding me why I am happy that I don't race there anymore.... Has anyone actually read every post on here? This is far past pathetic and anyone involved should be ashamed of themselves.... Riverhead RACEWAY is a place where you are supposed to race not fight, not get arrested etc. It's obvious that the promoters will not put S*1t into that track so forget about higher security and adding cops.... hell we can't even get higher pay outs and food that ain't crappy. If it wasn't for John Elwood (who is doing a great job) the track would look worse then it does. Everyone needs to just grow up go out there and race.... Everybody is fighting, and in actuality you all need to team up and work hard on making this track a better place. The garbage that i'm reading about from this past Saturday, well it's only a matter of time until all of you people complain about not wanting to travel is going to have to.

09-20-2011, 03:53 PM
Matt, You only raced there 5 times! Lol

09-20-2011, 05:35 PM
Matt, You only raced there 5 times! Lol

Seven times.

09-20-2011, 06:20 PM
I think I hear Micky calling.Back to work Matt.

09-20-2011, 07:54 PM
come on guys don,t pick on matt he is still dizzy from them 7 nites he raced lol

09-20-2011, 09:16 PM
So matt, what are you saying, that riverhead is a real mickey mouse operation?

maestri fan 1
09-21-2011, 12:38 AM
Randy was making the Mickey Mouse joke because i moved to florida last month and am workin down here... and i dont even know how many times i ran there that season but i know i ended up breakin ribs running a champ cart so i sat out the rest of that season. but anyways, thats not the point. you guys just need to calm down and stop workin against each other and work with each other. you guys are all gonna be cryin when that track is gone.

09-21-2011, 07:42 AM
Saturday's Big Brawl was ugly. I viewed it from the top of the east pit stands and was shocked at how out of control so many were.

It would be very easy to spew. It would be very easy to name names and place blame.......beginning with the on track Late Model incident(s)....leading to the heated arguments, yells and screams on the exit ramp.....proceeding to those first shoves and fists thrown..........and ending up in a huge and disgusting display emotions with many, many winding up hurt.

Stepping away from this with the advantages of time and reflection....

I assume that most all agree that there is no place for this here. Drivers from time to time might have their differences of opinions, but destroying equipment on track and then beating up people off track, are not adult ways of getting points across.

How does the track move forward?

Solutions that cost $'s seem to be something that can't happen. Forget an expensive security force.

Let's look to solutions that can be done in our current framework.

1. Officials should actively try to promote a fair racing. I honestly think that HUGE strides have been done here over the past 6 or so years. Perhaps more needs to be done, yet
on a tight track this is not easy. Tempers are going to flare.

2. ALL staff needs to be on high alert when the potential for brawls occurs. Why can't ALL pit gates be closed ASAP at the first sign of trouble?
During each and every potential altercation HUGE numbers will pour into the pits for participation or viewing. Its human nature, yet it also leads to these occurances getting bigger a
and bigger. This should take out most of the alcohol concern listed above (though I don't think that alcohol is a huge factor here).

3. Participants need to be dealt with. Just like official's tasks are to closely watch the racing action, they should be instructed to take names and numbers and fairly penalize
those who ABUSE the privilege of being in the pits. All track personnel should be deputized to help in these instances, if only with their eyes. I've witness many pits members
and drivers actively involed in fights, and back at the track the next week.

09-21-2011, 09:21 AM
Punch thrown= 2 weeks suspension and $500.00 fine to the CAR OWNER/TEAM

Second offense= season ending suspension and $1000.00 fine to the car owner/team...(within the last 2 races of the season = following years suspension)

Any criminal charges are subject to the combatants complaints

I as a past car owner would definately look for a new driver or crew member that could control himself/herself....

(gotta be politically correct)

09-21-2011, 05:05 PM
why are we letting a dozen bad apples spoil the barrel? if you hit someone ,your on probation.do it again your out for the year(driver and crew). DO IT AGAIN YOUR OUT FOR LIFE!!!! we all lose are temper sooner or later ,but every week is unbelievable.

09-21-2011, 05:29 PM
Punch thrown= 2 weeks suspension and $500.00 fine to the CAR OWNER/TEAM

Second offense= season ending suspension and $1000.00 fine to the car owner/team...(within the last 2 races of the season = following years suspension)

Any criminal charges are subject to the combatants complaints

I as a past car owner would definately look for a new driver or crew member that could control himself/herself....

(gotta be politically correct)

In the real world, if you through one punch you should get locked up. As for the track taking action against the combatants; Their only obtion is to ban those who are fighting. If track owner or its employees are aware that an individual has a history of violence or fighting, and that person is allowed to return to the track, the track will be open for liability if that person is involved in a subsequent altercation and injures another party. The track has a reasonable responsibility to act upon their knowledge of any individuals violent tendencies, if they don't reasonable care to prevent any further occurances(Banning the offender from the track), They'll be wide open for liability.

09-22-2011, 10:23 AM
CODE OF CONDUCT - take the time and write one up. Have every driver and car owner sign it, if they want to race. For under $1000 you can put wireless security cameras in the pits to see who went to whom's pit area to start an altercation. Don't suspend people, you need the cars. Put them in the back for three weeks, take their points and their $$$. Where would some of these teams be if you took their points??? In the Code of Conduct you write how one is to behave in a pit area, if they get out of line they cost their team, they cost their driver, they cost their sponsor. By signing this thing before the season starts as a team they agree to handle themselves as adults, if they fail to do so................show them the document they signed and then hand out the punishment. Each division should have drivers meetings, with security presence air your problems out like adults and then get it straightened out.

The bull$hit needs to stop, or someone is going to get seriously hurt or even killed. 3 weeks ago my future Mother-in-law and my 1 year old son were walking through the pits after the Figure 8 race. She was headed through the pits pushing my sons stroller. Security had opened the gates and the pits were filled with spectators. One figure 8 driver was so mad at another that he was flying through the pits to get to him he missed my family by 6 inches with his car, he could've hurt or even killed (God Forbid) two innocent people to go settle a score, WHY??? because he can. He can do it every week and nothing is done. Now in his defense before he went to fight, argue, push and shove whatever, he sought out my future Mother-in-Law to apoligize, then he went to fight.

All I'm saying is in most of life there are consequences for our actions, not here, not anymore. That has a lot to do with car counts, morale and everything else bad at Riverhead Raceway. I for one know it can be fixed, people just have to want to fix it.

09-22-2011, 12:17 PM
So if i have money and dont care about points i can fight??

09-22-2011, 01:13 PM
CODE OF CONDUCT - take the time and write one up. Have every driver and car owner sign it, if they want to race. For under $1000 you can put wireless security cameras in the pits to see who went to whom's pit area to start an altercation. Don't suspend people, you need the cars. Put them in the back for three weeks, take their points and their $$$. Where would some of these teams be if you took their points??? In the Code of Conduct you write how one is to behave in a pit area, if they get out of line they cost their team, they cost their driver, they cost their sponsor. By signing this thing before the season starts as a team they agree to handle themselves as adults, if they fail to do so................show them the document they signed and then hand out the punishment. Each division should have drivers meetings, with security presence air your problems out like adults and then get it straightened out.

The bull$hit needs to stop, or someone is going to get seriously hurt or even killed. 3 weeks ago my future Mother-in-law and my 1 year old son were walking through the pits after the Figure 8 race. She was headed through the pits pushing my sons stroller. Security had opened the gates and the pits were filled with spectators. One figure 8 driver was so mad at another that he was flying through the pits to get to him he missed my family by 6 inches with his car, he could've hurt or even killed (God Forbid) two innocent people to go settle a score, WHY??? because he can. He can do it every week and nothing is done. Now in his defense before he went to fight, argue, push and shove whatever, he sought out my future Mother-in-Law to apoligize, then he went to fight.

All I'm saying is in most of life there are consequences for our actions, not here, not anymore. That has a lot to do with car counts, morale and everything else bad at Riverhead Raceway. I for one know it can be fixed, people just have to want to fix it.

You're saying that driver was driving recklesly through the pits that endangered others. If track officials were aware of this behavior and did not take action. They would be in some part responsible if the driver repeated his reckless driving and injured another party. The track has a reasonable responsibility to protect others in the pits by eliminating this hazard. The same holds true for fighting. If an individual with a known history of violence is allowed access to the track and or pits without any sanctions by the track, the track would in some part be liable for their lack of action if this person injures another party. Any lawyer would have a field day.

09-22-2011, 04:25 PM
Your right except a fine will hurt a them a little bit ,the only way to truly hurt them alot is DO NOT let them race! plain & simple! yes the car counts might drop a little but the ones who want to race will be able to race... you get suspended and and let them explain that to thier sponsors,family and so called friends , WHY? ... the track owners ,officials & anyone else in powerr need have to take charge and resolve all of this nonsense. ALL, and I mean ALL of this crap starts from a so-called, "non-call" on the track... you go and race at other tracks and there are no questions asked ,you dump someone and you go to the back ,you do it again and you get parked !!! (accidental or on purpose would NOT matter then,would it?)(therefor people would race cleaner and leave a little room),( also you would see cleaner side by side racing for a change.) Lets face it any can dump anybody, anytime they want ,THAT'S NOT RACING!!! Now to make this work there can not be ANY favoritism #1 !!! and #2 the ONE making the calls has to know what he is doing , I personally think the car counts would go up !!! It all stems from on the track...as I see it ,in the pits almost everyone helps each other out. Someone needs to change this quickly before we lose more good people that race at the "HEAD" JMO....Artie

09-22-2011, 04:37 PM
damm security should never open the gate till all cars are in there pit stalls :help:

09-22-2011, 09:31 PM
So was all this rumblin goin on as a result of the BB 19 and 00 or the LM 35 and 17x???

09-23-2011, 09:58 PM
no rumbling from the 19 or the 00 just words exchanged and we moved on...no rumbling from the 17 and the 35 either. it was 2 seperate rumblings from other teams and families.

09-24-2011, 10:19 AM
You got a sh%t deal from that one Rob, you should've hit'em harder when you started demo'in.

09-24-2011, 04:21 PM

So the answer to this is for drivers to take things into their hands on the track, and retaliate harder?

That is what started the big brawl during the LM race.

From what I can see at least the BB drivers stood above the screaming mob, and kept their situation on an adult level...NOT letting things get out of hand. For that they should be commended.

09-25-2011, 04:26 PM
You got a sh%t deal from that one Rob, you should've hit'em harder when you started demo'in.

Cuz of that thinking for the 2nd week im fixing my car 08 & 77 the week befor then the 19 & 00 and that one was 2x in one race by lap 3

09-26-2011, 04:39 PM
I got to experience some more of this nonsense of this firsthand in the Saturday Enduro. During the 4 cyl. I was stuck behind a guy who was slower than me but had decided to continually block me and cut down on my nose going in to 1 and 3 when I had position on him. After several laps of this I got more aggressive, maybe too aggressive in hind site and we got together with him taking the worst of it, of course the second I got by him he retaliated and spun me, ending any shot I had at a top 10. After that it was settled I pulled up to him on the red flag tried to explain myself and we ended it there and agreed to stay away from eachother. Then out of nowhere some guy, who turned out to be the other drivers son, ran up to me still under the red flag and started screaming at me and threatening to find me outside the track and "mess" me up. That kind of stuff is ridiculous, there's no need for it. What happened on the track had nothing to do with this individual yet he felt the need to threaten me with violence, what the hell? I know it's "just an enduro" but even in the lower ranks that kind of crap in un-necessary. Guys like this who just want to get off by being macho and starting fights don't belong on a race track.

Theres not much the track can do about "screening" enduro drivers before hand, with an open entry system idiots are bound to show up, but it would have been nice for the track crew to at least get this guy away from my car. Beofre anyone says anything about them being too busy tending to the injured, the track crew had plenty of time to yell at the same individual when he was pulling out the fender on his dad's car but not when he was about to throw his helmet through my windshield.

09-27-2011, 01:26 AM
T-BONE some of the worst offenders of these fighting rules are in the Top 5 in points, EVERY YEAR. Take their points away and they will not fight or go into anyone elses pits. You go through your mental rolodex and look at the people that were fighting in the pits this year. Then look at each division. Right it's mostly the teams that are in the Top 5 in points. It would be a start.

09-27-2011, 03:47 PM
t-bone some of the worst offenders of these fighting rules are in the top 5 in points, every year. Take their points away and they will not fight or go into anyone elses pits. You go through your mental rolodex and look at the people that were fighting in the pits this year. Then look at each division. Right it's mostly the teams that are in the top 5 in points. It would be a start.

its worth a shot .but how many points? To little or to much and you could still end up with a fight . But your car count would stay the same.(i think?)

09-28-2011, 01:15 AM
I say take the maximum amount of points you can for the night. Penalize them with a win. If they get in an on track altercation and they only recieved 4 points that night, why wouldn't they go start a fight. If you always take away the maximum amount of points this will stop.

09-28-2011, 02:51 PM
ALL, and I mean ALL of this crap starts from a so-called, "non-call" on the track... you go and race at other tracks and there are no questions asked ,you dump someone and you go to the back ,you do it again and you get parked !!! (accidental or on purpose would NOT matter then,would it?)(therefor people would race cleaner and leave a little room),( also you would see cleaner side by side racing for a change.) Lets face it any can dump anybody, anytime they want ,THAT'S NOT RACING!!! Now to make this work there can not be ANY favoritism #1 !!! and #2 the ONE making the calls has to know what he is doing , I personally think the car counts would go up !!! It all stems from on the track...as I see it ,in the pits almost everyone helps each other out. Someone needs to change this quickly before we lose more good people that race at the "HEAD" JMO....Artie

I agree Artie!

How about start using the black flag, the ONLY time I see it used is on the 81 and 88:mad:. Why is that?:help:

If the DRIVERS handled the stuff in the pits like the 35 and 17x LM's did on the last night of the season,they talked it out between themselves NO CREW, NO FANS!

If you put down 1 lap for stopping on the track AND getting towed off the track like the 81 SPT on the only DP of the year, DO IT FOR ALL unlike a certain Charger I saw this past year stop in 3 and 4 right by the officials and for some reason he didn't get put down a lap. Why is that? CONSISTENT CALLS :help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help::h elp:

If they're going to start taking points better take from anyone and everyone that has issues in the pits!

If they're going to fine you and start you in the back for 2 weeks DO IT TO EVERYONE

When someone pits I see an official drive down with the cart and ask if they're done for the night but when there might be action in the pits and the ENTIRE pit stands empty to go watch no official is to be found. I know they get paid like $25.00 a night but if they're going to hand out the fines shouldn't they be there to check out the action too and maybe stop things before they get out of hand.

09-28-2011, 03:26 PM
On track calls are hard to make. I wouldnt want that job .in the past i sworn someone did us dirty and then looked at the tape and i was wrong . Now i just wait for the tape !! Lol.anyway you look at it a fist thrown in the pits is unmistakable-------points/probation/kicked out/ something has to be done.

09-28-2011, 09:14 PM
just grow up and get over it..

ENuff said

*****ing on here and other places just causes more problems......(officials read this)

shut up and drive... crew memebers be quiet, settle it out on the track... get faster and get better.. they can't wreck you if they can't catch you..

I can't believe JA let this go 4 pages.... this is a first....

09-29-2011, 06:18 AM
face it the only way to fix it get people in place who want to fix it:help:

09-29-2011, 07:47 AM
anyway you look at it a fist thrown in the pits is unmistakable-------points/probation/kicked out/ something has to be done.

true statement, so im still waiting on to hear what happened with the fortins? there was no mistake on what everyone seen there, i didnt see either of any family member start in the back? there was no mistake that there were fist thrown. This is why everyone gets upset, last year there was a big brawl after a charger race and both drivers and crews were back next week as well without penalty. Officials have to step up and be consistent and have a no tolerance attitude no matter who you are!

biggest problem at this place is crews, wives, friends and family mouthing off. Can we just let the drivers take care of it and have everyone else shut their mouths in the stands instead of everyone else causing the problems and making it worse than it has to be? and for us drivers we have to stand up as well and threaten our crew, friends and family to control their actions as well.

09-29-2011, 08:56 AM
true statement, so im still waiting on to hear what happened with the fortins? there was no mistake on what everyone seen there, i didnt see either of any family member start in the back? there was no mistake that there were fist thrown. This is why everyone gets upset, last year there was a big brawl after a charger race and both drivers and crews were back next week as well without penalty. Officials have to step up and be consistent and have a no tolerance attitude no matter who you are!

biggest problem at this place is crews, wives, friends and family mouthing off. Can we just let the drivers take care of it and have everyone else shut their mouths in the stands instead of everyone else causing the problems and making it worse than it has to be? and for us drivers we have to stand up as well and threaten our crew, friends and family to control their actions as well.


09-29-2011, 12:04 PM
true statement, so im still waiting on to hear what happened with the fortins? there was no mistake on what everyone seen there, i didnt see either of any family member start in the back? there was no mistake that there were fist thrown. This is why everyone gets upset, last year there was a big brawl after a charger race and both drivers and crews were back next week as well without penalty. Officials have to step up and be consistent and have a no tolerance attitude no matter who you are!

biggest problem at this place is crews, wives, friends and family mouthing off. Can we just let the drivers take care of it and have everyone else shut their mouths in the stands instead of everyone else causing the problems and making it worse than it has to be? and for us drivers we have to stand up as well and threaten our crew, friends and family to control their actions as well.rog lets go to the truth, aft the wives fought as they were coming off the track, 10 min later it was an all out brawl in front of fortins pits with jerry, tim and shaun vs john, amber and john jr -punches haymakers, females pushed actually on the ground rolling ,shirts riped,and for a good 5 minutes at that, i commented the next week with fortin laughing that if it was any turbush, they would have thrown the book at us, we had a good laugh,
with amber starting on the pole the next sat and shaun starting up there also, and low and behold, it happened, spun out twice, no black flag for him, so i took it into my hands, get black flaged come off track, 3 crew members in my window net, rog clears them out, still no officals, so then 4 of them jump rog, to the ground, hitting him, his crew has no nascar lic, they showed up last night not nascar sanctioned, and then when ouur crew shows up to help rog we're the bad guys, right tim and the rest of you wannna be's, if you didnt see what happened on the track or when i came off then you need not put your 5 cents into this, when someone starts it we will FINISH IT if no officals come down and take the bad guys away, WE DO RESPECT the officals, but when they dont show, we will not stand around and get lumped up on, sorry not our nature, again we get the book thrown at us, and they look like angels, again johns not standing around watching his kids get punched and jerrys not standing around watching his kids get punched, again no officals for at least 5 mins. there angles, we're monsters, yea right!!!!!!!

09-29-2011, 12:22 PM
First of all Dan..... We were not even there in the weeks following the fight... so get your story straight...and of course we are gonna defend ourselves when we are attacked. so maybe get your facts straight.none of my family raced there the last three weeks:mad:And how do you know what the fines were? Hearsay. Don't compare oranges and apples. We will defend ourselves, just as you would yourself!!!!
Linda Solomito

09-29-2011, 02:49 PM
yea i had to inform him that shawn raced waterford the rest of the year and still finished 5th in points at RHD. But he wasnt trying to defend that incident, just compare the two and the penalties. the 84 and 34 able to start in their handicapped spots for the remaining races for the year.

09-29-2011, 04:45 PM
You hit the nail on the head roger about the crews/wives/friends/& family !! Just two drivers talking or yelling would stop most of this crap .

09-29-2011, 04:53 PM
Just out of curiosity there ACE who might be that certain charger car that wasn't put down a lap earlier in the season.

09-30-2011, 02:28 PM
Furdogg check your inbox.

10-01-2011, 08:49 PM
No two incidents are the same. We can't have one uniform rule for fighting and expect it to be reasonable in each instance. It would be nice if we had a set of officials who could analyze each situation and come up with a fair resolution, but thats a pipe dream. First and foremost, everyone should be held accountable for their own actions. Nothing aggravates me more than instances when women and kids get involved, get hurt, then cry that the men shouldn't have hit them. Certainly I'm not saying any of us should be hitting women or minors, but if you're gonna be an antagonist in a situation then you're forfeiting any innocence. Stay away.

Consistency is important also. We've all heard and been told a driver is responsible for his crew/family members. However the ONLY driver I can recall EVERY being held responsible for his crew/family was the 81 last season. That is blind discrimination and no one can argue it. I can list at least 5 people who have been suspended for their actions without their driver suffering any penalty.

10-01-2011, 09:30 PM
everyone should be held accountable for their own actions. Nothing aggravates me more than instances when women and kids get involved, get hurt, then cry that the men shouldn't have hit them. Certainly I'm not saying any of us should be hitting women or minors, but if you're gonna be an antagonist in a situation then you're forfeiting any innocence. Stay away.

so your saying if a woman, and i think this has actually happened, comes up to someone in the pits driver or crew member and says something they deserved to bepunched in the face? pushed? slapped? Cause in all honestly no MAN should be doing that sh!t that should be an automatic suspension for the year JMO

10-01-2011, 09:43 PM
so your saying if a woman, and i think this has actually happened, comes up to someone in the pits driver or crew member and says something they deserved to bepunched in the face? pushed? slapped? Cause in all honestly no MAN should be doing that sh!t that should be an automatic suspension for the year JMO

Like I said, no one should be hitting women or minors. But the safest way to not get hit is to not get involved. My cousin got mobbed by a group of about 10 people coming off the track this season. It was about 10 on 2 and afterwards a woman was complaining that she got knocked over and stepped on. The late model incident I heard a minor was complaining because he got punched in the scuffle. Both situations would not have happened if each individual just didn't get involved. Should someone be checking ID's while they're trying to defend themselves?

10-01-2011, 10:02 PM
Like I said, no one should be hitting women or minors. But the safest way to not get hit is to not get involved. My cousin got mobbed by a group of about 10 people coming off the track this season. It was about 10 on 2 and afterwards a woman was complaining that she got knocked over and stepped on. The late model incident I heard a minor was complaining because he got punched in the scuffle. Both situations would not have happened if each individual just didn't get involved. Should someone be checking ID's while they're trying to defend themselves?

No you do have a strong point and your right on some degree but a minor and a women are completely different women should never get hit involved or not thats just the way it should be and a lot of women at RR have bad tempers, bad attitudes, and love racing so they will get involved its inevitable but they should never get hit though matter what I saw a women hitting a guy on the last saturday night and he didn't do anything he was yelling and pissed but he didn't knock her out like we've seen one too many times in the pits...if minors are hit it sucks but w.e they got involved, they shouldn't your 100% right about that but they will i did as a minor and w.e ...its not like anythings gonna change im just saying...

Tower Man
10-07-2011, 09:18 AM
The rule book addresses conduct and fighting. No need to make another rule. The powers to be MUST enforce the rules to all, fairly and evenly. The head officials need to hold people accountable, including their friends and "Suppliers" of goods and services outside of the racetrack.

I am still on probation for being assaulted whereas the assaulter was praised by one head official. The assaulter by the way was found guilty in a court of law, and to the best of my knowledge, fined and given community service.

Until teams are held accountable for their actions the track will still see more police cars than Charger or Late Model cars.

We will be discussing this Monday night on the 5 Off 5 On Racing Show with this week's guest, Timmy Solomito. Tune in at www.inravio.com from 7 - 9 PM.