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View Full Version : twin 30 lap races

01-16-2012, 07:38 AM
how is this going to work? Will they have a break in between the second 30 lapper? What if someone wrecks in the first 30, can they go to a backup car for the second 30? or will they just throw a yellow/checker like they did when they needed to make up races in the past?

01-16-2012, 09:07 AM
Hated when they just threw the yellow/checker and then kept on going. Hardly twin races that way. Best way for the fans would be to have a real race, throw the checker, and have victory lane. Then run a feature or two and then bring the mods back out. And handicap them again! But I bet you, it's going to be yellow/checker and go green again. All for state champion points... That's the real reason they are doing it, so bet that's the way it will be.

Teds Race Tours
01-16-2012, 12:49 PM
if they don't do any kind of handicapping in between the races, it just like a continuation of the 1st race.

01-16-2012, 07:05 PM
thats my fear jim and thats what i was thinking the reasoning was too. It would definately be cool if they start off the show with a mod race or maybe even the second race of the night be the mods, then run a few more divisions like you said and then come back out for the second 30 lap race. I think that would make it more exciting for the fans as well as the drivers.

01-16-2012, 09:35 PM
Lap 30 the yellow will come out the leader gets credit for the win. Then we go back green from what i understand

maestri fan 1
01-17-2012, 12:10 AM
Just a suggestion. Why not do time trials, top 5 re draw and then the first 30 lap segment. Then have the winner pick a number out of a hat and that is the magic number for an inversion. Then run a few divisions in between, giving some wrecked cars an opportunity to make repairs and then have the second 30 lap segment as the finale for the night.

Teds Race Tours
01-17-2012, 03:23 AM
Just a suggestion. Why not do time trials, top 5 re draw and then the first 30 lap segment. Then have the winner pick a number out of a hat and that is the magic number for an inversion. Then run a few divisions in between, giving some wrecked cars an opportunity to make repairs and then have the second 30 lap segment as the finale for the night.

sounds good to me....with or without a time trial redraw.....the inversion would be the most important thing in making
this event truly an event.

01-17-2012, 08:18 AM
That would be great if they ran two seperate features but that's not gonna happen cause then they would have to pay to seperate purses.

01-17-2012, 09:09 AM
If there was to be a break inbetween the mod features,WOULDNT it be great to have the LEGENDS run in that time slot? The legends would get a larger crowd to put a show on for and a few night races.This would allow for the mods to make adjustments in this time period before the raced again..

just for thought........mab a rotating lineup from week to week for all classes besides mods instead of the same lineup every week....:cool:

maestri fan 1
01-17-2012, 11:48 AM
I think having the legends run in that slot would be a great benefit to the division. I think that there are people out there who aren't too familiar with that class and having them in between modified races would gain fan support, and possible new drivers. A little farfetched but you never know.

01-18-2012, 07:57 AM
good point furr, but why not cut the pay in half for both of the races. It will be the same total amount but just two different purses. for example the original payout would be.. 1st-1600 2nd - 1400 3rd- 1200 etc... change it so the first 30 laps is 1st-800 2nd- 700 3rd-600 ... second 30 laps the same pay 1st-800 2nd-700 3rd - 600 and so on. Just makes it truly a "twin 30 lappers".

01-18-2012, 03:50 PM
You'd have to impound the cars and have a tire rule. Otherwise it'll be all about the haves vs. the have nots. You'll have guys bolting on four fresh ones for the 2nd 30 lapper. That would make the cost to run a Modified weekly double, and the purse will remain the same.

This is being done to give one of our competitors a chance at winning the state championship. You'd have to ask Justin but had he ran one more race he would've won the State Championship and it pays pretty good $$$. He couldn't win it because he didn't have enough starts.