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03-11-2012, 08:13 PM
Why was the 88 dq'ed

03-12-2012, 08:02 PM
he was DQ `ed for several post race rule infractions . sorry thats all you will get from us!!

03-12-2012, 08:37 PM
Sorry, Anthony.......but we're not going to release information unless the driver does it first.....you can message/call Scott to get the answer you are looking for, but we're not going to air out anyone else's problems for all to see....

The most we can and will say is exactly what Rick said here......technical rule infraction(s).

We would specify if it was a technical ruling, procedural ruling, etc....but we won't be releasing all information.

03-12-2012, 09:03 PM
Just a guess on my part but the #88 crew spent lotta time milking that vacuum gauge.....................:rolleyes:
Since were talking about technical and procedural rules infractions, you let an outa control driver dictate the outcome of this last race...............................:disgusted
He hit everything except the flagman. The race should've been red flagged and this driver removed from the race.....................:mad:
If this continues your gonna have drivers taking matters in their own hands........just saying................:help:
UNCLE PETEY.................:wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:

03-15-2012, 11:38 PM
It's not like we're asking for ss# or medical records? Why the big secret when it comes to DQ info?

Erin C
03-16-2012, 07:53 AM
We leave it up to the driver, if he wants to say why he was DQ'd then he can...if he doesn't want to then so be it.

03-16-2012, 07:13 PM
I'm still not sure why it is such a secret. Not with this DQ specifically, but with all of the DQ's. What is the problem with you (tech) telling us, wouldn't it avoid the rumor mill and the problems and exagerations that go along with that? Weird, but now I want to know why you won't tell us more than the reason for the DQ itself! Thanks. (By the way, I'm not angry if it comes across that way, it sort of sounded that way to me when I proof read my own writing).

03-16-2012, 11:21 PM
Parisi , I dont know if your going to be allowed on the forum anymore... proofreading what the heck is that around these parts. lol :lol:

03-17-2012, 04:39 PM
Sorry, shood hav noon bitter.

04-01-2012, 01:02 PM
I still don't know why DQ info for any race is a secret? Can anyone give me some insight?

04-01-2012, 09:35 PM
Well to answer the original question. Because he was illegal. Frankly if you bring a legal car to the races. Why does it matter why car 88 was illegal. phil

04-02-2012, 10:26 AM
I am NOT trying to find out why the #88 was DQ'ed. Honestly - I don't care why. My question is a general one and has nothing to do with the #88. When someone gets DQ'ed from any enduro race, why is the info not public to the rest of the racers? (Otherwise, it is only rumors you hear, and I'm sure the rumors get more flavor each time they are told). That's all.

04-02-2012, 10:27 AM
It isn't any secret Mikey, the #88 didn't pass the engine vacuum test................:(
There may have been other infractions but getting DQ'ed for one violation brings the same penalty as ten..............:eek:
UNCLE PETEY...........................:wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:

04-02-2012, 10:33 AM
Thanks Uncle Petey. Is it just a courtesy thing to the driver? If so that's ok with me - just trying to find out why dq info is private. (not why the #88 was DQ'ed).

By the way, I want to say sorry #88 - I'm not picking on you, just looking for a generic answer on something I always wondered about over my enduro years.

04-02-2012, 09:13 PM
I wanted to know because when I saw the November race I thought the 88 sounded evil. So when I heard he was dq'ed I kinda had an idea but wanted to know.

Erin C
04-03-2012, 07:49 AM
Hey Mike,

It is not a secret...we do it out of respect of the driver. He was DQ'd because he was illegal, we don't want to go pointing out to everyone what exactly was wrong because sometimes getting DQ'd is embarrassing. If he wants to tell anyone why he was DQ'd, that's on him...but we won't be the ones to say it first.


04-03-2012, 10:47 AM
Thanks - that's all I was wondering. I appreciate the respect to the drivers - makes sense. :applause:

04-03-2012, 02:27 PM
Don't listen to'em Mikey.....................:rolleyes:
If it was me that got DQ'ed it would be on the six oclock news..................:eek:
UNCLE PETEY..........................:wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:

Erin C
04-03-2012, 03:02 PM
Hahaha...Petey, if you were DQ'd you would be the first one to say what was wrong...not us! ;)

04-04-2012, 07:55 AM
Awe come on Uncle Petey, it was on the 6 O;Clock news the time you DIDN'T get DQed. :lol: :lol: :lol:

04-04-2012, 08:55 AM
Hey Mike,
we don't want to go pointing out to everyone what exactly was wrong because sometimes getting DQ'd is embarrassing.

Take it from a guy who has been embarrassed outa victory lane too many times...............:rolleyes:
UNCLE PETEY.................:wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:

04-13-2012, 10:55 AM
Victory Shmicktory....

Poor Uncle Petey has gotten the bad rap at just about every place he goes simply because the NAME "Cheaty Petey" has a catchy tune to it..... Uncle Petey knows racing...but the only thing he knows better than that is how to use our rules to his advantage! Those pesky little grey areas that exist in every venue's rules are sometimes unavoidable.... The problem is, you can fix one and open up several others in the process!

Uncle Petey knows that the obvious way to out-perform his competitors is not by sticking the biggest motor in his car....it's beat 'em at their own rules! Petey get's the short end of things in tech most of the time because most tech officials and speedway officials seem to lose focus when Petey pulls up into victory lane and start to believe that Mr. Petey Was a cheater, IS a cheater...MUST BE A CHEATER TONIGHT TOO!!! DQ.... Instead of reading their own rules through and through....and finding those hidden grey areas that, once found, make you think "NOW THERE IS A GAP IN OUR RULES!!!", they jump to the conclusion that they found something they don't understand and don't want to seem like they don't know what they're looking at...

NEETS....are we any different? Yes and no... We have our grey areas in our rules.....in the massive 60+ pages, yes there are still grey areas.... But, we approach technicalities differently... Instead of looking at something quickly and judging it by its cover, we will take the time to look it over, discuss it, research it if necessary and do what it takes to assure legality or illegality. The last thing I want to hear is "Your tech official didn't even look at the part...he just said no." Rick takes his time to understand new glitches and such, explains them to me...with the driver in question... and we figure out whether the part is intended to be a performance part or is simply installed because there is no other alternative...

Although many of you DON'T want to hear me say this....our rule book will only get thicker... Once this season is over and based on how well the turn-outs from each race go, we will determine what rules that are in place now need to be altered/removed... The NEW RULES will come from YOU THE DRIVERS!!! Here's a simple example... "Joe, I didn't see this in the rules...are quick disconnect steering wheels ok to use?" As simple as it goes....that is something that must be added to the rules next season...when it does, the book gets longer. A bigger rule book doesn't always mean MORE STRICT RACING...more clarifications and allowances will expand the book more than anything. Procedural rules...a section of the book that explains PRE-REGISTRATION...points distribution...all of which small details can be found on pages on our website are simply put in writing for each driver to have and be able to carry with them all at once. This way, when there is a tie for the championship position after the final event...well, go look up Section 709.3.4.4...it can be that simple.

The rule book was written this way to allow for ease of use.... We can simply quote a section of the rules to identify legality or illegality of a part so the driver is clear to what would need to be corrected to bring the car into compliance. Telling a driver, "If you want to know where it says that, go read the rules" is a way of saying..."I'm not to sure where it says it in our rules, but I'm pretty sure it's in there". I'm positive that every driver wants the guy with his finger on the button to be "Pretty sure" about things...and not be able to tell you where it is in the rules, how it is being interpreted, how the application is not right and what would need to be done.....yep, positive! LOL!

Mike, in kind of what Erin was saying...yeah it can be embarrassing to some to get the ultimate black flag at the end of the race....and it can be a way of other drivers using it against him. You race with the #88 at other venues yourself.....if you were to take the intimate knowledge of his DQ to another track...go to the tech inspector and say, "Hey watch out for the #88, he's been DQ'd for XYZ reasons with NEETS", now that driver gets the bad rap before he even has a chance to prove himself. I'm not saying you personally would do it, but anything is possible and other drivers have done very similar things in the past. "Joe, he got DQ'd at Diamond...you're not going to let him win that race are you?"..."He wins all the time at Riverhead, why did you DQ him? Are their tech guys missing something?" "He just won at Mountain this past week, what did he do illegal?" All of these are questions that you just can't answer.... Each track has separate rules, so you can't use the rules of one place to compare to the next. Our rule says 17" of vacuum, if another track uses 15" and that driver always just passes tech...he will probably be getting DQ'd with us and then he can go back to the other track and keep winning....car unchanged.

Out of respect for the driver and their reputation, we withhold the details. The driver may run out of tech screaming all of the reasons he was DQ'd...but at least we're not spreading anything that might turn into rumors... If anyone wants to know the FULL STORY about it....ask Scott himself. If he doesn't want to talk to you about it...that is his choice and you should leave it at that....period.

Thanks for reading.....LOL!

04-14-2012, 03:53 PM
Just a guess on my part but the #88 crew spent lotta time milking that vacuum gauge.....................:rolleyes:
Since were talking about technical and procedural rules infractions, you let an outa control driver dictate the outcome of this last race...............................:disgusted
He hit everything except the flagman. The race should've been red flagged and this driver removed from the race.....................:mad:
If this continues your gonna have drivers taking matters in their own hands........just saying................:help:
UNCLE PETEY.................:wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:
enduro racing just isn't enduro racing anymore.