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05-28-2012, 10:07 PM
I heard several times over the radio for certain cars to go in the pits for whatever different reasons. They were black flagged and warned over headset lots of times. How many times can u be warned before action taken? Or does everyone not have a radio and hear it? I am new at this (kinda) so I am wondering. If its something severe like the spilling gas should a red be thrown?

05-29-2012, 05:41 AM
From my personal experience, I would say that some times you can't understand who is being black flagged. They usually say the car number first and that gets my attention but I won't comprehend who it's for because I was concentrating on the race. If it isn't repeated I won't get it and neither will the driver that is being called. That, and some don't have "working" scanners.


PS: Congratulations the top ten and the win in the Ladies event.

05-29-2012, 09:47 AM
My scanner was only static when joe was talking I heard other people say the same thing

Erin C
05-30-2012, 08:34 AM
I was on the radio this time and I was told by several drivers that it was a big improvement from last race on the scanner versus when Joe is on it in the infield.

Also, I give 3 warnings before I start penalizing and it is wise not to let it get that far because I will stop scoring if driven to that point.

In the event of gas leaks, the car I was calling didn't have a huge leak but it was noticeable, if he didn't get off the track on my last call we were going to throw a red and remove him from the race ourselves.

To sum it up, if in the event of a gas leak we can and will stop a race if the black flag is ignored and you will not be able to continue whether the issue is fixed or not.

05-30-2012, 12:42 PM
This time around, the car that was leaking gas started leaking gas half-way through the race....typically we will see cars leaking fuel at the beginning of a race since the topped their tank off before the green.

We usually take a lap or two to verify by more than just one official that fuel is leaking before the black flag comes out...once we start to flag the car...they usually only get about three laps like Erin said.... IF somehow the leak starts to diminish, we'll usually stop trying to get the driver off the track and keep an eye out. However that is usually only the case early in a race, if a car suddenly starts to spray fuel out mid-race, there's a problem and the car needs to be taken off the track...

If the driver ignores the black flag for ANY REASON enough times, we may either stop scoring them or, worst case, throw a red flag; Red comes out, Driver exits vehicle ON-TRACK and the race continues... Bottom line...don't ignore the black flag.

Flat tires? When there is a flat tire on the RIGHT side of the car, the car will be black flagged....LEFT side will not be flagged until the tire comes off of the wheel entirely. Flats on the right side of the car are more likely to cause a rollover under high speeds through the turns.

05-30-2012, 01:05 PM
Thanks for the clarification guys. The radio sounded fine to me that's why I questioned it. This last race was a lot more event filled than the first. :)

05-30-2012, 07:08 PM
Joe I heard you at the begining of the race , but then all i heard was static but could tell someone was talkin maybe a bad channel ???