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View Full Version : Thank The Owners

06-28-2012, 03:23 PM
If you go into the pits, search out the team owners and thank them for all they have done.

They need to hear it.

06-28-2012, 03:51 PM
We will thank them by handing out $300 to every modified who shows up at Riverhead. Special thanks to the people who have donated 300 to the cause. Bascially 300 pays the way for owner/ driver and crew to get in. It's not much but it's the thought behind it that counts!

06-28-2012, 05:03 PM
Do you want an address where you can mail $300 to, Acadia ? :)

06-28-2012, 11:04 PM
We will thank them by handing out $300 to every modified who shows up at Riverhead. Special thanks to the people who have donated 300 to the cause. Bascially 300 pays the way for owner/ driver and crew to get in. It's not much but it's the thought behind it that counts!

Hi Jim,
For me, it actually is much. I'm living on a fixed income now, with Social Security and a pension of less than $300/month. After I lost a decent job of 20 years and 2 more companies that I worked for went out of business in 3 years, at 59, I found myself delivering flowers for a wholesale distributer for six years, making $10/hour with no benefits and no raise. Still, when I found out that the family that I became a race fan rooting for in the 1950's would be able to run the tour race at Riverhead this year, I found a way to come up with $300 as my small way to thank them. I also want to thank you for helping me to make it possible as without your efforts I surely wouldn't have done it on my own. I give you my sincere thanks.

JW buckley