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07-15-2012, 01:58 PM
i missed the race due to other commitments but reading various articles it seemed the built motor was so handicaped vs a spec motor that to me the future is going to be the spec motor granted mike won the race with a built motor but it seems like he had a bit of help when silk got tapped in the rear end to have a spec motor get the pole with the time that it did shows how chad little an nascar have an agenda on there minds and for the future of the mods

07-15-2012, 03:07 PM
I noticed silk added fuel at the pit stop. Did any other teams?

07-15-2012, 08:20 PM
I talked for about 10 minutes yesterday with Andy Santerre about the spec motor, and in that entire time he could only come up with one criticism of it. Remember, not only is this a super-intelligent race car builder, but he won four championships with a built motor.

The most impactful statement he made was essentially this ... "If the spec moter wasn't the better way to go, you think all of these guys here would still be running it?" And by those guys, he means JGR, Hendrick, MWR and so on - teams where performance is more important than saving a buck. Mr. Santerre can go on and on about the benefits. He said their maintenance on one engine per year is in the 5-6K range, including labor.

On the flip side of the coin, I also talked about 10 minutes with John Salemi as well, who would be considered a "low budget" team. He says straight up that the spec is what allows him to still show up at the track because of the affordability and durability. A guy that used to drive a built motor, he said as long as a driver doesn't excessively overhead the spec, it will last a long time.

So, now we've reached the part of the part of the program where you all tell me all the reasons why the Mods are different than the K&N, and how it will never work with the Mods, its junk, so-on and so-forth.

chrome horn
07-15-2012, 09:26 PM
LIMod...I saw the 52 add fuel

07-15-2012, 09:40 PM
LIMod...I saw the 52 add fuel

58 did too

07-15-2012, 10:52 PM
I noticed silk added fuel at the pit stop. Did any other teams?

Jim, you wouldn't want to run a full cell if you didn't have to. The burning off of fuel (about 124 lbs) changes weight distribution greatly as the race goes on, especially here. You can make the whole race topping off the cell but with the halfway break, why do it.

07-16-2012, 08:15 AM
I talked for about 10 minutes yesterday with Andy Santerre about the spec motor, and in that entire time he could only come up with one criticism of it. Remember, not only is this a super-intelligent race car builder, but he won four championships with a built motor.

The most impactful statement he made was essentially this ... "If the spec moter wasn't the better way to go, you think all of these guys here would still be running it?" And by those guys, he means JGR, Hendrick, MWR and so on - teams where performance is more important than saving a buck. Mr. Santerre can go on and on about the benefits. He said their maintenance on one engine per year is in the 5-6K range, including labor.

On the flip side of the coin, I also talked about 10 minutes with John Salemi as well, who would be considered a "low budget" team. He says straight up that the spec is what allows him to still show up at the track because of the affordability and durability. A guy that used to drive a built motor, he said as long as a driver doesn't excessively overhead the spec, it will last a long time.

So, now we've reached the part of the part of the program where you all tell me all the reasons why the Mods are different than the K&N, and how it will never work with the Mods, its junk, so-on and so-forth.
Nope, this is where we tell you that the spec motor is only "the better way to go" from a performance standpoint because Nascar has tweaked the rules to make sure it has an advantage.

07-16-2012, 12:30 PM
I talked for about 10 minutes yesterday with Andy Santerre about the spec motor, and in that entire time he could only come up with one criticism of it. Remember, not only is this a super-intelligent race car builder, but he won four championships with a built motor.

The most impactful statement he made was essentially this ... "If the spec moter wasn't the better way to go, you think all of these guys here would still be running it?" And by those guys, he means JGR, Hendrick, MWR and so on - teams where performance is more important than saving a buck. Mr. Santerre can go on and on about the benefits. He said their maintenance on one engine per year is in the 5-6K range, including labor.

On the flip side of the coin, I also talked about 10 minutes with John Salemi as well, who would be considered a "low budget" team. He says straight up that the spec is what allows him to still show up at the track because of the affordability and durability. A guy that used to drive a built motor, he said as long as a driver doesn't excessively overhead the spec, it will last a long time.

So, now we've reached the part of the part of the program where you all tell me all the reasons why the Mods are different than the K&N, and how it will never work with the Mods, its junk, so-on and so-forth.

I didn't know that Santerre, JGR, Hendrick, MWR and so on were now running cars on the WMT, there presence will do wonders for the exposure of Whelen's product........ Oh wait, they are not apart of the WMT.

When a dictatorship forces it's people to buy a product from the itself and then tilts the playing field against it's competition eventually the competition will be eliminated and all that is left is goverment and the people's dependence on it. That's not America, that's communism.

07-16-2012, 12:47 PM
When a dictatorship forces it's people to buy a product from the itself and then tilts the playing field against it's competition eventually the competition will be eliminated and all that is left is goverment and the people's dependence on it. That's not America, that's communism.

Does that make what happened on Saturday the Miracle on Pavement? Where was Al Michaels screaming "Do you believe in miracles!?!?!?" as Mike Stefanik crossed the finish line? They should have had Brad LaFontaine draped with an American flag crying on the flag stand like he was Mike Eruzione or something.

The Communist Spec Motor. That's funny stuff. Ron Silk should start talking like Ivan Drago, Rocky IV style in post race interviews. "I must break you."

"My name is Silk. I am driver from Soviet Union. I drive all my life and I am never lose. Soon I race Mike Stefanik, and world will see his defeat. Soon, whole world will know my name. I defeat all driver."

chrome horn
07-16-2012, 01:00 PM
Does that make what happened on Saturday the Miracle on Pavement? Where was Al Michaels screaming "Do you believe in miracles!?!?!?" as Mike Stefanik crossed the finish line? They should have had Brad LaFontaine draped with an American flag crying on the flag stand like he was Mike Eruzione or something.

The Communist Spec Motor. That's funny stuff. Ron Silk should start talking like Ivan Drago, Rocky IV style in post race interviews. "I must break you."

"My name is Silk. I am driver from Soviet Union. I drive all my life and I am never lose. Soon I race Mike Stefanik, and world will see his defeat. Soon, whole world will know my name. I defeat all driver."
HAHA!!!! Love it Shawn

07-16-2012, 05:26 PM
Does that make what happened on Saturday the Miracle on Pavement? Where was Al Michaels screaming "Do you believe in miracles!?!?!?" as Mike Stefanik crossed the finish line? They should have had Brad LaFontaine draped with an American flag crying on the flag stand like he was Mike Eruzione or something.

The Communist Spec Motor. That's funny stuff. Ron Silk should start talking like Ivan Drago, Rocky IV style in post race interviews. "I must break you."

"My name is Silk. I am driver from Soviet Union. I drive all my life and I am never lose. Soon I race Mike Stefanik, and world will see his defeat. Soon, whole world will know my name. I defeat all driver."

Like the majority of the Main Stream Media, you wouldn't know communism if it bit you in the tush. You find Silk (no where mentioned or hinted at in my post) as the problem and not the source of the communism..... I'd be scared of them to if I was looking for press passes. To be fair, I shouldn't lump you in with the MSM, afterall a blogger is not the real media. :)

07-16-2012, 06:00 PM
you tilted the rules to favor the spec motor let the spec motor run the same gear and restrictor plate as the built motor and see how it does
as far as santerre running a spec motor when you have more consessions given to you to run it then you will as far as the old bush north / k&n teams running the spec motor they had no choice if i remember rite the built motors were to be phased out in favor or the spec motor and if the built motor could not be competitive under the rules given spes vs built then as a team you will go to the spec motor you have no choice so dont say santerre saw it as a better motor he saw it as a better motor because of the tilted rule package

07-16-2012, 06:05 PM
The Communist Spec Motor. That's funny stuff. Ron Silk should start talking like Ivan Drago, Rocky IV style in post race interviews. "I must break you."

"My name is Silk. I am driver from Soviet Union. I drive all my life and I am never lose. Soon I race Mike Stefanik, and world will see his defeat. Soon, whole world will know my name. I defeat all driver."
Funny thing is, I can hear Silk saying that, accent and all. lol

NSSR (Nascar Soviet Socialist Republic) vill crush you!

07-16-2012, 06:06 PM
So still unhappy people... I can't believe it.
I can say, NASCAR IS NOT FAVORING a spec motor at this time in the WMT. Period.


07-16-2012, 07:17 PM
remember wayback when the bush north /south started to use the V6's and you had a few north teams that were loyal to the V8's the dion brother come to mind well nascar tilted the rules package in favor of the V6's so much that the V8's were no longer competitive so every one switch to the V6's with nascars help in the theory to save the teams money did not work more blown motors and then nascar pulls the plug on the motor leaving teams with useless hunks of iron
thats whats happening here tilt the rules to favor a nascar built okayed product

07-16-2012, 07:25 PM
nascar is favoring the spec motor when they give them a better gear bigger restrictor plate bigger carb
gear the built motor so it cant produce the rpms needed that it was built for and giving it a smaller plate and smaller carb so it cant breath as well
let the spec motor run the same carb same plate and the same gear as a built motor what do you have a dog of a motor ask johnny bush when he tried to run the spec motor it could not compete so yes nascar is favoring the spec motor

07-16-2012, 08:08 PM
bingo great post

07-16-2012, 08:14 PM
csammy, I'm not much interested in the mechanics of race cars anymore but it sounds like you just described trying to "level the playing field". Is it possible, judging by the finish at NHMS that maybe they were fairly close to doing that? I'll admit it didn't look close after TT and the first 50, but it is the last laps that count. Maybe with a few more "tweaks"?

07-16-2012, 08:37 PM
look what leveling the playing field did in cup super speedways cars dont have the hp any more so all you do is wait for the big one 2 car tandem drafting you need a partner to shove you to the win
racing is not about leveling the playing field you go out to win remember when stefanick won all those races and championships on the tour same with steve park won a lot of races in the 8 car the best car and drivers won they were not handicaped with a rules package tilted against them over all i see nascar is screwing up this division just like they did with the bush north as far as the tweeks go give back the built motors what they need there old rules package

07-16-2012, 08:51 PM
Oh, OK. My bad.

07-17-2012, 05:20 PM
Like the majority of the Main Stream Media, you wouldn't know communism if it bit you in the tush. You find Silk (no where mentioned or hinted at in my post) as the problem and not the source of the communism..... I'd be scared of them to if I was looking for press passes. To be fair, I shouldn't lump you in with the MSM, afterall a blogger is not the real media. :)

I love how anybody having any opinion that differs from the marauding lynch mob you’re part of means that person must be a zombie being totally controlled by the people you think are the enemy. Really, I don’t agree with you what you think so that must mean I have ulterior reasons for having that opinion? Do you have any clue what a simple and ignorant moron you make yourself sound like by saying that? I’m guessing with that sort of “If you’re not with us you’re against us” philosophy on life that you have that next you’re going to tell me that Hitler sort of had a decent plan until it got a little messed up?

And trust me, the whole “blogger” thing, doesn’t bother me at all, though I’m sure someone as ignorant and moronically simple as you thinks it burns me right to the core. I worked as a professional journalist for the best newspaper in Connecticut for 19 years and in that time I did many things I’m quite proud of. I made a decision to leave to start something because it’s a challenge I wanted to take. If you think calling me a “blogger” and saying I’m not part of the real media is an insult, it just shows what a jackass you truly are that you feel like you have to sink to taking personal shots at someone simply because they don’t agree with your opinion. Pathetic.

07-17-2012, 06:37 PM
I can say in my personal opion nascar is favoring the spec motor.Just ask some very unhappy owners there opion. David Hill and thats my opoin.

07-17-2012, 07:26 PM
I can say in my personal opion nascar is favoring the spec motor.Just ask some very unhappy owners there opion. David Hill and thats my opoin.

welll i guess we have the answer from the people that count now dont we???????????

07-17-2012, 07:49 PM
look what leveling the playing field did in cup super speedways cars dont have the hp any more so all you do is wait for the big one 2 car tandem drafting you need a partner to shove you to the win
racing is not about leveling the playing field you go out to win remember when stefanick won all those races and championships on the tour same with steve park won a lot of races in the 8 car the best car and drivers won they were not handicaped with a rules package tilted against them over all i see nascar is screwing up this division just like they did with the bush north as far as the tweeks go give back the built motors what they need there old rules package

You do know that the plates at Daytona and Talladega had nothing do with "leveling the playing field"? Of course some of the revisionists still try to claim that plates Loudon were so the the Mods would not go faster the the Cup cars.(which did not race there until 3 years later. and the mods were still actually faster than both the Busch and Cup cars when they first raced at Loudon, and were always faster at Martinsville so that conspiracy theory does not hold up)

07-17-2012, 08:48 PM
MJProcko & ShawnCourchesne:
Both chill out....
NOTE: I am not hesitating anymore to sit people out of the forum for a week or two if the personal attacks keep up...

I totally agree with what you deleted and may be mentioning it myself if the run-on posts keep up. It makes it very hard to read for sure....

Thanks for pointing that out to some.....

07-17-2012, 09:24 PM
You can find a story that is kind of from the owners perspective at: www.lowellsun.com/motorsports. A story with quotes from the engine manufacturer at Yates, Chad Little, Bryon Chew and Silk is in this week's Area Auto Racing News. I hope this helps.

07-18-2012, 02:24 AM
You can find a story that is kind of from the owners perspective at: www.lowellsun.com/motorsports. A story with quotes from the engine manufacturer at Yates, Chad Little, Bryon Chew and Silk is in this week's Area Auto Racing News. I hope this helps.

Wow.... Two motorsports journalists in just a few days whose head is communication with his.......... Kevin Rice and Patrick Reynolds I salute you.

07-18-2012, 03:30 AM
MJProcko & ShawnCourchesne:
Both chill out....
NOTE: I am not hesitating anymore to sit people out of the forum for a week or two if the personal attacks keep up...

I totally agree with what you deleted and may be mentioning it myself if the run-on posts keep up. It makes it very hard to read for sure....

Thanks for pointing that out to some.....


Out of respect for you, Howie and the other good folks involved with TCH that I truly respect I guess I owe you an apology. I did not know that returning what I thought was good natured ribbing by calling someone a "blogger" was the equivelant of calling someone a "ignorant moron", "jackass", "Pathetic" and even a nazi sympathizer. I will do the honorable thing and suspend myself from posting for a week, this will get me back in time to get my picks in for Riverhead.

As for Shawn,
I don't take your attacks personally, I actually find them rather amusing. After listening to you on the Speedwayline report show a few weeks back I realize our two views on the sport I've loved from birth and how to improve it will probablly never mesh. When Ricky and Renee voiced their concerns about the added costs for this and next season, your response was basically 'no one is making you show up'..... it's your opinion, this is America and your entitled to it. We just disagree. If I run into you at Bristol next month I buy you your beverage of choice and we can chat about modifieds.

See ya all in a week.

07-18-2012, 08:44 AM
I totally agree with what you deleted and may be mentioning it myself if the run-on posts keep up. It makes it very hard to read for sure....

I hesitantly deleted the post. I did not want it to be misinterpreted as malicious.

Bob T. Racer
07-18-2012, 11:22 AM
Not sure i want to comment on here because lately people that do are called morons or what have you. But here we go- as a former owner i got out of racing because of all the money saving things NASCAR was putting in. #1- At the time i had a 23 degree motor that NASCAR said in the next few years would be illegal because they were going with the 18 degree motor, i didn't have the $30-40 thousand to buy a new 18 degree. #2- NASCAR decided to go with one tire company to supply tires. Little did they realize for ALL the racers, that Goodyear and Hoosier were the racers biggest sponsors. I was on a Hoosier deal, so i couldn't afford the 150 tires i was alloted each year.#3- Right around the same time we found out that down the road they were going with one gas company, again one of the racers biggest sponsors. As you can guess, i was on a Sunoco deal at the time. Why give tires and gas away when everyone has to buy it. Hoosier and Sunoco were great to work with and i hope i helped them with all the testing we did for them. That's why people that think they know it all, should own a car before they bad mouth ANYONE. Even with all the sponsor help we got we still put in over $80 thou a year to race. I can't even begin to think about what it would cost today!!! So for now all the money i saved when i got out (after NASCAR was going to save me money) i'll watch the dwindling fields from my motorcoach until it's all over but the *****ing! All i know is there will be alot of happy Valenti guys when the tour guys have to give their $50-60 thou motors away for peanuts. Oh and don't forget about all the rear ends that are going to be no good. And by the way, WE COULD afford to keep going but decided to spend our money on other things.

07-18-2012, 03:36 PM

Out of respect for you, Howie and the other good folks involved with TCH that I truly respect I guess I owe you an apology. I did not know that returning what I thought was good natured ribbing by calling someone a "blogger" was the equivelant of calling someone a "ignorant moron", "jackass", "Pathetic" and even a nazi sympathizer. I will do the honorable thing and suspend myself from posting for a week, this will get me back in time to get my picks in for Riverhead.

As for Shawn,
I don't take your attacks personally, I actually find them rather amusing. After listening to you on the Speedwayline report show a few weeks back I realize our two views on the sport I've loved from birth and how to improve it will probablly never mesh. When Ricky and Renee voiced their concerns about the added costs for this and next season, your response was basically 'no one is making you show up'..... it's your opinion, this is America and your entitled to it. We just disagree. If I run into you at Bristol next month I buy you your beverage of choice and we can chat about modifieds.

See ya all in a week.

Please understand. I am only trying to avoid where things would go based on previous threads and posts by all in the forum. I just want some respect by all to others opinions, right or wrong.
No need to sit out on this for a week.

07-18-2012, 07:25 PM
amazing Shawn is allowed to Say that stuff.................. where is big brother.......lol...... oh I get it....


07-18-2012, 09:13 PM
Bob T said a lot of good things, I can't count all the current owners who have told me "they can't afford to have Nascar save them any more Money" Last week was a good example, instead of a Thur/Sat show, we had to be there Th/Fr/Sa. I know it is the same time span but before if you lived within 200 miles, you could go home & work Fri. Most of the teams are in that range. I don't want to get into the V6 BS with the Busch North/Busch Series but that was another Nascar Money Saver!

07-21-2012, 03:26 PM
more wood for the fire how many of you readers think doug colby would of won the sizzler if he ran a spec motor seeing that santerre and salemi said the worst thing going for the spec motor is over heating correct me did not colby have an issuse with his motor running hot due to a subway wrapper stuck in the radiator grill hot to the point he might of had to come in the pits while leading

Rich Mergl
07-21-2012, 03:30 PM
But Stafford Springs doesn`t sell Subway hero`s !

07-21-2012, 10:37 PM
nascar threw subway wrappers??????.....lol I think Howie might have a pic of chad buying subway grinders for the whole nascar crew!

07-22-2012, 12:05 AM
try to buy a spec motor from ryr engines they have none to sell you right now !

07-22-2012, 12:44 AM
try to buy a spec motor from ryr engines they have none to sell you right now !
Why not enact the same rule the tire suppliers face-if you are going to be a supplier, you must have enough available for every team that shows up for an event? How is it fair if not everyone has access to this thing that gets the red carpet rule slanting? Maybe they need to let the built motor have 830cfm carbs instead of the 390cfms until there's enough toys ready for all the teams. All the other car owners might go broke waiting for the cost savers to become available. Every part in that spec motor can be purchased through GM sans ID code for a total cost several thousand less than you can purchase a kit from NASCAR.....................as Arte Johnson used to say on the old Laugh In show "Very Interesting"

07-22-2012, 04:55 PM
My question is why not spec motor rules package so any motor builder can supply them?

07-22-2012, 09:06 PM
My question is why not spec motor rules package so any motor builder can supply them?Simple. NASCAR is probably getting a kickback from RYR. JMO

07-23-2012, 10:24 AM
I can say in my personal opion nascar is favoring the spec motor.Just ask some very unhappy owners there opion. David Hill and thats my opoin.

it all goes back to what Bob G/ and david hill are saying.those are the guys nascar should be listening too.wake up nascar.if rick hendrick and jack roush had something to say would nascar listen.you bet.so listen to the owners.how stupid can u get.

07-23-2012, 10:30 AM
how stupid can u get.

You don't really want to know the answer to that question, do you?

07-23-2012, 12:54 PM
You don't really want to know the answer to that question, do you?

me bad,i knew the answer.

07-27-2012, 06:43 PM
I believe they need to send a couple of these spec motors to TC for an honest evaluation. I'm thinking if NASCAR. Wants a win with one of these its there shot!

07-27-2012, 07:28 PM
ryr does not have any in stock right now

07-28-2012, 04:21 PM
Nascar must have a couple laying around.....lol.... Im thinking no sandbagging with Ted....